



美国大陆的第一缕阳光 一个人两辆车的环美之行(二)

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发表于 2024-4-28 13:39 3 只看该作者
Eventually, I finally saw it, the lighthouse at the end of the trail, and a house

The door of the small lighthouse is locked, and some introductory manuals are also stored here, including notices calling on people to protect the lighthouse.

The turn next to the lighthouse is the sea. I want to say that the ocean is more accurate. The fog is heavy. I look down. I see a silver line on the coastline.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:39 2 只看该作者
So, I walked fast because the sunrise was approaching, even though I knew the weather was bad today, I still had some expectation.

I have to say, this is a long journey, and I am wearing slippers, which is not easy to walk in the sand

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