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发表于 2018-10-13 14:13 9 只看该作者
崇幄 发表于 2018-10-10 23:46

发表于 2018-10-13 10:56 8 只看该作者
梦中闲人 发表于 2018-10-12 18:02 这山禁止攀登啊


1人点评 收起
发表于 2018-10-12 18:02 7 只看该作者
1人点评 收起
  • cq-dobly 没有禁止吧! 目前国内禁止攀登的山峰好像就只有2个,神山冈仁波齐和梅里雪山。 2018-10-13 10:56
发表于 2018-10-11 00:00 6 只看该作者
Zhou helped to remove Yan’s pack, unwedged him, clipped him into a rope, and then climbed out to set up a pulley system. However, Yan apparently began to panic, shouting and gathering up the rope, during which he fell a further five meters into a pool of water. Zhou descended again and managed to attach another rope to Yan, who was now unconscious and breathing poorly.

发表于 2018-10-10 23:50 5 只看该作者

South Chulebos Massif, Peak ca 5,861m, ascent and tragedy
China, Xinjiang, Central Tien Shan

Climbs And Expeditions
Author: Bruce Normand
Climb Year: 2012
Publication Year: 2013
On July 9 the internationally recognized Chinese alpinist Yan Dongdong was killed in a crevasse fall in the Central Tien Shan. Yan planned to make the first ascent of Chulebos (6,769m), the highest point of a 25-kilometer unbroken crest immediately to the west of the Xuelian Massif (AAJ 2009). He decided it should be possible to approach the Chulebos Massif from the south, and with two regular climbing partners, the accomplished Zhou Peng and filmmaker Li Shuang, forced a tortuous route up a long glacier north of Aksu, one valley east of the glaciers that drain the south side of Peak Pobeda (Tomur Feng).

On their fourth day the climbers explored two different cols, from which they found themselves looking down dangerously broken slopes to further long and crevassed glaciers draining north, still some 12 to 15km distant from Chulebos. Discovering a climbable peak close to the more easterly pass, they decided to aim for this as a consolation prize. They spent a full day pioneering a route up snow and ice on the northwest face, and after a bivouac on the summit ridge they reached the top and descended.

At 6:15 p.m. the three had reached 4,400m and had packed up their camp. Only 100m down the glacier, Yan fell unroped more than 20m into a hidden crevasse. Zhou lowered a rope and climbed down, finding Yan to be badly injured and drifting in and out of consciousness. Communication was poor.

Zhou helped to remove Yan’s pack, unwedged him, clipped him into a rope, and then climbed out to set up a pulley system. However, Yan apparently began to panic, shouting and gathering up the rope, during which he fell a further five meters into a pool of water. Zhou descended again and managed to attach another rope to Yan, who was now unconscious and breathing poorly. Zhou reascended, but his efforts to extract Yan were to no avail, and after his pulley system stripped the remaining rope, he had no way to descend again. After spending the night by the crevasse, Zhou and Li were unable to detect any sounds from Yan, and surmised that the Chinese mountaineer had died during the night from his injuries.

The peak ascended by the three Chinese was subsequently given the unofficial name of Yan Dongdong Feng (5,861m, 42°03’15” N, 80°23’40” E). See “In Memoriam” for more about Yan, one of the foremost figures of modern Chinese alpinism.

Bruce Normand, China
发表于 2018-10-10 23:46 4 只看该作者
cq-dobly 发表于 2018-10-10 17:52 这么有名的雪山,进出也很方便,海拔也不高,居然一直没有国人登顶,去尝试的人都不多,无法理解!如果此山是在在欧洲 ...

1人点评 收起
发表于 2018-10-10 18:59 3 只看该作者
发表于 2018-10-10 17:52 2 只看该作者
2人点评 收起
  • 海饼干x 不是没有登 而是难度太大了 我自己就在上面接近5k海拔住过2天 任何人去登都是拿命在登 现在不比80年代 全球变暖对低纬度雪山伤害太大了 上面全是陡峭易碎的岩壁 当年他能登上去 也是因为运气好 接连大雪给冲顶那段陡 ... 2019-1-10 15:07
  • 海饼干x 回复 海饼干x 2019-1-10 15:12
  • 崇幄 国人放不下两件事,生死和名号,所以在进行这种性命攸关的事时不能做到心无杂念, 另一个关键就是缺乏可持续的传承和培训体系,导致很多人基本功都不扎实,更别说大岩壁混攀这种高阶技能的掌握 还有很多人是因为好 ... 2018-10-10 23:46
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