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发表于 2011-12-6 01:41 1 只看该作者 | 倒序浏览
本帖最后由 kash 于 2011-12-6 09:47 编辑


Nothing is more frustrating than falling because your foot slipped. It’s not frustrating because you passed the crux, were still fresh, or had just one move to finish your project. No, it’s frustrating because it’s prEVENTable.




I started climbing in 1998 and, before long, climbed five days a week. My first coach was Andrew Wallach, a local strongman and the head routesetter at Vertex Climbing Center, in Santa Rosa, California. Whether Wallach’s Silent Feet drill was simply a new way to torture “Team Vertex” is debatable. What’s not, however, were the results. As a young competition climber, I learned to pare away slop and inefficiency.


我从1998年开始攀岩,自那不久,便每周都要爬五次了。Andrew Wallach是我的第一位教练,它是我们那的强人,也是加利福尼亚,圣罗莎, Vertex攀岩中心的首席定线员。有关于他的幽灵步训练法是否只是为了折磨“Vertex之队”的一个新花样众说纷纭。然而,大家公认的,是这种训练方法的效果。当我还是一个年轻的竞技攀手的时候我就学会了精炼有效的攀爬。


Wallach’s exercise was simple: if your foot squeaked or smedged audibly when you placed it, punishment ensued — for me, this was a 200-foot gym traverse. Choose your own torture, but the key is to have someone nearby call you out. (Thanks to hollow indoor-climbing surfaces, making this call should be easy. And if you’re climbing outside and clomping like Lord of the Dance, this drill is for you.)




As your main points of weighted contact, your feet matter. Placing them silently forces you to be deliberate and aware with your choice, placement, and movement onto and off each foothold. Here’s how:




Shoe Design
First, let this key principle marinate: climbing shoes are designed to focus power into your big toe, making it the main fulcrum around which your body rotates. The strongest part of your forefoot, your big toe sticks out the farthest (usually), forcing the other piggies to follow its lead: whether smearing, edging, or bearing down on an overhang, it’s the action point for translating tension through your core. Thus, if you don’t stand (and rotate) over your big toe, your shoe will either pivot you off like a dREIdel spun on its side or force you to reset your foot, increASIng fatigue while you dither.








The Only Foot Placements You’ll Ever Need



1. Frontstep
This is the simplest, most stable position. Point your foot into the wall and place your big toe directly on the hold (left foot in photo below), resulting in a squared-off stance. You can also use a frontstep in conjunction with a backstep to increase stability, also pictured below.

•Silent Feet Frontstep Method: First, straighten your arms, hanging in a rest position on your skeleton to survey your foothold options. The key to Silent Feet is slowly and simultaneously to contact the wall’s vertical plane and the foothold’s horizontal aspect — so visually track the movement. Imagine the rock has wet paint on it — will your foot leave lines or dots? You want to leave the smallest imprint possible: a microdot.








2. Instep
The instep uses your shoe’s inside edge, still standing directly on your big toe. The resulting position — if instepping with both feet — is the “frogleg”; it’s crucial to highstepping, as with this slab move on the Bishop highball Footprints (right).

•Silent Feet Instep Method: Lean out from the wall and spot your foothold. The key is to weight your attached foot, giving you the freedom slowly and precisely to place the hovering foot. Externally rotate your hip, allowing you to use your big toe’s inside edge. As you make contact, relax your foot, allowing it to absorb weight. Noisy, sloppy footwork stems in part from a rigid ankle joint.



内脚步所使用的是鞋子内侧的边缘,同样要用大脚趾站立。获得的站立姿势-如果两脚同时采用内脚-就是所谓的“青蛙腿”了;这种脚步十分有利于踩高点,正如图中所示在Bishop highball Footprints(注:位于加州Bishop的一条名为”足迹”的抱石线路,难度为V9或E6)





3. Backstep
Learning to backstep (drop-knee) is quite possibly the most important technique for overhanging rock. Like a row of dominoes, it creates a “wave of extension” that lengthens your body: the pivoting of your toe into a backstep drops your knee, which in turn elevates your hips, driving movement upward. The backstep, or outside edge of the shoe, is also often used when stepping through. This move on Bishop’s Secrets of the Beehive (right) requires a classic backstep.

•Silent Feet Backstep Method: Set up as if initiating a frontstep or instep: arms straight, weight primarily on your attached leg. This time, internally rotate your hip, exposing your shoe’s outside edge to the hold. As your foot makes slow, deliberate contact, point your toe down, raising your ankle and driving the movement upward from the power point of your big toe.


3.Backstep (外脚)

学习使用外脚(坠膝动作)可以说是攀爬外悬岩壁最重要的技巧了。就好象多米诺的效应一样,它产生一股“伸展的律动”让你的身体延展的更长:将脚尖旋转至外侧的动作会使你的膝盖下探,随即也抬高了臀部,有利于上升。这种步法也常用于过渡。如右图所示通过Bishop’s Secrets这个蜂窝状的地带就是外脚步的经典运用。



Kevin Jorgeson still uses Silent Feet, ensuring precision footwork when it counts . . . like 40 feet off the ground on the FA of Ambrosia (5.14 X).

Funny Games



Learning to use and place your big toe effectively and precisely is the goal. Here, three Silent Feet drills to hone your skills:



  Team up. If your feet make a sound, you must repeat the boulder problem or route. Don’t move on (or letyour buddy move on) until you feel you’ve climbed as cleanly as possible. Never settle for slop. Extend astrip of electrical or painter’s tape laterally across the bottom of your shoe, from just under your big toe tothe pinky toe. If you step anywhere other than your big toe, you’ll quickly feel a difference in friction andhave to make the necessary adjustment. Do different moves — such as reversible drop-knees during atraverse — off the same set/s of footholds. This will test your foot placements as you pivot between bodypositions. If you’re using your big toes correctly, you should have no problem keeping your feet on. —KJ            

1   分成队,如果你的脚发出了声音就要将线路重爬一遍。直到你感觉能爬的非常清晰之前不能停下来或者换人。坚决不能偷懒。

2   撕一截电工或者油漆工用的胶布,将它横向粘在鞋底,卡在从大脚趾到小脚趾刚好低于大脚趾的位置。这样一旦用除大脚趾以外的任何部位踩点,你都会迅速感觉到摩擦力的不同然后要做出调整。

3   变换步法-例如在横移的过程中在相同的一些脚点上反转坠膝动作。这样就能在你切换各种身体位置的同时检验你的脚步。如果大脚趾的使用得当,你应该能很顺利的保持不失足。—KJ

来源:Climbing.com 译者:Xingze

2人 评分 查看全部评分
发表于 2011-12-6 23:19 2 只看该作者
发表于 2011-12-7 00:36 3 只看该作者
蓝色星光 发表于 2011-12-6 23:19 谢谢楼主,学习了。

发表于 2011-12-7 17:48 4 只看该作者
发表于 2011-12-7 23:39 5 只看该作者
贵子 发表于 2011-12-7 17:48 很nice多找些国外攀岩训练的文章来转转,我们就有福了!

发表于 2011-12-8 01:50 6 只看该作者
发表于 2011-12-8 19:05 7 只看该作者
改个诡异的名 发表于 2011-12-8 01:50 学习了...MARK一下...

发表于 2011-12-12 16:53 8 只看该作者
发表于 2011-12-12 17:12 9 只看该作者
emmasama 发表于 2011-12-12 16:53 学习了!多谢

发表于 2011-12-14 15:21 10 只看该作者
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