
温州竞技皮划艇爱好者失踪---海洋静水皮划艇安全系列之一 第一杀手-失温

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发表于 2019-2-28 11:26 11 只看该作者

2010年3月27日 - 斯托克顿湖,密苏里州
这是一个温暖的春日,当布赖恩·基斯决定把他8岁的儿子拿带上一个他的14英尺摩托艇,在斯托克顿湖,但水的温度接近冰点。波对水体的高度,波高由风的强度,可对其吹送的距离(称为“提取”)和时间,"提取"吹出的长度来确定。斯托克顿湖是特殊大叉形体,两个臂膀有大约15英里公开水域,足够多的距离,如果风吹向一定的方向,会制造非常恶劣的条件。事故的早晨,天气据说平静。当暴风雨来过,很突然变的更糟,水淹没了小船。布赖恩和Nathan没有穿着干湿衣,朋友和家庭成员的惊哦,没穿是穿着PFD,虽然在船上有两个。当他们未能及时返回,搜索寻找他们的踪影,只恢复两个个人漂浮装置救生衣,被发现漂浮在水面上。据新闻报道,花了几周时间尸体才浮出水面。悲剧发生之后,家庭成员成立了布莱恩和弥敦道基斯水上安全基金教育组织,第一年筹得$ 25,000,并列出活动清单,以保持两个活着的记忆。其中最主要的是:提高对使用救生衣,体温过低的危险,教育小船可以在水中像斯托克顿湖有风的面对的危险问题。
发表于 2019-3-28 03:23 12 只看该作者
据说温州竞技皮划艇爱好者失踪, 像是失温事故
发表于 2019-3-28 03:29 13 只看该作者

发表于 2019-4-18 05:03 14 只看该作者



一个救生衣大大减少你突然溺水的机会,由于冷休克和游泳故障。除了少数例外,冷休克导致人们立刻失去呼吸和控制能力。因此,尽管他们可以游泳,许多人突然淹死 。

如果冷休克导致一个人嘴张开,而他们的嘴一旦浸入冷水中,溺水能瞬间发生。这种现象曾经被称为“突然消失综合症”,如果你穿着救生衣正确固定, 它是特别避免突然你不消失,沉入水底。

溺水也可能发生在因吸入水或游泳故障波浪飞溅, 而产生的前几分钟冷休克。如果你不穿PFD,如你也不能游泳或踩水, 你会马上淹死。”
发表于 2019-9-26 11:05 15 只看该作者

2010年3月27日 - 斯托克顿湖,密苏里州
这是一个温暖的春日,当布赖恩·基斯决定把他8岁的儿子拿带上一个他的14英尺摩托艇,在斯托克顿湖,但水的温度接近冰点。波对水体的高度,波高由风的强度,可对其吹送的距离(称为“提取”)和时间,"提取"吹出的长度来确定。斯托克顿湖是特殊大叉形体,两个臂膀有大约15英里公开水域,足够多的距离,如果风吹向一定的方向,会制造非常恶劣的条件。事故的早晨,天气据说平静。当暴风雨来过,很突然变的更糟,水淹没了小船。布赖恩和Nathan没有穿着干湿衣,朋友和家庭成员的惊哦,没穿是穿着PFD,虽然在船上有两个。当他们未能及时返回,搜索寻找他们的踪影,只恢复两个个人漂浮装置救生衣,被发现漂浮在水面上。据新闻报道,花了几周时间**才浮出水面。悲剧发生之后,家庭成员成立了布莱恩和弥敦道基斯水上安全基金教育组织,第一年筹得$ 25,000,并列出活动清单,以保持两个活着的记忆。其中最主要的是:提高对使用救生衣,体温过低的危险,教育小船可以在水中像斯托克顿湖有风的面对的危险问题。
发表于 2019-9-26 11:06 16 只看该作者



一个救生衣大大减少你突然溺水的机会,由于冷休克和游泳故障。除了少数例外,冷休克导致人们立刻失去呼吸和控制能力。因此,尽管他们可以游泳,许多人突然淹死 。

如果冷休克导致一个人嘴张开,而他们的嘴一旦浸入冷水中,溺水能瞬间发生。这种现象曾经被称为“突然消失综合症”,如果你穿着救生衣正确固定, 它是特别避免突然你不消失,沉入水底。

溺水也可能发生在因吸入水或游泳故障波浪飞溅, 而产生的前几分钟冷休克。如果你不穿PFD,如你也不能游泳或踩水, 你会马上淹死。”
发表于 2019-9-26 11:08 17 只看该作者
Case 7

Irina McEntee and Carissa Ireland
May 16th, 2010 - Casco Bay, Maine
The water was calm and the weather was gorgeous and unseasonably warm when two young women, Irina McEntee, 18, and her best friend Carissa Ireland, 20, launched their kayaks for a short, round-trip paddle between Peaks Island and Ram Island in Casco Bay, Maine – a trip that Irena had made many times before. Irena’s parents actually had a view of the paddling route from their house on Peaks Island and saw both girls land safely.
Ram Island is only a mile across the water from Peaks, but the location is exposed - to the East, South, and Southeast, there's nothing but open ocean, and neither Irena’s parents nor the girls were aware that the National Weather Service had issued a Small Craft Advisory for that afternoon.
When they attempted to paddle home, the weather had changed and the wind was blowing out of the north and gusting to 22mph. That may not sound like much on land, but out on the open water it’s another story, particularly for small human-powered boats like kayaks.
Unable to make headway against the wind, Irena and Carissa were blown out to sea and into much rougher conditions where, dressed only in shorts and light shirts, they capsized in brutally cold 48F (9C) water.
When the girls failed to return home on schedule, Irena’s parents could look out the window and see much rougher conditions had become - and that there were no kayaks in sight. By then it was 2.5 hours before sunset. Heartsick with worry, they called the Coast Guard, which responded by promptly dispatching the 207-foot US Coast Guard cutter Campbell, launching a Jayhawk helicopter and Falcon jet from Air Station Cape Cod, sending out an emergency broadcast on Channel 16, and contacting their “local partners” - civilians with SAR capabilities in the Casco Bay area - setting in motion what was to become a massive search operation.

HH-60 Jayhawk Medium Range Helicopter – US Coast Guard
As any pilot can attest, it's not easy to spot small objects from the air. At best, a person wearing a PFD will have only their head and upper shoulders exposed - not an easy target, even when the light is favorable and the water flat calm. The same goes for twelve foot blue-green kayaks.
When the sun set at 8;00 p.m., searchers were left with roughly 90 minutes of gradually diminishing twilight before darkness fell. Nevertheless, by 8:30 p.m., both kayaks had been located, floating in the open ocean roughly seven miles South of Ram Island, and about a mile SSE of Cape Elizabeth. One kayak was upright and contained a jacket and T-shirt; the other was upside-down. Irena and Carissa were nowhere in sight.

Map of Casco Bay
Search teams on the ground had initially concentrated their efforts on Ram and nearby Cushing Island, but found no sign of the missing women. With the discovery of the kayaks, the ground search moved South to probable landing areas on Richmond Island and Cape Elizabeth. When twilight faded into night, searchers began using aerial flares for illumination.
After a grueling all-night search involving the U.S. Coast Guard, multiple local agencies, and more than 150 people, they were found by the Coast Guard at 9:00 am the following morning, floating lifeless in their PFD’s, three miles offshore and seven miles south of their original destination.

Case Note:  

Even strong and experienced paddlers can be overwhelmed by the wind, which is why they pay particular attention to Marine Weather Forecasts. This information is broadcast by the National Weather Service and you can access it with an inexpensive weather radio – the kind you find at Radio Shack. Information is also available online.
Inexpensive, reliable, waterproof cases that are available for cell phones allow you to operate the phone without removing it from the case. You can program your phone with the number of the closest Coast Guard sector.
High quality, waterproof, hand-held VHF radios can be purchased for under $150. The US Coast Guard continuously monitors emergency Channel 16 (the one you’d use on your VHF radio to call for help) as do many commercial and private boats. Most VHF radios also have an automatic weather alert feature that activates whenever an adverse weather broadcast is detected.
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