



小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

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发表于 2024-4-30 15:07 81 显示全部帖子
为了不浪费时间,中午吃的路餐,几个馒头小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

发表于 2024-4-30 15:09 82 显示全部帖子
11月17下午游袁家界 百丈崖和天下第一桥武陵源核心景区由张家界国家森林公园、索溪峪自然保护区、天子山自然保护区和杨家界等八大景区组成。它历经3.8亿年的地质变化,形成了举世无双的石英砂岩峰林峡谷地貌奇观。境内集山水林洞于一地,融万象之美于一体,以三千多座石英纱岩组成的大峰林为主体,以峰奇、谷幽、水秀、林深、洞奥为特色,构成了一幅美妙绝伦的天然画卷。After ate steamed bread , Mot went into Yuanjiajie Scenic Area which is the core of the key scenic area in Wulingyuan . It is so spectacular that he doesn't have words to describe its unimaginable beauties in one sentence . He was completely immersed in the natural sceneries , only introduce them one by one can he felt satisfied .
The Thousand - meter Cliff , he saw it first , a huge rock cliff vertically down to the valley . Tectonic movements uplifted the hard thick - bedded sandstone and caused developed vertical joints in the rock strata . Weathering , water erosion and gravitational collapse formed this cliff . It's about 300m high so the locals call it the Thousand - Zhang Cliff .
Then the No .1 Bridge in the World , he didn't know where this Bridge was because tourists were crowded on the narrow walkway , how could he see it . Mot asked someone it's whereabouts , the answer was that you were standing on it . Unbelievable , hah .  Only after he went to the opposite side of the walkway , saw a big hole in the mountain can he understood the Bridge . This natural Bridge was formed by the slow intermittent uplift the earth' s crust , the quartz sandstone strata formed a hilly and mountainous area . Water erosion and gravitational collapse formed the peak dyke . Under the effect of weathering the lower part of the dyke collapsed , thus this magnificent natural bridge was formed . To be continued .
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

发表于 2024-4-30 15:12 83 显示全部帖子
沿着悬崖边上修的栈道一路观看,当时还找不到天下第一桥在哪里,询问别人后才知道,原来自己正站在上面小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

发表于 2024-4-30 15:16 84 显示全部帖子
这就是天生桥,要到桥的对面才能拍到小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

发表于 2024-4-30 15:31 85 显示全部帖子
百元大钞小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

发表于 2024-4-30 15:34 86 显示全部帖子
游完迷魂台后,又徒步下到谷底小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

发表于 2024-4-30 15:37 87 显示全部帖子
11月17 初见金鞭溪和千里相会峰,吐血推荐啊。因为玩的太 high了,Mot 有些飘飘然,他一边爬山,一边观景,还一边看手机,突然一个踉跄,摔了一跤,擦破了手皮, 差点…,且听他慢慢道来。After visiting the most attracting peaks and pillars through the 3, 500 meters long tourist walkway built along the cliffs in Yuanjiajie , Mot went down the mountain alone . How could he miss the valley which is equal important .
About one hour later , he downed the mountain to a canyon . First he heard the sound of water flowing and people talking , in no time , he saw a stream and many tourists walking on a pathway . The stream is called Golden Whip Stream , it's small but its water is crystal clear   full of water plants and lush trees growing on both sides . From the Guide Map , Mot knew he was in the middle section of the Golden Whip Stream Tour Line .
He lifted his head and saw many gigantic stone peaks around there , each in different shape . There are Two that looked very much like two lovers , hands in hands , that is called Couple Reunion from afar Peak . In a distant view , the columns look like a couple of reunion after a long separation , talking about their lovesickness with tearful eyes .
Unexpectedly , Mot saw two cyclists passing by , a male and a female , very amazing scene , Hah . They were riding bicycle on the pathway in the core area . What ? Can they ? and how ? At that moment , Mot had decided that he would like to bring his bicycle in this scenic area . . . And the answer was yes , he did do that two days later .
It was late after a very pleasant staying in the valley . What ? Can ? and how ? These questions still remained unsolved when he started to climbed up the mountain again . Maybe he was in a hurry, or too excited that he forgot safety that he was viewing the scenery and walking while checking cellphone messages , suddenly a stone step tripped him . Oops , he fell down on the road hard . When he got up , checked his cellphone , luckily , it was OK . " Thank . . .  "  he said . It was just a minor injury on his palm , otherwise that would mark the end of his journey .
In the end , he made a summary and told himself be careful always and don't make the same mistake again .小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

发表于 2024-4-30 15:39 88 显示全部帖子
金鞭溪确实不错啊小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

发表于 2024-4-30 15:43 89 显示全部帖子
本帖最后由 单车人生Mot 于 2024-4-30 15:44 编辑

在金鞭溪中段玩了一会,原计划从砂刀沟上行,但由于封路又只能原路返回小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

发表于 2024-4-30 15:47 90 显示全部帖子
由于计划有变,时间有点晚了,急忙原路返回摔了一跤,差点误了行程小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English

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