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发表于 2011-11-30 11:08 1 只看该作者 | 倒序浏览 | 只看本帖大图




Greg 担任滑雪教练(指导运动员)已经18年了,他曾在世界各地任教,包括奥地利美国加拿大等国。他的执教经历丰富,从青少年选手到国家队,并与欧洲、北美的一些顶级的教练共事。他指导过很多获得了世界杯和世锦赛奖牌的出色选手。更重要的是,他也曾经指导过一些不被看好的选手,并能让他们取得出色的成绩。 Greg在专业刊物的教练版撰写过很多文章。他现在正在写《教练眼中的高山滑雪》。

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发表于 2011-11-30 11:18 2 只看该作者

While active use of the inside ski has been a part of modern technique for more than a decade, it is still widely discussed and debated throughout ski racing community and, in my opinion, is often misunderstood. Some ski instructors and even coaches advocate "railroad truck" turns using a 50 / 50 approach to weight distribution between the skis, while others insist on a dominant role of the outside ski throughout the entire turn. Yet there are some, who teach loading the inside ski as a way of initiating a turn. In this article I would like to share my view on a subject of using the inside ski. As a coach, who currently serves as a technical consultant with a number of National Teams in Europe, I feel obligated to help racers and coaches to understand this very important aspect of modern technique.


发表于 2011-11-30 11:18 3 只看该作者

First of all, I need to say that each of the above mentioned scenarios do have a place in modern turns. However, talking about weight distribution between the skis outside the context of turn phases can be misleading at best. When working with racers or conducting coaching seminars, I always discuss the role of the inside ski in relation to where it is used in a turn. I usually divide an arc of a turn into three hypothetical phases:


发表于 2011-11-30 11:18 4 只看该作者
  • Phase-I - above the fall line
  • Phase-II - in the fall line
  • Phase-III - after the fall line

  • 阶段一:在板子指向滚落线之前

  • 阶段二:板子指向沦落先的时候

  • 阶段三:板子经过滚落线之后

发表于 2011-11-30 11:19 5 只看该作者
I am convinced that this breakdown makes a lot of sense, especially when trying to figure out the behavior of the inside ski as it progresses through an arc of a turn. For example, having more weight on the inside ski in the beginning of phase-I is definitely not a good thing, while it is almost a must at the very completion of phase-III. The same could be said about the 50 / 50 approach that can also be very beneficial in phase-III of a shallow turn executed on a moderate pitch. In other words, in order to produce efficient movement patterns, we should not insist on just one approach to using the inside ski. We need to understand the role of the inside ski in each phase of a turn, and then, teach particular movements for each of the turn phases.

发表于 2011-11-30 11:19 6 只看该作者
So, in contrast to the ski technique of the past, an active use of the inside ski undoubtedly plays an important part in a variety of technical elements that form an efficient modern technique. In this article I will illustrate the use of the inside ski, mainly in GS turns. However, the mechanics remain the same for all disciplines of ski racing. Since the technique related to use of the inside ski is often misunderstood by some instructors and coaches, we see a lot of junior racers using the inside ski incorrectly. Based on my observations, the most common mistake is the promotion of skiing with "equally loaded" skis (i.e., the 50 / 50 approach). Young racers are mistakenly being taught to carve by executing so-called "railroad tracks" while standing firmly on both skis. All of us have seen kids and even junior racers making these turns while remaining in a constant wide stance by moving the knees and shins from side to side to produce edge angles. Typically, these types of "turns" are easily executed on junior skis with a lot of side-cut and are especially easy on slalom skis. These skiers look static and often remind me of small sledges sliding down the hill. Normally, on a groomed moderate pitch these skiers draw continuous parallel and equally deep trenches similar to the ones depicted below.



发表于 2011-11-30 11:19 7 只看该作者
What is even worse is that many of them confuse these turns with modern dynamic race turns. This illusion dissipates as soon as they switch to longer and straighter skis (not to mention FIS compliant GS skis), or simply move to a steeper slope. However, by then it can be too late. Racers who have developed the movement patterns of equally loading both skis throughout the entire turn can never demonstrate anything half decent in the gates. In the gates these racers typically lean onto the inside ski by the beginning of phase-II and lose pressure on the outside ski. Thus, at least a part of an arc in phase-III is executed with significant skidding.

发表于 2011-11-30 11:20 8 只看该作者
Even if the skier exhibits good overall balance, he or she has a very small chance at making a clean arc entering a turn with a 50 / 50 weight distribution between the skis. This approach might work in some shallow turns performed over a relatively flat terrain, but cannot be successful if he or she only has this one way of using inside ski in their technical arsenal. So, why are these mistakes so common among coaches and racers? Perhaps because they copy the technique of World Cup skiers from photo shots that are typically taken right at the gate, similar to this picture of Didie Cuche of Switzerland.

即便拥有很好的整体平衡能力,滑手也很难在入弯的时候用50/50分力滑出干净漂亮的弧线。这种分力方法也许在较平缓的地形上转浅弯时适用,但如果选手只会用这一种方式滑行,那么他很难成功。那么,为什么这种错误在教练和选手中如此普遍?也许因为他们模仿的是世界杯选手过旗门时的照片中的动作,就像下面这张瑞士选手Didie Cuche的照片


发表于 2011-11-30 11:21 9 只看该作者

In this picture, Cuche executes phase-III of the turn with weight on both skis. Often the inside ski is bent in this phase of a turn as demonstrated by the author in the following sequence.



发表于 2011-11-30 11:21 10 只看该作者

In the last frame (phase-III of the turn) the inside ski is obviously loaded and bent slightly. However, it is just one frame out of three. In fact, in frame three (from the bottom) the skier exits the fall line at the completion of phase-II with significantly less weight on the inside ski that is practically straight at this point.

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