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发表于 2017-2-25 00:53 1 只看该作者 | 倒序浏览
本帖最后由 dol528phin 于 2017-2-25 01:42 编辑


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发表于 2017-2-25 00:54 2 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dol528phin 于 2017-2-25 12:45 编辑

Chapter Two Alpine Etiquette

In the mountains you are always a guest. Nomatter how “at home” you feel, one of the most important aspects of backcountrytravel is to take only photographs and leave only footprints.


Part of being a guest in the mountains issharing it with other hikers—even if it doesn’t feel like it at times. Justbecause you can’t see other people doesn’t mean they’re not around. Never throwrocks off a summit. You never know if someone is hiking or climbing up belowyou, and the consequences of a rock hitting someone can be horrible, evendeadly. In 2007 a hiker threw a rock off the top of a cliff in Wyoming’s WindRiver Range, not knowing that Pete Absolon was climbing up the cliff below.After falling 300 feet, the 15-pound rock struck Absolon, killing himinstantly.

When hiking, always yield the trail tousers coming uphill. When they’re coming up and you’re going down, they’reworking way harder than you are, so find a safe spot to step off the trail andlet them pass. Hopefully everyone will do the same for you the next time you’reheading uphill. Every thoroughfare needs some sort of traffic rules or at leastguidelines. Yielding to uphill hikers is the only trail traffic guideline inthe mountains.

Be aware that during your wildernessexperience, others are trying to enjoy the same thing: a little solitude.Excessive yelling, whooping, or yodeling on the trail or the summit might befun for you, but it detracts from everyone else’s experience out there. Chancesare, they’re looking for a quiet day in the mountains, not the feeling thatthey’re in a sports bar full of noisy fans.


The mountain may seem like some giantindestructible thing, and in a lot of ways it is. But on a micro level, humanshave to be careful to not have a negative impact. Multiply the effect of oneperson by a few hundred or thousand and it can take a larger negative toll on the places we love.You might think that no one will notice if you leave a single candy bar wrappernext to a rock, but if every hiker thinks the same way, eventually the ideathat “it’s just a ______” will soon have the mountain looking more like theaftermath of a music festival than an inspiring peak.

Animals in the alpine environment have atenuous existence in this very harsh place, and your interactions with them caninterfere with their ability to survive. Although it might be fun to try tofeed a marmot or pika, the wild animals in the mountains can learn to bedependent on food from hikers and lose the ability to find their own food. Oncethe hiking season is over and humans stop coming to feed them, their inabilityto find food can affect their survival. Equally important, human food can beharmful to wild animals.

Don’t build unnecessary structures such ascairns or rock shelters. If the trail is hard to follow, a cairn can help, butgenerally, if you can see one cairn from where you’re standing, you don’t needto build another one. It’s common to see a rock shelter on a peak summit, builtfor hikers to get out of the wind while they eat lunch or during emergencies,but the summit doesn’t need to become a housing development. One such structureis usually enough.

Stay on trails when hiking. Shortcutting causeserosion, especially above 10,000 feet, where five footfalls in one day can killa plant. Enough people shortcutting a switchback over the course of a hikingseason can kill all the plant life anchoring the dirt in place, making thatpart of the mountain susceptible to damaging erosion or washing out in a storm.Trying to shortcut a talus or scree field can be very dangerous if you step ona loose rock and send it tumbling down on someone below. When you encounter apuddle on a trail, do your best to jump over it (or just walk through it ifyou’re wearing waterproof boots). Skirting it to the outside leads to the trailwidening.

It should be obvious that you need to pick upyour trash in the outdoors and not leave water bottles, food wrappers, andother items lying around when you leave. Although many people seem to think so,organic materials like orange and banana peels don’t biodegrade quickly; theystick around long enough to be an eyesore for everyone else for years. If youpacked in a piece of fruit, it’s not that hard to pack out the peel.

If you want to give back as much as you getfrom being in the mountains, pick up trash when you see it, whether it’s yoursor not. A little maintenance goes a long way, and if other people don’t seetrash on the trail, they will be less likely to leave their own. Think of it asa way to thank the mountain for allowing you safe passage.


Managing human waste is also important inthe high country. Some management agencies require the use of “wag bags” or“blue bags,” plastic bags used to carry out human waste on certain high-trafficpeaks. It’s not the most pleasant thing in the world, but you can imagine thatif the 10,000 climbers who attempt Mount Rainier every year didn’t use wagbags, the snowy peak would be a different color than white. And no one wants toimagine that.

When a wag bag isn’t required, always buryhuman waste in a cathole at least 6 inches deep, and pack out all toilet paper.If animals dig up human waste, they’ll often shred and scatter used toiletpaper, so it’s best to pack it out. Place a small amount of powdered bleach orlaundry detergent in a small zip-lock bag and keep it in your pack for disposalof your used toilet paper. Never burn used toilet paper in the high country—itcan easily start a forest fire in high, dry environments. If you’re comfortablewith the idea, learn to use rocks, sticks, and leaves for cleanup when you doyour business. It might take a little getting used to, but lots of people agreethat it’s better than keeping a zip-lock bag full of used toilet paper in theirpack all day.

When urinating, always urinate on rocks ordirt, not plants. High-altitude plants have a hard time staying alive in anunforgiving environment, and human urine can make them appetizing to animals.Alpine animals crave salt, and your urine contains salt. If you pee on plants,animals will eat those plants for the salt. In some areas, such as theEnchantments in Washington and on Mount Evans in Colorado, mountain goats havebeen known to stalk hikers, waiting for them to urinate—which can be a littleunnerving, to say the least.

We’re all guests in the mountains, and in thegrand scheme of things, we’re all just passing through. We owe it to all thepeople who follow us to the mountains months or years later to take care ofthose mountains so that others can have the same great experience.




作为山中过客,就是要与其他徒步者一同分享——尽管你在徒步的过程中并未感到这点。并非因为没有见到其他人就意味着没有他人的存在。在山顶的时候,永远都不要向下面扔石头。你永远都不不知道有些人正在向山顶攀登或徒步,而这样扔石头的后果可能非常糟糕,甚至是死亡。2007年,一名徒步者在登顶怀俄明州的风河山顶后,在不知道pet Absolon正在悬崖下方进行攀爬的情况下,在山顶悬崖边扔了一颗石子。石子在掉落300英尺后击中了Absolon,导致他当场毙命。













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