



美国大陆的第一缕阳光 一个人两辆车的环美之行(二)

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发表于 2024-4-28 13:39 1 显示全部帖子 | 倒序浏览

这篇游记,首次完稿与2020年3月31日深夜,赶在时间点前完成,是有特殊的意义的,因为在我的四月生活计划的清单中,完成环美行北上段落(第一章)的两篇游记,包括这篇游记是我必须完成的任务,我 成功 了。

这篇文章之所以用英文写的原因,说来有些可笑和无奈,我的英文写作水平也不好,全文没有语法可言,词汇也用的不得体,请各位看官切莫笑话,只是因为一来最近要用英语,练手复习英文单词;二来,写完后,我才发现,用英文写是个“聪明”的选择,因为这篇游记中所经历的地方,是我环美行中所遇见最美的海岸线风景: 科德角 ,瓦尔登湖, 波特兰 的公园,凯迪拉 克山 的日出, 阿卡 迪亚,Quoddy 灯塔 ......这里还有我遇见的最美的艺术品,哈佛艺术博物馆、麻省理工艺术博物馆、 波士顿 艺术博物馆.....而这些所见,我的文学功底也太差,我拼命的想写出像《红楼梦》中曹雪芹描写大观园的那些“一山一石,一花一木,莫不着意观览”的“穿花度柳,抚石依泉”,然而我面对它们,却无力修辞这些美丽景象,用些英文的幼稚词汇,倒是遮盖了我的词穷。



D18 科德角 ( 梭罗 写下:一个人在站这里,可以把整个 美国 放在身后的地方)
D20 哈佛和MIT的艺术博物馆
D21 瓦尔登湖
D22 波特兰 (这里有 美国 等最美海边 灯塔 )
D23 阿卡 迪亚国家公园( 美国东海岸 线的最高峰和最美日出~凯迪拉 克山 )

Previously on

I set off from Williamsburg, Virginia, where I worked and studied, and then I made my journey, heading north, all the way to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, and the Appalachach Trail on foot. In Washington I entered the White House and the Pentagon, and in Philadelphia I enjoyed the Eagles concert. In New York I sUCCessfully sold my goods in Chinatown. Next, I continued to go north until I arrived in the United States. Northeast corner, then into Canada.

D18 Rhode & Island Providence

In the morning, I woke up from a car by the sea ,and I didn't dare to get up too late because I was looking forward to seeing the sunrise on Cape ***.

This is a 2KM long road leading to Cape Cod, where there is a lighthouse.

I have been very nervous on this road, as if it were some kind of belief, I told myself: I must reach this lighthouse before sunrise。

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发表于 2024-4-28 13:39 2 显示全部帖子
So, I walked fast because the sunrise was approaching, even though I knew the weather was bad today, I still had some expectation.

I have to say, this is a long journey, and I am wearing slippers, which is not easy to walk in the sand

发表于 2024-4-28 13:39 3 显示全部帖子
Eventually, I finally saw it, the lighthouse at the end of the trail, and a house

The door of the small lighthouse is locked, and some introductory manuals are also stored here, including notices calling on people to protect the lighthouse.

The turn next to the lighthouse is the sea. I want to say that the ocean is more accurate. The fog is heavy. I look down. I see a silver line on the coastline.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:39 4 显示全部帖子
Taking a closer look, it was a whole piece of dead sardines, very long and long.
With a *** ’s really amazing, it makes a painting

I was shocked, by the coastline here ,in such a quiet early morning.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:39 5 显示全部帖子
So I sat down and just admired everything in front of me. It was foggy and I couldn't see the sunrise, but I already felt the temperature of the sunrise.

Suddenly I turned around and the sun had appeared in the mist.

Later, at the Prudential Center in Boston, I recalled this wonderful experience:
“我便往回走,寻觅之前走来的脚印,对了,无论是穿着拖鞋还是赤着脚,再这走着都没法舒服起来。寻着回去的脚印,发现寻不着了。来的时候,我相信我留下的应是清晨的第一个脚印,其他便是昨晚留下的车辙和不知名的动物脚印。雾比来之前散了许多,但仍看不清绵延远处的沙漠小道。我眺望了一片似干涸的沙地,好像如我所意似的,一辆 皮卡 开过来,载我出去。”

发表于 2024-4-28 13:39 6 显示全部帖子
I stayed for a long time as if I had completed some kind of ritual. When I went back to the house, I noticed the house here. I thought the staff lived here. Later I learned that this house can provide accommodation for tourists, but you need to make a reservation in advance.

The road back was still a long way. I was a bit tired but had good luck. The car that had just stopped in the house drove out, and I took her car to the intersection of Sand Road. On the way, I learned how she booked here.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:39 7 显示全部帖子
I went back to the inner part of the island. Here is a cabin for a security officer. There used to be people going out to fish for whales. Whenever there was danger, the security officer would start rescue from here. The story is told and happened here.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:39 8 显示全部帖子
I continued to walk back to the visitor center. It has n’t opened yet, so I took a bike ride along the coast bike path here, it ’s beautiful.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:39 9 显示全部帖子
I bought postcards and stamps as usual. The staff here were very warm. There was a small movie room here. When I walked outside the building.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:39 10 显示全部帖子
I was able to See a unique mangrove forest, but the ocean in the distance is invisible due to the thick fog.

I was expecting the fog to dissipate, but it didn't happen, so I left with a little regret. It was unexpected that the weather became better after I left. On my way around the island, I was surprised to find a bicycle race here.

Then I came to this small town. This is Provenceton. The city itself is very interesting. Besides the old houses, it is full of art. Of course, it is also a famous gay city

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