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发表于 2011-11-30 11:29 31 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-30 11:30 32 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-30 11:30 33 只看该作者
Therefore, by the beginning of phase-I of a "new" turn, the racer achieves a fully re-centered position over the front of the "new" outside ski. Of course, this is an ideal scenario, but it can not be achieved without complete understanding of intricacies of using the inside ski. I hope, that the illustrations provided here sufficiently prove that the use of the inside ski in modern race turns is different from just keeping both skis equally loaded. I suppose the important role played by the inside ski is clear. However, a clear approach to teaching the proper use of the inside ski is needed. I will offer my perspective on this, as well, by using just one basic drill as an example.

发表于 2011-11-30 11:30 34 只看该作者
If you study the technique of some World Cup racers, you may notice that many of them often lift the inside ski very slightly when entering the turn (at the beginning of phase- I). Undoubtedly, they enter the turn with 100% of weight on the outside ski. This movement helps a racer to avoiding leaning onto the inside ski while aggressively moving inside the arc of a turn. This technique can be seen more often from the racers of an older generation such as Maier, Cuche, Blardone, Raich and Schlopy. These guys were taught to lift the inside ski at the beginning of each turn since they were kids. Now they successfully use this movement in the context of modern technique. By contrast, a younger breed of racers tends to keep both skis in constant contact with the snow. On a moderate to steep pitch this approach can be faster if other things are equal. Generally, this technique is being taught to junior racers all over the world nowadays. However, the approach of seasoned ski racers should not be neglected either, especially on very steep sections of a course. I am convinced that drills involving entering the turn while lifting the inside ski are the base from which one can progress to acquiring the technique of using the inside ski. While perfecting these skills one should pay attention to a proper lift of the inside ski as well as to a correct placing of the ski on the snow and edging it. For this I suggest one fairly simple drill:

发表于 2011-11-30 11:30 35 只看该作者
Right before beginning of phase-I of a turn, a skier extends a "new" outside leg and retracts the inside leg to the point of having the thigh parallel to the snow. Both skis are parallel, while one is up in the air and another one is on the snow. The ski tips should be level, with neither one in front of the other. Thus, a skier is in a typical (for phase-II) hyper-flexed position with one leg extended and another one extremely bent (see Maier in phase-II below)



发表于 2011-11-30 11:31 36 只看该作者
Then, the skier begins inclining inside the arc and the outside edge of the inside ski touches the snow in the beginning of phase-II. It happens exactly at the same moment when in a regular turn the weight begins to shift to the inside ski. If this drill is executed correctly, it forces the skier to emphasize flexion of the inside leg and the weight shift. Obviously this drill requires and develops a skier's lateral balance. It is important that the inside ski is placed on the edge at an appropriate angle. A common mistake in this drill is just lifting the inside ski and then placing it down almost flat without any movement to the inside of the arc. The track left by the racer doing this drill correctly should look like this one:



发表于 2011-11-30 11:31 37 只看该作者

One of the variations of this drill is its execution with placing the tip of the inside ski a little bit behind the tip of the outside one when the inside ski touches the snow. It allows one to avoid an excessive saggital split of the skis and the subsequent leaning onto the inside ski.

发表于 2011-11-30 11:31 38 只看该作者

Another variation of this drill is lifting the inside ski and keeping its tip over the tip of the outside ski (not to be confused with a javelin turn). When done correctly, it allows the skier to get more pressure on the shovel of the outside ski at the beginning of phase - I. In either one of these variations the tracks left on the snow should remain the same as the one shown above. Combining these variations of the drill with regular turns with both skis on the snow allows the skier to acquire a movement pattern for using the inside ski. At the advanced stages of development, these drills can be used in the gates, as well.

这个练习的另一个变形是:抬起内侧板,并让内侧板的板头保持在外侧板板头上方(别和javelin turn弄混,但是什么是javelin turn?)。如果做得正确,它能让滑雪者在第一阶段初段把更多的力量压在外侧板的板头。这两种变形练习留下的轨迹依然是前面图示的那样。将这两种练习与常规的不抬腿转弯相结合,可以让滑雪者摸索到使用内侧板的动作要领。在此后的提高阶段中,这些练习方法还可以用于过旗门。

发表于 2011-11-30 11:31 39 只看该作者
I am convinced that understanding the role of the inside ski is necessary for coaches and racers of all levels. I hope this article has provided a little help

发表于 2011-11-30 11:31 40 只看该作者
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