
轻负远行-冬季轻量化背包露营体验-Packing for Lightweight Winter Backpacking

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发表于 2015-2-24 17:50 1 只看该作者 | 倒序浏览 | 只看本帖大图
本帖最后由 驴火蛋花汤 于 2015-2-25 08:32 编辑


翻译自Gossamer Gear 原作者:Ryan “Guthook” Linn


轻负远行-冬季轻量化背包露营体验-Packing for Lightweight Winter Backpacking
For 3-season backpacking, one of my primary goals is to go as light as possible, and I’ve gotten pretty good at putting together a pack with an 8-pound base weight. Living in New England, the 3-seasons in question tend to last for only six or seven months each year. While most people choose to either stay indoors with hot cocoa and a mountain of blankets, or get out only on day-hikes, a few of us crazies can’t resist the urge. We need to sleep outside in the mountains, no matter the snow depth.


The obstacles in deep winter backpacking are mighty, though. This winter in northern New England, we’ve already seen many feet of powdery snow, sub-zero temperatures, and destructive winds. To deal with these conditions, hikers may need a lot more equipment than they’re used to in 3-season hiking, and that equipment is usually heavier, bulkier, and more expensive. Most importantly, a lack of practice with the skills and gear can quickly lead to serious consequences. But with enough practice, you can reap some pretty amazing rewards.
[font=Microsoft YaHei UI]深冬季节背包出行的阻碍是强大的。新英格兰北部这个冬天,我们已经见识过了数英尺厚的粉雪、零下的严寒、破坏性的大风。针对这些情况,登山者需要备足比三季登山更充足的装备,这些冬季装备通常也更大、更重、更贵。最重要的是,一定要有这些冬季装备的使用知识,并有充足的练习和实践,否则,肯能会导致非常严重的后果

Here are some major differences between my summer and winter packing strategies. Hopefully they can help you come up with ideas for when you’re ready to join the crazies who can’t wait until the snow melts.


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发表于 2015-2-24 17:51 2 只看该作者
轻负远行-冬季轻量化背包露营体验-Packing for Lightweight Winter Backpacking
The pack looks pretty huge, but it’s still lighter than most winter overnighters
Gossamer Gear 蝴蝶(Mariposa),这包看起来真特么大,但仍然比绝大多数冬季露营包要轻得多

Backpack 背包
In summer, I go with the smallest pack available, with no frame or hip belt. Most of my pack is filled with food because everything else is so compact. In winter, I go much bigger. I currently use a Gossamer Gear Mariposa which has a huge main compartment, and several large side pockets. The main compartment houses my sleeping gear, kitchen, and food (minus some daytime snacks in the outer pockets). The outer pockets are for my tent (so I can pack everything while inside the tent, and stuff the tent last), stove fuel (just in case of leaks), shovel (too unwieldy for main compartment), snacks and water (for quick access on trail).

夏天,我一般背无腰带无背负框架的我最小的背包出行。因为夏季装备大多可以压缩的很小,因此填满我背包大部分空间的都是食物。冬天,我就得背个大号的了,我现在正在用Gossamer Gear的蝴蝶(Mariposa)。这个包的主仓非常大,还有几个很大的侧袋。我把我的睡眠系统、炊事系统和食物都打包到主仓里,在外袋里塞帐篷(这样我就能把零碎都卷到帐篷里,并且最后再塞帐篷)、炉具燃料(以防泄漏)、雪铲(太笨重不适合放在主仓)、路餐和水(拿着方便)

Since winter gear is heavier and bulkier than summer gear, a frame and hip belt are nice to have in the pack. Still, with some practice I can keep my total pack weight for a two or three-day trip below 30 pounds.


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发表于 2015-2-24 17:52 3 只看该作者
轻负远行-冬季轻量化背包露营体验-Packing for Lightweight Winter Backpacking
Heavier than a cat can stove, but it sure performs well

MSR WhisperLite虽然比用罐头做的酒精炉重得多,但那时相当好用

Kitchen 炊事
Alcohol and canister stoves are great for keeping the weight down in 3-season backpacking, but when the temperature drops near or below 0°F, and the only option for water is melting snow (as it has been on every trip I’ve taken this winter) there is no substitute for a trusty white gas stove. I use a MSR Whisperlite, which was purchased in 2004 and has been a winter workhorse ever since. It’s nowhere near as light as other options, but it’s easily repaired in the field, and it burns hot even when air temperatures near -30°F (I’ve tested this more than once!). There are tricks for making other fuels work in low temperatures, but when it’s that cold I’d rather have something that requires minimal fuss.


The rest of my kitchen kit includes a shovel (for building a nice kitchen with counters, seats, and whatever else my cold little heart desires), a two-liter pot for melting snow and boiling water, a bowl and spoon, and a few sheets of Reflectix insulation (for a stove base on top of snow).   
发表于 2015-2-24 17:57 4 只看该作者
轻负远行-冬季轻量化背包露营体验-Packing for Lightweight Winter Backpacking
Melting snow is slow, but sometimes it’s the only way to hydrate


Water 饮水
Years ago, I sent all of my Nalgenes to Goodwill and replaced them with soda bottles, as most lightweight hikers will do. But the formerly ubiquitous Nalgene really is almost indispensable in deep winter. I carry one 1L and two 0.5L Nalgenes, each with a home-made Reflectix cozy (light, cheap, and stylish!). Filled with boiling water whenever I get a chance, and stored upside down to keep the cap threads from freezing, I can keep the water lukewarm most of the day. Staying hydrated in winter is much harder than in summer, but just as important, so I like to keep my water warm to prevent ice-cream headaches.


发表于 2015-2-24 17:58 5 只看该作者
轻负远行-冬季轻量化背包露营体验-Packing for Lightweight Winter Backpacking
Fully enclosed shelter was a good choice


Shelter 庇护所
Picking a winter shelter has been a tough challenge. I’ve used tarps over dugout pits, I’ve built quinzees, I’ve stayed in AT lean-tos, but each option has pros and cons. Currently, I’m using a Black Diamond First Light tent, which fits the bill for quick and easy set-up for a one-person tent. For a winter backpacking trip, the type of shelter you use has a huge impact on how you plan your hike. I chose the tent because I want to spend most of my time hiking and less time in camp, since building a snow shelter can take several hours. But time spent in camp in winter is pretty rewarding if you’re doing it right, so making a quinzee or snow shelter is often worth the effort. I’m more likely to spend time building a shelter if I know I’ll be staying there for several nights, and using the area as a base camp.

选择一个冬季庇护所一直是个难题,我试过天幕搭配雪坑、雪洞、坡面庇护所,每种都有利弊。现在我用 BD的FirstLight单人帐,它可以快速、容易的搭建起来。对于一次冬季背包出行,采用何种宿营对行程有很大的影响。我选择这顶帐篷的原因,是我希望花更多的时间在徒步上,而在扎营方面则是时间越短越好,因为用雪建造一个庇护所要花费数小时。如果你做了正确的选择,在扎营上的时间开销可以获得不错的回报。因此雪洞和雪屋一类的庇护所也是值得尝试、并非一无是处的。如果我知道自己要在某个地方睡上几晚,并将这个地方作为大本营,那我更喜欢搭建一个像样的庇护所而不是睡帐篷。

发表于 2015-2-24 17:59 6 只看该作者
轻负远行-冬季轻量化背包露营体验-Packing for Lightweight Winter Backpacking

Clothing 服装
Dressing for the occasion is more important in winter than any other time of year, so this is a category that needs the most refinement and practice to get just right. I prefer to hike with just base layers and thin soft shell, keeping myself warm with the internal furnace. I carry mitten shells, thick mittens, and light liner gloves that get mixed and matched depending on how cold my fingers get. Instead of boots, I use trail runners with 40 Below neoprene overboots. A hat and a fleece Buff round out the possible hiking accessories, although a beard sometimes makes an appearance as well.

冬季场合着装比一年中其他任何时间都重要,因此它被单划出一类,需要细分及实践才能做对。我在行进中喜欢只穿基础层(Base Layer)和薄软壳,通过身体散发热量保持温暖。我带着防护手套、厚手套、手套内胆,根据手凉的程度搭配使用。取代雪地靴,我习惯穿越野跑鞋外套扛零下40度防冻橡胶的套靴。一顶帽子和Buff抓绒围巾等登山配件

There’s a lot more clothing that I have as backup, though. An old beater of a rain shell is good when hiking above tree line in high wind, or bushwhacking through snow-covered trees. I go a size large for the shell so I can fit my giant down puffy beneath it in camp. And I have a pair of down pants that go beneath the soft shell pants in camp as well. The goal is to look as fat as possible, because standing around in camp requires a lot of insulation.

发表于 2015-2-24 18:00 7 只看该作者
轻负远行-冬季轻量化背包露营体验-Packing for Lightweight Winter Backpacking
Good night from a very cozy and well-insulated sleeping bag


Practice! 实战:
The most important things, whatever you’re packing, are to practice and stay safe. It’s never easy to start this kind of backpacking, but joining a group that has experience already can be a great start. If you can’t find that group, start with day-hikes, then gradually work your way into longer trips and short overnighters. With a little determination, you can join the ranks of crazy winter backpackers.
2人点评 收起
发表于 2015-2-24 18:22 8 只看该作者
驴火蛋花汤 发表于 2015-2-24 18:00 Good night from a very cozy and well-insulated sleeping bag一个舒适且保温的睡袋能让人一夜安眠 . ...

发表于 2015-2-24 18:47 9 只看该作者
驴火蛋花汤 发表于 2015-2-24 18:00 Good night from a very cozy and well-insulated sleeping bag一个舒适且保温的睡袋能让人一夜安眠 . ...

发表于 2015-2-24 20:33 10 只看该作者
驴火蛋花汤 发表于 2015-2-24 17:50 这是我作为一个没过四六级的英语盲试着翻译的第一篇译文,有不对之处尽请指正。 ...

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