



英国品牌SEAL SKINZ-------防水专家

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发表于 2012-7-31 22:38 1 显示全部帖子 | 倒序浏览
本帖最后由 CTR-李溪桥 于 2012-8-2 14:38 编辑

Sealskinz is an independent company specialising in fully waterproof, windproof and breathable hand, foot and head accessories. We currently manufacture and sell a range of socks, gloves and hats for specialist and enthusiast Sports, Outdoor, Cycle, Marine, Country and Equestrian markets, alongside our Duty products for the Emergency Services, Military and Industrial Personnel and approved Wudhu socks. SealSkinz uses patented technology for the socks and knitted gloves, and we are committed to developing new and innovative products for current and existing markets. We are extremely proud to manufacture over 50% of all our product range by hand in the UK, with factory, warehouse and office facilities in Kings Lynn, Norfolk.
We are totally driven by your feedback, and will always aim to listen to what you, our customer needs, whether it being changing the design or adding totally new products.  Please feedback to us, we like to listen!  This year we have added the Winter Handle Bar Mitten, Sporting Glove and Peaked Beanie as a direct result of your comments.
We work alongside key people in all of our markets, from figures in the public eye, to people that use our products day in, day out and others that excel in their sports.
We are a company who enjoys being outdoors and understands the demands of ever changing and unpredictable weather!




SEAL SKINZ在大中华区的品牌推广工作有加储(上海)贸易有限公司承担。

seal skinz.jpg

36人 评分 查看全部评分
5人点评 收起
发表于 2012-8-1 15:46 2 显示全部帖子
mmmwkb 发表于 2012-8-1 07:45 价位如何呀

发表于 2012-8-1 15:46 3 显示全部帖子
mmmwkb 发表于 2012-8-1 07:45 价位如何呀

发表于 2012-8-2 09:56 4 显示全部帖子
awanpmjadb 发表于 2012-7-31 22:47 OR好呢还是这个好呢。。。

都是很好的品牌,侧重点不大一样。SEAL SKINZ专业做防水。
发表于 2012-8-2 21:29 5 显示全部帖子
徐凌云 发表于 2012-8-2 10:00 谁给翻成中文吧,费劲。

1人点评 收起
发表于 2012-8-2 21:32 6 显示全部帖子
smalldi 发表于 2012-8-2 21:25 东西不错,价格太贵,贵的我想死的心都有

发表于 2012-8-3 09:39 7 显示全部帖子
深蓝2829 发表于 2012-8-2 13:33 俺也不懂汉语拼音呀,这是玛雅文字么?

发表于 2012-8-7 14:59 8 显示全部帖子
满手都是炸 发表于 2012-8-3 21:55 这个是不是参展了啊,我貌似还收了一双手套呢。

发表于 2012-8-8 13:49 9 显示全部帖子
清风微扬 发表于 2012-8-3 19:07 在专业户外品牌中的确存在着进入中国后的水土问题  我想贵品牌也不会独善其身的 国人的消费能力有 消费水 ... ...

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