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发表于 2017-10-8 16:03 41 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.
06/05 Waterton--Chief mountain(美加邊界,boarder between Canada and US)--St.Mary約82公里
06/06 St.Mary--East glacier,來回冰川國家公園Saint Mary湖岸rising sun
那就離開往南吧,貫穿冰川國家公園的著名50英里道路日升大道(going to the sun road)遲遲不全線開放(東西各開放一段,但是中間最高處Logan pass仍在除雪工程)。這條我一直想騎的道路,真的有機會在這趟旅行實行嗎?
Going south through the Canada/US border from Waterton national park, the road wind up and down the prairie. Alone with the variable wind, the section is not an easy task.
Watertown town, located in the Waterton N.p., gathered all the facilities, also the campground. “Zoo”, I read a blog describes the busy and popular campground. I can not get one moment quite time here but magically the unguarded place is quite secure, other than the improperly stored food. And all the seesight in Waterton, except the long hiking trails, can be visited in a couple of days. It seems that it doesn't mean anything to stay here for a whole week, like I did in Banff n.p.
So let me keep my journey south, although the going to the sun road, which I really like to cycle, is not fully open. The 50 miles scenic road goes through the glacier national park, and is almost in the must-do lists of every cyclists. It's open in part of sections of east and west, but still closed for being plowed near the highest section--Logan pass, which means I could not go from east to west(or opposite direction) by the going to the sun road. Of course I could just cycle on the open section, but to arrange the trip is somewhat tricky. Is it possible to cycle on the road in this journey?
There are still lots of scenic roads in Montana, the state named for its mountainous terrain. And the going to the sun road is one of them. Just go and see, I could rent a car to finish the unfinished, and I did it before.


Chief mountain,美加海關位於右側山稜
middle Waterton湖
Two medicine湖
Waterton鎮區與跨越美加兩國的upper Waterton湖
冰川國家公園的Saint Mary湖
不斷翻越草坡的道路(Saint Mary)往南highway89
紅色峽谷(red canyon),原本為沉積海底的泥板岩
紅色峽谷(red canyon)
露營區有趣的警告標誌— 在 Waterton Lakes National Park

蜿蜒在脆弱石壁的山路(East glacier北方highway49),而石壁下方是柔美草原
发表于 2017-10-18 09:44 42 只看该作者
发表于 2017-10-27 19:57 43 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.
6/7 East glacier--Dupuyer 45英里
6/8 Dupuyer--大瀑布城 82英里

I camp in the community park(free of charge) with power plug in Dupuyer. Lucky to find here.
Endless grassy field. Want to lie down on it? Wait, check if there's any crushed glass bottle. Alcohol bottles, a lot of them on the roadside.
I smelled alcohol again, and this time is in a rest area about 1 mile north of Dupuyer. Dupuyer is a small village, just more than a hundred residents. But there's a restaurant, a bar attached of course. The alcohol smell came from a truck driver, quite scary! Maybe just individual/rare cases, but I have to focus on dodging the smashed glass bottles scattered on the road shoulder in US, not in Canada.
Moreover(I really hope that are another individual/rare cases), people tend to push the vehicle to the limit. Not only the speed limit by law(about 70 miles), but sometimes speed limit by the vehicle. The dual lanes highway no. 89 is somewhat a circuit, lies on a lot of corpses of marmot. Marmots bodies on the highway is not usual in Canada, and I don't think the reason is Canadian marmots are smarter.
By no means of comparing two countries, as I wrote” hope they are individual cases”. But I plan to take the bike trail describes on the next web:
This is not a separate bike lane. They just connect some scenic and less traffic highways as a bike route. Hope they are individual cases, not not to be seen on the bike trail.
发表于 2017-10-29 19:57 44 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.
6/10 Monarch--White sulphur springs(白硫磺溫泉鎮),騎車43英里,搭車10英里,ride 43 miles, hitchhike 10 miles
6/9下半天到6/10日騎的是景觀道路--kings hill byway,屬於美國州際公路89號一部分,文尾會介紹。先簡單說今天發生什麼事。
接下來簡介kings hill byway。這條景觀道路屬於美國跨州公路89號的一部分,北起大瀑布城東邊的Armington junction,南至我今天住的白硫磺溫泉鎮 (white sulphur springs),總長71英里。道路經過Helena-Lewis and Clark national forest,屬於美國森林局管轄的森林保護區,Helena是蒙大拿首府,Lewis and Clark是19世紀初美國第一組由東北探索到西北太平洋岸的領導人。由北至南,道路先沿者Belt小溪上行,接下來高繞Belt小溪的峽谷路段會穿過平坦的草原(真的很平),越過第一個海拔約1600公尺的高點後,道路景觀轉為深壑的峽谷地形,並陡下3英里至小鎮Monarch。之後道路繼續上溯Belt小溪,12英里至另一個小鎮Neihart的平緩路段是人口最集中的地區,許多優美的民房依山傍水而建。接下來道路坡度漸陡,再10英里到海拔7393英呎(2464公尺)的越稜點,之後植被由森林逐漸轉為草原,最後抵達白硫磺溫泉鎮。
I rode a scenic byway--kings hill byway in the two days. I will describe the highway briefly in the last section of the article. Let me tell you what happened today.
The “after tomorrow” weather is lasting. The most harsh weather condition will occur on next Tuesday, and the weekend shouldn't be very bad, although I could feel the temp is dropping. But I encountered two thunderstorms today. I found a bar in the middle of nowhere to escape from the downpour. The aged female owner, her two friends and I had a good chat there. The owner even made coffee for me(A coffee in the bar!) But I can't have my own food there, and the bar doesn't supply any food other than liquid bread.
I “was picked-up” soon after the second thunderstorm, which accomplish”ice tubes” came out from the sky. I didn't end up the driver's home. I was sent to a hotel, and to stay in the tourist town( white sulphur springs is famous for its curative effect) without reservation means no much choices, and also means to me to PAY UP! I got a hotel last night with breakfast, hot spa, and cyclists-only discount. Nothing in the hotel(other than the breakfast) today.
The next briefly introduced kings hill byway. It belongs to the US highway 89. North ends in Armington junction, east of Greatfalls. South ends in White sulphur springs. The 71 miles byway goes through Helena-Lewis and Clark national forest, named after the capital of Montana-Helena, and the first pioneers who travel from east of US to Pacific northwest in 19 century- Lewis and Clark. Ride from north, the byway switches along Belt creek, and soon goes up to a grassy land for bypassing the deep canyon of Belt creek. After passing through the first summit(about 1600 meters), the scenery becomes steep valley, and the road winds down 3 miles to Monarch, a lovely small town alongside Belt creek. The next 12 miles to another town-Neihart, along the creek is most densily populated section, and many characteristic houses built by the creek. Then another 10 miles uphill to the highest point of the byway, which is 7393 feet(2464 meters). Then almost all the way downhill to White sulphur springs, and forest gradually gives way to another endless prairie.

不同公路有不同開放時間。最著名也是唯一貫穿冰河國家公園的50英里日升大道(going to the sun road)冬季不除雪,約四月才開始除雪工程,一般需要十週才能完工並完全對機動車輛開放(除雪好一段開放一段,而不是完全除完雪才開放)。國家公園會隨時更新除雪與開放狀況。一般說來,日升大道對機動車輛開放時間約6月中到9月中,時間不一定,視除雪進度。
日升大道最高點為Logan pass海拔雖不及2100,但是冬季積雪可達4公尺。除雪工程分兩隊,分別由東西兩側向Logan pass除雪,東邊雖然距離Logan pass較近,但是Logan pass東側是大雪場,一般西側工程團隊會先通到Logan pass。
自行車不屬於機動車輛,所以全年開放,前提是你過的去,而從六月中旬到美國勞動節,部分路段在尖峰時段禁止自行車通過。在除雪工程期間,為了避免影響工程,道路會對所有非工程人員封閉。也就是說,雖然自行車理論上可全年通行,但是實際上仍視除雪進度而定。另外,在週末假日等非工作期間,自行車也是可以自由通行的。而自行車可以通行的距離(前面提過,除雪完多少通行多少)一般較機動車輛遠,但是在即將除雪到Logan pass的最後階段,東側僅能通行到Siyah bend,西側是the loop。
若不在意騎全程,除雪多少就騎多少,五月中旬過後的氣候已十分合適。若要騎全程,最佳時間是六月中旬前(未在尖峰時段管制自行車),東西兩個工程團隊都除雪除到Logan pass之後的這段非工作時間(未完工前即使東西兩個工程團隊都通到Logan pass,工作時間管制仍在),大約是六月上旬週末。但是,有時候除雪工程落後,無法在六月上旬就讓自行車東西橫貫騎行,就像今年…。
7393英呎(2464公尺)的 隘口
位於密西西比河畔的大瀑布城(great falls)的red eagle瀑布,已改建成水力站

发表于 2017-11-2 01:15 45 只看该作者
6/11 白硫磺溫泉鎮(white sulphur springs))--大廷伯(big timber) 94英里(94 miles)
相信我,自行車絕對是不會想騎上跨州高速公路,即使有寬闊路況良好的路肩,除非你很喜歡看橫死街頭的動物,蒙大拿速限80英里(約130公里)還算低的。但是在沒有替代道路的情況,或是跨州高速公路取代原有道路,自行車只能騎上跨州高速公路,這些狀況並不會禁止自行車使用。所謂替代道路指的是平行道路,而非需要翻山越嶺繞ㄧ大圈的道路。這些平行提到道路的名稱往往是:frontage road或old U.S xx(舊美國xx號公路)等。
蒙大拿是少數允許自行車使用跨州高速公路的州。但是我還是盡量使用平行道路。從89號景觀道路岔路口到大廷伯27英里,跨州高速公路沿者黃石河興建,沿路有許多釣魚場地(fushing access site)提供露營,但是它們無人看守,而露營費一晚18美金,但是我最小面額鈔票是50美金,而且找不到地方換錢。我不想知道不付錢的下場。
夜已深個頭,太陽都還沒下山。只不過住免錢合法的也好。約半小時後,有輛露營車來了,駕駛跟我一樣傻眼。我把手機借他聯絡露營場地主人,電話有通但是閘門還是沒開。有些年紀的露營車駕駛是『網路導遊(internet travel guide)』,工作內容大概是上網po照片寫遊記
接下來兩天是明天過後的重頭戲,找了旅館乖乖躲起來不出門囉。接下來由號稱美國最美公路的熊牙公路(beartooth highway)前往黃石國家公園。
94 miles in one day, exhausted.
The plan wasn't this, but the plan went south with me. I should find a campsites after the junction of highway 89 and interstate. But I failed. Let me briefly introduce the regulations for bicycles on the interstate highway.
The thumb of the rule is “cyclists should avoid using the interstate highway.”. And it's forbidden in most cases. Believe me, you don't want to cycle on the interstate highway, even on the well-maintained wide shoulder. Unless you like to see “dogs or mammots pancake” on the way. But there are still many exceptions. Montana is one of the states allows cyclists to use the interstate highway. Also, when alternative road is absent(“ alternative road” means a paved road parallels the interstate, not the one the cyclist need to detour for mush distance longer. The alternative road is usually name frontage roads or old road, and could be searched on google map.
Frontage road of Interstate 90, which I rode in most of time after the junction of highway 89, built along Yellowstone river, which lots of fishing access site provide primitive campground nearby. I found one unstaffed, but I don't have smaller note for the 18 dollars camping fee. No access to exchange for smaller banknotes, either. I don't want to know the consequences of failing to pay.
I arrived Big Timber on 8 p.m., and nearest campground is located 3 miles from downtown. I decided to have supper before heading there. I arrived at the campground at around 9:10pm, it was already gated for the night, but the sun was still above the horizon(the sunset time is about9:30pm.) I also saw a signpost to the late arrivers to overnight on the grassy field next to the gate. A free and legal campsite, why not?
A RV came at around 9:30pm. The driver was also suprised that the campground was gated. I lent him my mobil to call the campground office. The call was answered but he still have no accesse to get in. I had a little chat with the RV driver, also a internet tour guide next morning. A new friend and a free campground, these good things happened because I was too late to arrive, because something that should be a disaster.
After the camping day, comes two days of winter severe weather conditions. I stayed in Big Timber for this two days. After that, go to Yellowstone national park by beartooth highway, the one of the most scenic road in USA.

发表于 2017-11-2 13:12 46 只看该作者
6/14 大廷伯--雷德洛治 90英里
Big Timber--Red lodge 90miles
6/15 在雷德洛治
In Red lodge
6/13 下雪了。下了一整天,但是溫度不夠低,山頂積雪約10-15公分。
6/14 放晴了。蒙大拿州道路團隊乖乖除雪到州界。懷俄明的除雪到『世界最高商店』附近。留下約12英里未除雪。
6/15 到底為啥不把工作做完?全鎮的居民和不知何去何從的觀光客都在問,也許不是他們的錯,但是兩州的道路團隊應該共同努力讓道路暢通,而不是一邊除到州界,一邊除雪到最後有人煙的地方,是吧。『他們在除雪了,明天應該會全程開放』,官方答案如出一轍。對我而言,明天必過隘口,否則明晚的陰雨天氣可能又會埋下變數。
I rode the distance in Jun.14 which I usually split the distance to 2 days. It was not hard to ride 90 miles in that day because of the tail wind in the first half section, which is flat along Yellowstone river. And the difficulty section is only in the final 20 miles, rolling grassy hills with lots of steep up and down. I made to the private campground at 8:30pm in order not to be rejected to overnight there(which happened in Big Timber as the two post before.). It is a welcoming campground with budget cabins(with heat and plugs,no WiFi or bedding, non self-contained).
Back to the topic, why I am still in Red lodge today?
I got a information about road will reopen at sometime in Friday. But I didn't pay attention to it and thought of keep going today(Thursday). And the closure of Beartooth highway, which is also called “the most beautiful road of America”, influence lots of people, including tourists and townspeople who live on tourism, and me. The road is only open about 4 months in one year. Road closure when it should open and tourists floods to here, no way. Why the road is closed? There is some human factors other than the weather, described later.
I was at the private campground office door at around 7 am. The manager invited me a coffee. They should open in 8:30. And “coffee earlier than expected open time” change my plan.
The manager heard my concerns about keep going or stay here today, the I heard the complaints about how road closure hurts the campground business from the manager. She suggested me to make calls to understand how many snows on the peak to avoid being stuck there.
I called to public service and no surprisingly, I got nothing information constructively. The manager suggested me to phone the “top of the world store”, I got something reliable: Don't think about it, you cannot pass the peak before the road is plowed.
So where is the human factor of road closure? You have to understand beartooth highway crosses two states: east part in Montana and west part (including the beartooth pass) in Wyoming. Let's see the timeline:
June 13: Snowed almost all day but not so cold. Snow accumulation is about 3-5 inches.
Jun 14: Sunny and warm. Montana road crew plowed to the state line. Wyoming crew plowed to long lake, near top of the world store. Left about 12 miles unplowed.
Jun 15:Everyone is wondering why they didn't plow the whole road. Maybe it's not their fault. But the two states road crew should work together to open the road, instead of just doing their part, that's what most people think. Whatever, we are told they are plowing the last section. But we still know the Friday(Jun 16) night might be another snow day.
To me , I have to pass the peak, and not wait until to next possible storm in Friday

发表于 2017-11-3 22:12 47 只看该作者
熊牙公路路線概說:東終點雷得洛治,西邊起點黃石公園門口。全長68英里,次高點夏季滑雪中心3273公尺位於43英里,最高點熊牙隘口3337公尺位於38英里,世界最高商店位於30英里,Cooke city位於3英里。
6/16 雷得洛治--夏季滑雪訓練中心(海拔)--搭車到Cooke city 騎車25英里,搭車40英里
6/17 Cooke city來回熊牙隘口,單程35英里
6/16可以和干卓萬與比亞毫列為三大慘案,我必須攔車離開隘口附近的狂風高山草原。然後隔天天氣放晴,我不甘心的再騎回熊牙隘口,補完6/16因為天氣不佳未騎的路段。熊牙公路68英里本來是很單純的一個大上坡和一個大下坡,結果因為天氣狀況,6/16日我騎了東邊的上坡,攔車到西邊距離公路起點只有3英里的Cooke city,然後6/17騎了西邊的大上坡,等於兩天騎了兩個大上坡!
這個家庭是我這幾天遇到的第二個貴人家庭,另一個家庭請看相片。他們先載我到距離滑雪訓練中心13英里,隘口8英里的『世界最高的商店』。而被告知世界最高商店已無空房後,我有些掙扎的決定再往搭車前到Cooke city(原本計畫是在商店住一晚,翌日天氣好可返回隘口之後再慢慢前行),這也代表我似乎得搭車走完大部分的熊牙公路,加上上坡騎車,下坡搭車的反常運作模式,但是天氣狀況只能如此。商店老闆還一直安慰我說:你沒損失太多。當然我不會損失太大,隔天天氣好就往回騎了!
熊牙公路的美,主要在於它提供三種截然不同的景觀,從雷得洛治開始,首先沿者rock 小溪蜿蜒6英里,接下來道路在風化的落石區髮夾灣上坡,7英里抵達州界後,道路景觀變成像武嶺的高山草原,最後道路髮夾灣下坡到有三個直到七月才全部融化的湖泊的冰原,經過世界最高商店後,道路再度進入森林,著名的熊牙湖已在不遠處。
Important mileage on Beartooth highway:
Start point is Yellowstone gate on the east side, ends in Red lodge on the west side. 68 miles in total distance,
summer ski and snowboard camp(second highest point:3273m) on 43 milepost.
Highest point beartooth pass on 38 milepost
Top of the world store on 30 mp
Cooke city on 3 mp
6/16 Red lodge--summer ski and snowboard camp--hitch hike to Cooke city, cycle 25 miles, car ride 40 miles
6/17 Cooke city to Beartooth round trip, 35 miles single way
Two long distance climbs of Beartooth highway in two days!
Miserable day on June16, and I had to hitchhike to leave the windy grassy highland near the pass. But I am not willing to give up riding on the beartooth highway, so I went back to pass on Jun. 17! The 68-miles beartooth highway should be a pure long distance uphill and a downhill, but I indeed rode TWO UPHILLS. I rode from Red lodge, the east end of highway on June 16, hitchhike near the pass to Cooke city, just 3 miles to the west end of the highway. And did a round trip to the pass from the Cooke city on the next day.
Drizzle as expected on June 16, but I decided to hit the road after hear the reopening of beartooth highway, in order not to be stuck in Red lodge for more days because of road closure arises from the coming snowy weather in mountains. It wasn't too bad in the morning, but after crossing the stateline and went into grassy highland, it became too windy to ride. Strong gust goes with sleet, I walked the bicycle for 2 miles to the summer ski and snowboard camp, where a chance of informal accommodation and a warm bed, but I was told that there is no space for me to overnight.
The ski camp is where I met the helpful family. They took me to the top of the world store, 13 miles away from the ski camp, where I planned to spend the night and finish/enjoy the last section of beartooth highway on the next day. But no vacancy there. I struggled but still decided to take the free and friendly ride to Cooke city. Lucky to have the 40 miles ride, but I passed the most part of beartooth highway in less than 1 hour, and I didn't have any time to stop for any scenery. That's why I decided to go back to the pass the other day. I don't want to miss any part the “most beautiful highway in US".
The beauty of beartooth highway is tourists could expect diverse scenery in short distance. Starting from east end of lovely town, Red lodge, Rock valley, where forest and campgrounds is located, is substituted by treeless switchbacks section, where is also vulnerable to falling rocks. After the 7 miles switchbacks, the road crosses the stateline and goes into grassy highland, and the beartooth pass is only 7 miles away. Leave the pass and keep going to west, tourists will see 3 beautiful lakes, which is only totally melt until July. After short break in the top of the world store, tourists will go into another forest/valley, and scenic beartooth lake is just few miles away.


"Why the so-called Cheese cuisine is defined as deep fried everything?”
熊牙公路,西側接近Cooke city路景
熊牙公路,熊牙湖— 在

发表于 2017-11-4 22:23 48 只看该作者
6/18 Cooke city--Mammoth
6/19 Mammoth--Norris--canyon village--Norris
6/20 Norris--old faithful--grand village
6/21 Grande village--snow mountain campground
6/22 snow mountain campground--Jackson hole
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.
『hiker/biker campsites』,
當然還是因地制宜,黃石公園道路崎嶇,不是隨便想騎去那裡就可以到哪裡,但是南邊緊鄰的大提頓國家公園多數道路位於Jackson湖畔,單車客可以騎乘較遠的距離,加上最大的Colter bay露營地容納量大,單車客與健行者露營地相對缺乏。
這裡發生一件有趣的事。我抵達Colter bay時間約下午4點,向資訊中心確定距離8英里的snow mountain露營地雖然客滿但是有單車客與健行者露營地,我還是可以在那邊露營。結果差點被請回來Colter bay露營地,後來營主可憐我,讓我在snow mountain露營地的回收站露營。

Other than volcano scenery, such as Mammoth hot springs and the landmark--old faithful geyser. There are still lots of to see in Yellowstone, including canyons and the biggest freshwater lake, Yellowstone lake, in north America. The volcano scenery is mainly located at west side and will not to be described here. The next is talking about accommodation:
The hiker/biker campsites.
The hotels/lodges are expensive and tourists have to book it several weeks/months before. So the campground is more logical choice of accommodation. Most of the campground is first arrive, first served, and is usually filled up in early morning. This posts huge problem to hikers/bikers, who travel without motorized vehicles and cannot go anywhere as they wish.
The hikers/bikers campsites are preserved in every campground in Yellowstone for this matter. Because this arrangements are for sure that hikers and cyclists have place to stay even the campground is full, they are expected to share the site if too many hikers and cyclists want to camp there.
But I don't say the hikers/bikers campsites is a privilege. I would say it a product of adapting. Hikers and cyclists are tend to camp in the undesigned campground, which the behavior is quite dangerous in national park. You might have a well-done cyclist in Yellowstone because he went into hyperthermal area accidentally. In order to avoid them to camp randomly, the park rangers must assure hikers and cyclists have a place to stay and the price is desirable. 5 dollars in most campground in Yellowstone.
Yellowstone has the standard biker/hiker campsites. But grand Teton national park, which is south and adjacent to Yellowstone, has a slightly different policy. The park road is hilly in Yellowstone, but not in grand Teton, where the road is flat and close to Jackson lake. Cyclists could paddle further in this case. Even more, the campground in Colter bay has large accommodation and usually filled up in the evening. That's why cyclists and hikers cannot expect a biker/hiker campsite in every campground in Teton. And something interesting happened there.
I arrived in Colter bay in grand Teton around 4 pm. I checked with the staff in information center that snow mountain lodge campground has overflow area for biker/hikers, and I could camp there even it's full. But I was almost asked back to Colter bay by the staff in snow mountain campground! I ended up to camp in the recycle area in snow mountain campground, 11 dollars per night.
when I was stuck near the grand divide pass because of thunderstorm and getting a flat tire. And a driver stopped to invite me a beer...NO, OF COURSE. But some drivers seem to a different people when they behind the wheel, a cyclist was stuck in the buffalo jam the buffalos was frightened by a driver chasing them. CHASING THE BUFFALO, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?
The cyclists, father and son, is one of the most pair amazed me. A group people do the great divide trail, which is designed to” chase” the Rockies mountains no matter of the road condition, many sections of unpaved secondary and dirt forestry road on the bicycle trail. The trail is tough but still doable if fully prepared. Aged woman who stopped by and had a little chat with me. But it's difficult to find a company in the long term journey, even more difficult to have a family member to join. A father and son for example in most cases, one time the son is busy at studying and another time father is busy at working. Or one time son is too young and another time father is too old. You could understand that.
Although hilly, narrow and heavily traveled, it's not so difficult to cycle in Yellowstone. And there are more advantages to cyclists other than the hiker/biker campsites. The cyclist could park the bicycle almost wherever they want, they don't need to wait in line for a parking space near popular sights. Also cyclists have more time for enjoy the scenery and...more chance to see a bear!



黃石公園大峽谷下瀑布(lower falls)
位於老忠實噴泉(old faithful)與黃石湖之間的道路,翻過大分水嶺(落磯山脈)
发表于 2017-11-5 22:40 49 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.
6/22 snow mountain lodge campground(位於大提頓國家公園)--Jackson hole 30英里
6/23 Jackson hole--返回大提頓國家公園的Moran岔路口--Togwotee隘口--lava mountain lodge,搭車約30英里,騎車35英里
以我的路線,Jackson hole是不在路線的『盲腸』,但是一方面我想遊覽整個大提頓國家公園,另一方面順便在路上認識的朋友,Frankie。
我約在半個月前在冰河國家公園東門口的Saint Mary鎮偶遇Frankie與他的女友。他們好心的留下聯絡方式並邀我做客。他們的住處並不好找,我靠資訊中心的幫忙才找到。
隔日,他帶我體驗paddle boat,站在充氣船上划行,不太好平衡,我跌落水中一次。若慎選從事場所,例如我們選擇水深僅及腰的湖泊,這種運動並不危險,台灣四面環海,擁有廣大的水域面積,但是水上運動極不盛行,而身為自行車製造大國,居然沒有場地車練習場也沒有像樣的山徑自行車道,固中原因,我想大家心知肚明。
無論如何,感謝他的招待,玩完paddle boat後,他載我到離我當日目的地僅35英里的Moran岔路口,從這裡我得騎乘25英里,翻閱海拔落差約900公尺的隘口,之後下行10英里到lava mountain lodge,這間旅館有簡易木屋,屋內設施有充電插座與暖氣,但是無被單,一晚基本費率30美金,十分划算,但是隔日就沒那麼幸運了。
6/22 snow mountain lodge campground(in grand Teton national park)--Jackson hole 30 miles
6/23 Jackson hole--go back to Moran junction in grand Teton by car--Togwotee pass--lava mountain lodge, car 30 miles, bike 35 miles
According to my route, I didn't have to travel to Jackson hole, but in one hand I would like to travel the grand Teton national park, and also visit the friend, Frankie, who I met/know in Saint Mary about half month ago, east gate of glacier national park. He left his contract info and invited me to his house. And I did. His residence is a bit tricky to find, and I had to ask for detail direction from tourists center.
Other than took a good rest and did laundry, Frankie answered the question for long to me. That's, we have to pay around 15-20% tip in restaurants/cafe, and it sounds the waiters could have a huge income from the tip.
“That's why I choose the job as a waiter and also a bartender.” Frankie answered. Waiters were used to be underpaid and that's why the tips system developed. But most waiters nowadays are protected by law and they indeed could have huge income considering the tips. “I sometimes give some tips to the chefs They also work hard but no tip for them, kind of unfair.
“And another good thing about my job is that my boss understand the people work here is for the life(national park is just nearby). So we could have long vacation and the boss could transfer some waiters from nearby restaurant.”. He had one month vacation last year and many short terms of holidays. Great job, right?
He works from 4pm to 11pm, so he could do outdoor activities in the daytime. He took me to play paddle boat the next day. It's my first experience and a bit difficult to keep the balance and I fell into water once. Seems a risk activity, so he chose the lake only 1 meter depth in average. Taiwan is an island and has large water area, but I don't see much marine sports in Taiwan. Moreover, Taiwan exports tons of thousands of bicycles every year, but there's no velodrome or mountain bike trail. MXT is kind of a sport of forbidden. People tend to avoid the dangerous activities, that's nature. But we could control the risk in many ways. Sadly, authorities concerned in Taiwan and some people there tend to prohibit the “dangerous” sport. Hiking trail in national park is closed for years without a specific reason just because of an accident happened there. What a sign!
Really appreciate Frankie’s invitation. He also took me to Moran junction after playing the paddle boat. From Moran junction, 25 miles with about 900 meters gains in altitude to Togwotee pass, and another 10 miles downhill to Lava mountain lodge, which provides rustic cabin(30 dollars for basic rates) for me to overnight. Two day’s luck and enjoying, but the next day is another misfortune.
文章提到的Jackson hole鎮
文章提到的Lava mountain lodge
文章提到的paddle boat

发表于 2017-11-6 01:10 50 只看该作者
不羁的驴子 发表于 2017-10-3 10:47 5/28 Vermilion crossing--Radium hot springs約60公里Please re ...

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