



小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)

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发表于 2024-5-6 00:44 111 显示全部帖子
11月18 Day 6 上午重游袁家界和天子山核心景点15KM 爬升 285m 下午北门- 张家界市- 南门黄石寨 65公里 爬升1500m。武陵源有八大景区,因为景点太多,三天都没看过瘾,于是Mot 决定再玩一天。又为了回程不走来时的烂泥路,他骑上黄金战车朝南门奔去。可他从下午3点骑到第二天早上8点,绕了几十公里路才赶到目的地。There are eight main scenic areas in Wulinyuan , some Mot had viewed twice , some haven't seen yet , so he decided to spend another day to visit the rest scenic areas . He would go to Jingzhou two days later but he didn't want to ride the same muddy road that he had suffered a lot when he came to Tianzishan . After he went down the Mountain by tour bus , had lunch , got things ready , it was already 3 o'clock PM . In a hurry , he set out for another hard journey .
It was late and there is a shortcut in Zhonghu Village which can dramatically shorten the distance . He would like to figure it out , however when he asked someone the condition of that road , the boss said there is a mountain slope and it is stone stairway . . . What ? Fuck . . .  Mot was desperate , the uncertainties made him felt so uneasy . Finally , he chose the better but longer road that is through Zhangjiajie City to the South Gate .
It was dark when he arrived at  Zhangjiajie City . How could he get to the South Gate that night ? Tiredness , darkness , uncertainty. . . Mot didn't want to fight at night , so he chose to stay . . .小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)

发表于 2024-5-6 00:46 112 显示全部帖子
中湖乡有条近路,红色标识处,但是经过打探,说是景区里面的台阶路没敢走,绕了一大圈晚上才到到张家界市北面小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)

发表于 2024-5-6 00:50 113 显示全部帖子
这就是在天子山街道上住的旅社,一句话很满意小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)

发表于 2024-5-6 00:54 114 显示全部帖子
18日下午,绕了一个大圈,晚上才赶到张家界市,到南门还有很远的距离,只好停车,吃饭,住宿小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)

发表于 2024-5-6 00:55 115 显示全部帖子
看起来轻松的65公里,实际上爬升1500米小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)

发表于 2024-5-6 00:58 116 显示全部帖子
大家猜猜这张照片是什么时候拍的?这是第二天早上五点半出发时候拍的小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)

发表于 2024-5-6 01:05 117 显示全部帖子
11月19 Day 7 张家界市- 南门黄石寨 昨晚未能到达目的地,今天凌晨4点Mot  就起来了,此行最早的一次。武陵大道上,一路月亮照路,星星作伴,黎明前的黑暗,他也未感到恐惧和焦虑,黄石寨,Mot 来了!Tiredness , darkness and uncertainty etc. made him chose to stay in Zhangjiajie City yesterday night . The next day , Mot got up at 4 AM , the earliest day . After had breakfast , he set out at 5: 30 . It was dark outside , just as the saying - darkness before dawn , Mot saw stars in the sky . Maybe a good night' s sleep help him recovered a little , he felt food , he wasn't worried as yesterday night . It was near 7 o'clock that the east sky began to become white .
It was all upward slope . If not for a tunnel he would have to climb a very high mountain , even so the elevation of the 65 KM distance reached at 1500m . You can imaging how steep the mountain is . The tunnel is called Yuyuan Tunnel and it is 3 kilometers long , the longest tunnel Mot had rode . It was near the tunnel that the Sun had showed his red round face . Another fine weather to repay the hardiships Mot had endured . He rode through the tunnel carefully , after that a downward slope , then there he came the South Gate at 8 o'clock .
小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)

发表于 2024-5-10 22:33 118 显示全部帖子
接近七点才天亮小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)

发表于 2024-5-10 22:35 119 显示全部帖子
幸好这个隧道让自行车通行,不然的话又要爬着大山了,这个隧道有三公里长小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)

发表于 2024-5-10 22:37 120 显示全部帖子
到南门后找好旅馆,放好车,八点多钟就进去爬黄石寨了小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)

小折骑游恩施鹤峰张家界荆州和重庆市Diary in English(完)

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