



" 天空不留痕迹, 鸟儿却已飞过..." 乐乐去世一月纪念!

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发表于 2007-11-28 00:11 1 只看该作者 | 倒序浏览

泰戈尔有句名言: 天空不留痕迹,鸟儿却已飞过.

07年10月26号, 乐乐永远的离开了我们,她那么遥远,也似乎并不曾真切的出现在我的生命中,但她却无声无息的影响了我, 心中依然有她的痕迹...

" 我是小龙女123 于 2007-11-27 17:08 发表
想念我的好乐乐!!! "


今天,偶然看到了上面乐乐妈妈的跟帖,又想起了可爱的乐乐, 于是觉得该继续为乐乐, 乐乐基金再做点什么.

点子也不是什么新的,就是希望大家能继续行动,在平日登山, 旅行,聚会活动中, 把最后的一点零头积攒下来, 捐助到8264乐乐公益基金中.

都说集腋可以成裘, 我们的行为,将有效的帮助到那些乐乐一样的苦难孩子,也算是对天堂里乐乐的一点纪念吧.

晚上, 针对即将开始的长城露营活动,给一个学习班的同学们写了封信, 希望他们加入到为乐乐基金捐助的队伍中来(大家可借鉴一下形式):

"Importance notice to participants of The Dec. Great Wall Outing

Dear Classmates:

The total expense of our Dec. Great Wall outing would be around 450 RMB, I would suggest each one of us could pay RMB 500, the balance( Rmb.50) could donate to following charity-

8264 LeLe Charitable Trust:

Origin of LeLe charitable trust:

There was a 11 years old girl name LeLe, she was a lovely and beautiful girl, but got leukaemia 4 years ago. LeLe love learning very much, she continued with her study during medical treatment period.

( https://bbs.8264.com/thread-63596-1-1.html )

In order to help LeLe’s poor family to pay expensive treatment fee for saving her life, some backpackers in 8264(the biggest backpacker’s web in China)donated RMB 20,000 to LeLe’s mother this year…

( https://bbs.8264.com/thread-63613-1-1.html )

Unfortunately, LeLe was die this October…

LeLe’s mother soon returned all RMB 20,000 back to 8264. She hope this money could help other children similar Like lovely LeLe…

So, 8264 using this money set up LeLe charitable trust.

( https://bbs.8264.com/thread-81973-1-1.html )

The first children who financed by LeLe charitable trust recently is Tingting, one Liaoning girl has got bone cancer:


Above is the story of LeLe and LeLe charitable trust.

Of course, each participant has 100% freedom to decide whether to donate his/her own balance. Please also inform Michael for whether you would like to donate the balance when sign up to your participation.

What do you think of my suggestions? Waiting for your comments.

Thanks and regards!


" The good you do today, people will often forget TOMOrrow;Be good

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

[ 本帖最后由 老船 于 2007-11-28 07:18 编辑 ]


发表于 2007-11-28 07:24 2 只看该作者
发表于 2007-11-28 07:26 3 只看该作者
原帖由 桃园三结义 于 2007-11-28 07:24 发表 ............



[ 本帖最后由 老船 于 2007-11-28 08:17 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-11-28 07:30 4 只看该作者
发表于 2007-11-28 09:38 5 只看该作者
原帖由 晨兢夕厉 于 2007-11-28 07:30 发表 不懂英文~



因同行者中有外籍, 故英文.

[ 本帖最后由 老船 于 2007-11-28 10:50 编辑 ]
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:hug: :hug:
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