


全球最受欢迎的7千米山峰-列宁峰2019年攀登计划 18天

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发表于 2018-12-16 13:33 1 只看该作者 | 倒序浏览 | 只看本帖大图


  • 开始时间:2019-07-28 至 2019-08-14 商定
  • 活动地点:吉尔吉斯列宁峰
  • 集合地点:中国新疆喀什
  • 性别别: 不限
  • 活动性质: 商业
  • 报名截止:2019-04-10
0 报名人数 18 剩余名额


Mt. Lenin Peak (7134m),on the border of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan it is considered one of the less technical 7000 m peaks in the world to climb and it has by far the most ascents of any 7000 m or higher peak on Earth, with every year seeing hundreds of mountaineers make their way to the summit. The only contender of being the most popular 7000m mountain is Muztagh Ata ,which has even eASIer access, is higher and also considered less dangerous than  Lenin Peak. The last couple of years it has had even more visitors than its Kyrgyz neighbour, but since the requirement of peak fees were dropped in Kyrgyzstan, Lenin is now back in first place as the most popular 7000m mountain.
      Lenin Peak列宁峰,位于塔吉克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦边界帕米尔高原上的一座海拔7,134米的山峰,距离中国新疆喀什300多公里。 列宁峰也是世界上最易登顶的海拔超过7000米的山峰之一,之前的欢迎程度仅次于同为帕米尔高原上更容易攀登、海拔和安全性高一些的慕士塔格峰,近些年因为性价比超高的原因,重新返回全球最受欢迎的7000米山峰。据不完全统计,2018年列宁峰大本营夏季攀登季节期间接待的攀登爱好者有千人的规模。
玛夏布鲁秉承为户外爱好者提供国际服务的理念,和中亚地区知名的攀登服务公司-中亚旅行(Central Asia Travel) 紧密合作,2019年专门向中国登山爱好者推出一期7千米级列宁峰的攀登活动,2019年7月28日中国新疆喀什集合,攀登时长18天。 备注. 中国护照可以在吉尔吉斯政府的签证网上直接申请电子签证(www.evisa.e-gov.kg),方便快捷。
The climbing season of Lenin Peak is from the end of June to the beginning of September and the usual climbing period is about 20 days. Our climbing time is selected from the end of July to the beginning of August, when the weather is most stable. The route is the safest route -1 (the red line in the picture). We will build the base camp BC (3600m) , C1 (4400m), C2 (5300ml) and C3 (6100m).      
列宁峰的攀登季节在每年夏季的6月底到9月初,通常的攀登周期20天左右,有多条攀登线路。我们的攀登时间选择在天气最稳定的7月下旬到8月上旬这段时间,线路选择的是经典线路也是最安全的1号线(图中红色线路),营地建设有大本营BC ( 海拔3600m)、C1 ( 海拔4400m)、C2 (海拔5300m)和C3 ( 海拔6100m)。 大本营和C1提供丰富的每天三餐热食,公共活动蒙古包,舒适的住宿帐篷,电力供应,热水洗澡, 医疗服务,WIFI网络服务;大本营另提供桑拿服务,C1备有应急氧气;配发高山食品;C2和C3建设有高山帐篷营地。
Day 01 2019年 7月28日喀什集合

Day 01 7/28: Arrive in Kashgar, Transfer to hotel, Check equipment, Welcome dinner. 抵达新疆喀什,入住酒店,检查装备,欢迎晚宴
Day 02 7/29: Across Irkeshtam boarder  to Base Camp  of  Lenin Peak  从伊尔克什坦口岸入境吉尔吉斯,抵达列宁峰大本营(3600m)
Day 03 7/30: Get acquainted with the area. Prepare yourself for ascent. 大本营适应海拔一天,可以在周围走一个小徒步
Day 04 7/31: Ascent to Camp 1 (4400 m). 从大本营出发,3到 4.5个小时抵达C1 (4400m)
Day 05 8/01: Ascent to Camp 2 (5300 m).  C1出发冰川结组行进,6到7个小时到C 2 (5300m)  
Day 06 8/02: Ascent to Camp 3 (6100 m).  5到6个小时冰川行走到C3(6100m)
Day 07 8/03: Descent to Camp 1 (4400 m). 4到5个小时从C3下降到C1(4400m)
Day 08 8/04: Descent to Base Camp (3600 m). C1返回到大本营
Day 09 8/05: Rest day in Base Camp  大本营休整
Day 10 8/06: Rest day in Base Camp  大本营休整
Day 11 8/07: Ascent to Camp 1 (4400 m). 大本营出发到C1
Day 12 8/08: Ascent to Camp 2 (5300 m).  C1到C2
Day 13 8/09: Ascent to Camp 3 (6100 m). C2 到C3
Day 14 8/10: Ascent to the summit of the Lenin Peak (7134 m) and Descent to Camp 3 (6100 m). C3出发冲顶列宁峰7134m,顶峰有列宁的头像,之后返回到C3
Day 15 8/11: Descent to Camp 1 (4400 m).  C3 下降回到 C1
Day 16 8/12: Descent to Base Camp (3600 m). C1到大本营
Day 17 8/13: Drive from Base Camp to Kashgar via Irkeshtam boarder 从列宁峰大本营经过伊尔克什坦口岸入境中国返回喀什
Day 18 8/14: Departure from Kashgar       从喀什离开返回内地
Note:  please leave extra two days reservation in case of bad weather.  
备注. 考虑到攀登期间的天气因素,请预留额外的两天机动时间。

关于我们 About US

玛夏布鲁Masherbrum, 总部在四川成都,注重国际化,致力于为登山徒步的户外爱好者提供国际标准服务;旗下目前有成都玛夏布鲁户外主题精品客栈和户外运动两家公司。 我们的户外理念是:安全、成功和享受过程( Safe、SUCCessful and Enjoyable)

     老唐,玛夏布鲁主要创始人,户外爱好者,大学学历,英国高级商业会计师(ACCA-Advanced Diploma),英语流利,前欧美500强公司财务经理;擅长公司管理和国际交流,团队组织能力强,追求自由、简单、有品质的生活方式,深刻理解客户需求。
      四川省登山协作员,中国业余马拉松精英选手; 背包旅行3年、单人驾驶摩托车8千公里穿越青藏高原,热衷徒步、登山和马拉松。 2016年创立玛夏布鲁; 2017年带队意大利高山向导攀登贡嘎埃德加峰;2018年协同带队尼泊尔珠峰南坡登山活动(队员人数30+), 完赛珠峰马拉松,组织了数次国际户外活动

Mr. Tang Chunming (Donald)

Bachelor Degree,Advanced Diploma Holder of UK ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants),12 years working experience in the global companies,CertifiCATe of Sichuan (China) Mountaineering Association,Chinese Marathon amateur elite runner,3 years backpacker travelling ,Solo motorbiking across Qing-Tibet Plateau
Founder of Masherbrum Group.


Days 天数: 18 days  18天  
Group size 人数:5-18 people  5-18人
Guide ratio 向导比例:1名向导: 3位队员
Price 费用: 18,000 CNY /pax  18,000元人民币/位 *
* Early bird price 早鸟价: 500CNY discount if register by Jan.31st 2019  2019年1月31日前报名,费用优惠500元;   

费用包含 Cost Includes:

1. Insurance: Travel and high altitude insurance with amount covered 600000CNY 60万元人民币保额的海外高海拔登山保险
2. Expedition organization and the costs for the expedition group leader 活动管理费和中国攀登领队的费用
3. Hotel Accommodation : 2 night’s hotel  in Kashgar,twin Room两晚喀什的酒店标间住宿
4. Welcome Dinner and Summit Cake or Dinner 欢迎晚宴和庆祝蛋糕或庆祝晚宴
5. Transportation between Kashgar and Lenin Peak BC 喀什与列宁峰大本营的往返交通
6. All necessary documents including the border zone permit   相关的许可注册文件
7. High mountain guide’s service  at 1 guide:3 members   1:3比例的高山向导服务
8. Services in Base Camp  and C1 大本营和C1服务项目
        - Accommodation in tents  帐篷住宿
        - Sauna at Base Camp (3600 m) and hot water shower 大本营有桑拿房和热水澡
        - 3 daily hot meals made by professional cooks 专业厨师制作的每日三餐热食
         - Yurt - companion cabins  蒙古包公共帐篷
         - Washstand and toilet usage  梳洗台和厕所
         - Electricity usage: 220B, 50 Hz  220伏电力
         - Storage-yurt usage at BC and C1 行李寄存
         - Medical services  医疗服务
9.  High-altitude food products  配发的高山食品
10. Installed high mountain tents at C2&C3      C2和C3的高山帐篷营地
11. Cooking equipment for the time of ascent   高山炊具
12. Satellite Phone, Portable radio station and GPS卫星电话、对讲机和GPS导航
13. Summit certificate 登顶证书

凡参加列宁峰攀登经过成都中转,可以免费在我们的成都玛夏布鲁户外客栈入住单间一晚。Everyone who participated in the expedition organized by Masherbrum and need to transfer via Chengdu, could enjoy one night single room at Chengdu Masherbrum Outdoor guesthouse during her/his trip.

费用不包含 Cost Excludes:

1. Air Fare:  flight airfare (from and to Kashgar). 抵达和离开喀什的航班
2. Kyrgyzstan Entry Visa fee   吉尔吉斯的签证费用
3. Extra nights accommodation and extra food in Kashgar.  额外的喀什酒店住宿和餐饮
4. Personal Expenses: Telephone, Internet, Laundry, any Alcoholic beverages, Personal TREKking /Climbing Gears. 电话、网络、洗衣、烈酒、开水、啤酒等,以及个人装备
5. WIFI Internet Service (20$ / 500 Mb)  WIFI互联网服务 (20美金 /500Mb)
6. Guide Service Tips 100$USD per member 向导的服务小费,每位队员100美金的标准
7. Mountain porter  at  costs one way: BC - C1 (3$ / kg), C1 - C2 (10 $ / kg), C2-C3 (20$/ kg), above C3 (35$ / kg) if need.  个人需要的背夫,背夫收费标准(单程):BC - C1 ( 3美金/kg),  C1 - C2 (10美金/kg),C2-C3 (20美金/kg), C3-顶峰( 35美金/kg)
8. Extra: Any other services or activities, which are not mentioned in the itinerary.其他行程未提到的服务
9. Any other item not listed in “Price Includes” section.其他未在“费用包含”中列示的项目

Equipment List 装备清单

Camping: Sleeping bag (comfort rating -15°C), Trekking boots
Clothing:Waterproof jacket , Waterproof over trousers, Down jacket,Raincoat, Fleece jacket and trouser, 2 underwear,  3 pairs of Thermal socks, Waterproof down gloves, Thin gloves, warm hat, sunhat
Bags: Backpack 60 L +, Small bag 30L, Luggage pack 150L(optional)
Drinking: Thermal mug(1L)
Accessories: Hiking stick, Gaiters, Snow Goggles (spare sunglass), Headtorch with batteries, Washbag, Sun protection,
Technical: Mountain boots (for altitudes 6,000 m and 2/3 layers) , Gaiters, Crampons, 2 Ice screws, Ice AXE(Long), Harness, Helmet, ATC Descender, 2 Carabiners



特别提醒  Special Reminder

1 Climbing Concept 攀登方式

The climbing concept in Lenin Peak  would be most likely different if compare it in China. The mountain guide is no obligation to provide cooking service as a result the clients should be responsible for their cooking in the C2 and C3, also for carrying their high mountain food or hire the porter to transport the mountain
       列宁峰的攀登理念和国内有所差异。 高山向导主要来自独联体国家,没有给队员提供后勤服务的义务, C2和C3需要队员自己动手烧饭;大本营配发的高山食品也需要队员自己或另请背夫运输上山。

2 Food and Drinks 餐食

A team of professional cooks are responsible for meals at our Base Camp (3,600 m) and Camp 1 (4,400 m) under Lenin Peak. They are great in cooking a huge variety of incredibly delicious food,The daily menu is elaborate and comprises a large amount of fresh fruit and vegetables, the traditional and European cuisines      
       大本营和C1的餐食由专业厨师团队负责提供丰富的一日三餐,主要有. 蔬菜/肉类沙拉和汤、烤肉、抓饭、面包,奶酪、果酱、咖啡、茶、水果和干果等.配发的高山食品有麦片、牛肉/鱼/鸡肉罐头、香肠、奶酪、坚果、巧克力、饼干、咖啡等。

3 Visa  签证

Chinese passport holder may easily apply for an E-visa on the www.evisa.e-gov.kg, the supporting documents are few that only passport, photo and credit card are sufficient and one month single entry at 40$ currently.

4 Risk Reminder 风险提示

Mt. Lenin Peak (7134m) is considered to be one of the most popular, easily of accessed and hence most frequented summits among 7,000m peaks,but an avalanche triggered by an earthquake caused serious  mountain accident in 1990. Every mountaineer who has decided to participate in an expedition to Lenin Peak must realize that an ascent of this Pamir mountain of over 7,000 m in height is an adventure activity and so it poses certain health and life risks.  She/he takes full personal responsibility for the decision to participate in this expedition, any act or failure to act during it and all the possible consequences of this decision.

5 安全措施  Safety Policy

The security system in Lenin Peak includes the medical aiding KIT, a general medical examination by professional doctor before going to an ascent, each participant’s activity is monitored at each climbing stage , the personal information registration and on-call emergency rescue team and extremely helicopter rescue etc, however the effectiveness of this system largely requires the compliance of safety policy from each participant, the extreme weather also reduces its value.

报名要求 Is it this expedition for you?

The member should have prior 6000m+ Climbing experience and also has a sufficient physical condition. In addition, the member should have hands-on abilities on high altitude. 有6千米以上登山的经验,及无心、脑、肺疾病,体能良好的登山爱好者。另外需要一定的高海拔动手能力。

报名程序  Registration  Procedure

Inquiry -  application documents -  down payment-  trip ready
报名咨询 - 报名审核-定金缴纳-出发准备

报名截止Registration Deadline:   April 10th 2019 2019年4月10日

The down payment 5000CNY should be made  and full payment will be paid by 15 days prior to the start date; the payment refound will not happen due to member personal reason after Day1  报名时预付5000元人民币定金,出发前15天 付清全款,因个人原因中途退出活动费用无法退还。


活动报名Contact:老唐 Donald Tang
电话 Tel:+86 186 1613 8822

发表于 2018-12-16 13:45 2 只看该作者
列宁峰全球最受欢迎的7千米山峰-列宁峰2019年攀登计划 18天

全球最受欢迎的7千米山峰-列宁峰2019年攀登计划 18天

全球最受欢迎的7千米山峰-列宁峰2019年攀登计划 18天

全球最受欢迎的7千米山峰-列宁峰2019年攀登计划 18天

全球最受欢迎的7千米山峰-列宁峰2019年攀登计划 18天

发表于 2018-12-16 13:47 3 只看该作者

发表于 2021-6-7 09:41 4 只看该作者
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