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发表于 2013-3-25 16:20 119 只看该作者
美丽的四川蓬安太阳岛月亮岛: 天下生态奇观 蓬安百牛渡江 https://bbs.8264.com/thread-1657415-1-1.html
发表于 2013-3-25 16:17 118 只看该作者
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发表于 2013-3-25 10:24 117 只看该作者


发表于 2013-3-25 10:23 116 只看该作者
本帖最后由 四川山水如画 于 2013-3-25 10:23 编辑



发表于 2013-3-25 10:22 115 只看该作者
本帖最后由 四川山水如画 于 2013-3-25 10:22 编辑

天下生态奇观     蓬安“百牛渡江”景点简介

   嘉陵江在流过美丽的蓬安县城后,由于江水的冲刷,泥沙的沉积,形成了80余万平方米的太阳岛和50余万平方米的月亮岛两个巨大的江中岛屿。每天清晨,江边农家的水牛为了上岛吃草,成群结队地涌向江边。一百多只牛在江中若隐若现,健壮的公牛或在前面带路,或在后面护卫,小牛趴在妈妈的背上,场面[color=#000 !important]比温馨。它们如同一支训练有素的队伍,时而一字长蛇阵,时而成扇形散开,队形几经变化,数分钟便游过了五十多米宽的江面。夕阳西下,牛群又会一起游回对岸的家中。人们把这种生态奇观称为“百牛渡江”。众所周知,牛在人们的心目中,是任劳任怨、埋头苦干的典范和写照。然而,在蓬安看过百牛渡江生态奇观后,你会更深刻地体会到,牛其实还具有勇往直前、团结协作、无私奉献等更多的优秀品质。(邓四平/文图)

An Introduction of scenic spot

Hundreds of [color=#000 !important]BUFFaloes crossing River

      Jialing River flows through the beautiful Pengan County, due to erosion by water, deposition of mud and sands, now there formed two big river-islands which about 800,000 square metres Sun-Island and about 500,000 square meters Moon-Island. Every morning,buffaloes of the
         farmers gather in crowds and flock spontaneously to the river for eating grass.More than 100 buffaloes loom in the river , strong bulls lead the way in front or guard in the rear , calf lying on the mother's back, and the scene is very sweet. They are like a well-trained troop, their outline sometimes like a snake, and sometimes like a fan.After several minutes,they swim across the river with more than 50 meters.At dusk, the buffaloes gather again spontaneously, and swim back home by across the river.This ecological          wonder is known as Hundreds of buffaloes crossing River.As everyone knows, the images of [color=#000 !important]CAT
tle are
bear hardship without complaint and work hard with quiet. However, after you watch the ecological wonder ofHundreds of buffaloes crossing River in Pengan, you will relize deeply that the cattle have more excellent qualities such as advance bravely,unity,cooperation and selfless dedication.


发表于 2013-3-25 10:11 114 只看该作者

发表于 2013-3-25 08:37 113 只看该作者
发表于 2013-3-25 00:04 112 只看该作者
发表于 2013-3-24 19:35 111 只看该作者

发表于 2013-3-24 19:34 110 只看该作者

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