


死亡率与14 座8000+完成者

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发表于 2011-4-16 18:34 1 显示全部帖子 | 倒序浏览

据说难度更大的是:贡嘎和卡瓦博格么?  如果梅里对外开放的话,应该不至于现在是处女峰吧???????

This past winter, ExplorersWeb ran the "Killer Mountains" series. They became some of our most popular articles. The series investigated the summit/fatalities statistics of the 14, 8000ers. But which of the 14 is the deadliest? And - more important - how dangerous are the mountains after all? Below a summary of the statistics, and a few other interesting stats to consider, when asked why you want to kill yourself.

Our 8000ers, from most dangerous to least dangerous, summits vs. deaths:

1.Annapurna (8,091 m) 安纳普尔纳峰

   In total, only 130 climbers have summited Annapurna, while 53 have died. The overall fatality rate is thus 41%.
2.Nanga Parbat (8,125m) 南迦帕尔巴特峰

   216 climbers have summited Nanga Parbat and 61 have died. The overall fatality rate thus 28.24%.
3.K2 (8,611 m) 乔戈里

   Fewer than 200 climbers have summited the world's second highest peak – 198 total. 53 have died. K2's overall fatality rate is thus 26.77%.
4.Kangchenjunga (8,586 m) 干城章嘉峰

   To date, only 185 climbers have summited Kangchenjunga and 40 have died. The overall fatality rate is thus about 22%.
5. Manaslu (8,163 m) 马纳斯鲁峰

    To date, 240 climbers have summited Manaslu and 52 have died. The overall fatality rate is thus 21.67%.
6.Dhaulagiri (8,167 m) 道拉吉里峰

     To date, 313 climbers have summited Dhaulagiri and 56 have died. The overall fatality rate is thus 18%.
7.Makalu (8,485 m) 马卡鲁峰

    To date, 206 climbers have summited Makalu and 22 have died. The overall fatality rate is thus about 11%.
8.Gasherbrum I (8,080m) 加舒尔布鲁木I峰

   Since 1958, only 195 climbers have summited Gasherbrum I and 21 have died. The overall fatality rate is thus 10.77%.
9.Shisha Pangma (8,027m) 希夏邦马

    To date, 201 climbers have summited Shisha Pangma and 19 have died. The overall fatality rate is thus about 9.5%.
10.Everest (8,848m) 珠峰

   Today, Everest has hosted close to 2,000 sUCCessful summits. 179 people have perished giving a fatality rate of 9.3%.
11.Broad Peak (8,051 m) 布洛阿特峰

   A mere 255 climbers have summited Broad Peak and 18 have died. The overall fatality rate is thus 7%.
12 Lhotse (8,516 m) 洛子峰

    To date, 243 climbers have summited Lhotse and 11 have died. The overall fatality rate is thus about 4%.
13  Gasherbrum II (8,034 m) 加舒尔布鲁木II峰

    As for GII, a total of 650 climbers have summited the peak and 17 have died. The overall fatality rate is thus 2.62%.
14.Cho Oyu (8,188 m) 卓奥友峰

     To date, about 1,400 climbers have summited Cho Oyu and 35 have died. The overall fatality rate is thus 2.5%,
发表于 2011-4-17 10:33 2 显示全部帖子
一笑而过的张三 发表于 2011-4-17 10:09 为什么要开放梅里呢?难道人类真的要到“拔剑四顾心茫然”的地步吗? ...

山是属于这个地球的每一个生物的,为何偏偏要有国家来限制她呢? 很奇怪,什么进山费,什么进山许可.....

发表于 2011-4-18 17:04 3 显示全部帖子
飞禽走兽 发表于 2011-4-17 15:45 回复 冰-山 的帖子峭壁、太陡、破碎、风力过大。。。。,还有攀登的上升高度也比珠峰还高1千米。 ...

发表于 2011-4-18 17:04 4 显示全部帖子
发表于 2011-4-23 22:23 5 显示全部帖子
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