



小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

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发表于 2024-4-24 19:19 51 显示全部帖子
盘坡 发表于 2024-4-23 09:15 坡这么多,厉害!谢谢分享美景和经历。前阵子我的P8也改好双盘了,50-34T,希望以后有机会也去走一次, ...

发表于 2024-4-24 20:03 52 显示全部帖子
满庭霜 发表于 2024-4-24 11:28 厉害,让我想起来我以前的P18了

1人点评 收起
发表于 2024-4-24 23:03 53 显示全部帖子
路过空壳树乡,昨天没赶到这里小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

1人点评 收起
发表于 2024-4-24 23:06 54 显示全部帖子
本来有条近路,但说是在封闭修路,没办法,绕了条小路小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

发表于 2024-4-24 23:09 55 显示全部帖子
又是烂泥路,只有一小段是好的小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

发表于 2024-4-24 23:10 56 显示全部帖子
这就是塌方的地方,就在这个交叉路口不远小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

发表于 2024-4-24 23:12 57 显示全部帖子
主路也有地方在维修小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

发表于 2024-4-24 23:14 58 显示全部帖子
嗯,搞到上午十点才到天子山北门,车子身上全是泥He had to get up early because of his tight schedule which had been delayed by bad weather . Mot planned to get to Tianzishan as early as possible . He was waken up by an awesome yet pleasant dream in which he was yelling " I am coming . . .  " After ate noodles full , he set out just dawn .
Yes , he would climb the mountains of Zhangjiajie , he couldn't wait but excited . He chose a short way on the map to Tianzishan but it turned out to be a very bad road . There was a road closure due to landslide of the short one so he had to go another longer , narrower , cement road . That road was full of holes and hollows . It was worsening by the rain yesterday and became a mud road full of water . Too dirty that when he arrived at the North Gate Mot found that his clothes and vehicle were polluted by mud however he didn't have time to mind that , in fact he was thrilling because he had arrived at his destination finally that he had been dreaming days and nights . He was in a very good mood that he got things ready quickly then strode to Tianzishan . Soon some tourists saw a man full of vigor and vitality  almost running on the mountain trail...  

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

发表于 2024-4-24 23:16 59 显示全部帖子
找好住处,放好车子,下午就去爬山了,这个房间很好,80小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

发表于 2024-4-24 23:34 60 显示全部帖子
11月16 Day4 下午游天子山15KM 爬升897m 天子山原名青岩山,因古代土家族领袖向大坤率领当地农民起义自称"天子"而得名,武陵源的四大景区之一。它东起天子阁,西至将军岩 南接张家界国家森林公园,绵延盘绕近四十公里。Mot got to the top of Tianzi Mountain at 12 o'clock by tour bus . When he was in the bus , he saw many good- looking peaks along the winding road . " Yeah , That's right , so beautiful . . . "  Mot spoke to himself as he held the handle tighter .
When he got off the bus , he saw people were crowded on the station . For a moment he didn't know where to go . Because they were all in a big Garden called Helong Garden and it was lunch time . Many vendors were selling food and drinks on the roadside , tour guides waiting to be hired and lots of tourists talking and eating. . .  The air was full of noises and different flavours . What a hustling and bustling place , just like a street . Under such a circumstance , he felt even more confused . Easy , easy does it , he said to himself ! Mot took out cellphone , opened the map app , only then he figured out which direction to go. He had chosen a top-down-top loop .
Since the Helong Garden was the core area of Tianzishan , so he saw the most beautiful peaks first . Here comes the Imperial Writing Brush Peaks . This is the landform of sandstone peak forests . Deposited and tightly pressed together over many years , sandstone was turned into hills and mountains due to the uplift of the earth ' s crust , and then originally intact sandstone mountains were cut into parallel stone peaks different in height , under the exogenic force of weathering , erosion , etc . The pines growing on top of peaks look like several brushes inserted upside down . Legend has it that these peaks were brushes discarded by King Xiang , Son of Heaven , so named " Imperial Writing Brush Peaks ".
After seen all the surrounding stone peak forests , how could he missed out the valleys where only a few tourists would go down on foot . Mot , as a unique and agile hiker , he went down the mountain alone . . .
I will introduce whatever he had seen in the later episodes . . .
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

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