本帖最后由 flairfrog 于 2012-12-19 20:56 编辑
本来想买个三合一,哥伦比亚,tnf,狼爪的看来看去没什么相中的,今天去montbell店里看到羽绒内胆的,穿着真暖和,想弄一件,一问价,4000多,完全不考虑。。淘宝也没搜到我看到的,谁能推荐个其他品牌的 买三合一的原因是,办公室太热,只能穿一件,我连保暖内衣都不穿,直接一个薄毛衣或衬衫,外面穿个羽绒服或毛呢大衣,三合一直接脱就行了,不用脱两件,现在想弄件这两样之外的,就看好冲锋衣了,能防水防风透气就好,羽绒服洗太麻烦了,偶尔冬天出去玩也行,一般不会有大运动量,所以不需要很专业的,春秋能把内胆拆下来,骑车防个雨啥的
- Climaproof® Storm waterproof, breathable coating keeps the rain and snow at bay; durable polyester fabric stands up to outdoor use
- Hood features volume adjustments
- Full-length stormflap secures with snaps and blocks the wind
- Zippered chest pocket holds small items secure; zippered handwarmer pockets offer a warm refuge to cold fingers
- Rip-and-stick cuffs keep the cold out
- Liner down jacket features 600-fill-power goose down and feathers for warmth and comfort; durable nylon construction stands up to wear and tear
- Hood keeps the cold out
- Zippered handwarmer pockets round out features
- Closeout