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发表于 2015-1-20 15:39 31 只看该作者
自由之巅 发表于 2015-1-19 11:16 我们用掉了身上所有编制类的装备,于凌晨5点回到了乱石堆,我们各自的两只手臂极度酸疼,也是因为平时的 ... ...

不错 支持
发表于 2015-1-20 17:56 32 只看该作者
自由之巅 发表于 2015-1-16 15:15 前言    那一年的11月29日我最好的学生、知己、合伙人,也是我最好的搭档柳志雄登顶幺妹峰不幸遇难,在 ... ...

享受一路户外美景及其艰辛之快乐啦  学习之楷模呀
发表于 2015-1-20 17:56 33 只看该作者
自由之巅 发表于 2015-1-16 15:23 计划中我们想对贡嘎山域做一个了解,并为日后能更多的开发一些少人问津的山峰做准备,这次与我(李宗 ... ...

享受一路户外美景及其艰辛之快乐啦  学习之楷模呀
发表于 2015-1-20 19:10 34 只看该作者
发表于 2015-1-20 20:33 35 只看该作者
自由之巅 发表于 2015-1-16 15:15 前言    那一年的11月29日我最好的学生、知己、合伙人,也是我最好的搭档柳志雄登顶幺妹峰不幸遇难,在 ... ...

发表于 2015-1-21 01:23 36 只看该作者
发表于 2015-1-21 07:48 37 只看该作者
发表于 2015-1-21 09:30 38 只看该作者
首先祝贺楼主,但看了楼主的登顶线路图,我还是没明白楼主此次攀登的具体线路,因为此山美国人Duncan Francis曾尝试,但似乎遇到了不可逾越的困难,It proved amazing, like Skye in winter but without the rain. There were pinnacles, knife-edge crests, snowfields, and a series of seeming dead-ends that always provided a way onward. The wild, tangled summits of western Sichuan and Tibet, and the peaks of the fabled Minya Konka range, gradually came into view as we ascended. We dug out small snow platforms for tents just below the crest, at ca 5,300m, and next morning set out for the summit. At ca 5,500m we were brought to a halt by a gaping cleft in the ridge, unseen from below. Overhanging rock ahead and right, and sugar snow over steep slabs to the left, put an end to our hopes.,这段描述的地貌与楼主照片有一定差异,于是我猜想你们爬的可能不是同一条线路,我贴上他们的线路图和照片,楼主可以参考一下



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发表于 2015-1-21 09:33 39 只看该作者

Baihaizi Shan (5924m), Lamoshe Massif. This massif is just east of Kangding town. Early explorers named them the "Mountains of Tatsienlu." The highest peak is Lamoshe, which was first climbed by an American party. One of the other 5800m peaks has been climbed by a New Zealand expedition, but Baihaizi Shan, the second highest peak, remains unclimbed. [Photo] Tamotsu Nakamura
发表于 2015-1-21 09:43 40 只看该作者
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