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发表于 2017-7-17 10:30 1 只看该作者 | 倒序浏览
咨询电话:13341036750金字塔是地球上最稳固的结构,也是接收最高宇宙能量的地方 金字塔以51度51分的角度形成,这个角度让金字塔接收到最高的宇宙能量,本产品设计目标是防止打坐禅修时候的蚊虫滋扰,提供静谧的禅修环境。专为打坐 冥想 灵修 禅修人士设计,空间开阔舒畅,出行携带方便,居家野外均可使用。
  • 帐篷大小: 单人
  • 帐篷结构: 单层帐
  • 搭建情况: 需要搭建
  • 展开尺寸(长*宽*高 cm): 200*200*150
  • 适应季节: 三季帐
  • 帐篷空间结构: 一居室
  • 帐篷重量: 3500g
  • 产地: 中国
  • 帐底材质: 金黄色绸缎
  • 外帐材质: 金黄色绸缎+金色纱网布
  • 外帐防水指数: 小于1000mm
  • 帐底防水指数: 小于1000mm
  • 价格区间: 1001-1500元
  • 支架材质: 铝合金
  • 品牌: 川京
  • 颜色分类: 产品一 产品二 夜明珠摆挂球 观音打坐水晶球 金字塔野外避雷装置



    1、产品1:长2.07M*宽2.07M*高1.33M  角度51.5°   建议市价2520元  


    2、产品2:长1.39M*宽1.39M*高1.26M  角度51.5°   建议市价2520元  


    3、可选购的附件:夜光珠摆挂球 110元  观音打坐水晶球110元  金字塔野外避雷装置110元  航空箱150元

三、产品使用展示:  Product display

       1、 产品细节


     金字塔能专家:徐锦圣在专著《享受匹热迷能--金字塔能与人体健康》(中国物资出版社,2007年1月)中介绍:所用的金字塔模型要能有效形成金字塔能,就得在构造和材料上优化。依据金字塔能的产生原理,金字塔能发生器或者说真实有效的金字塔模型,是由智能、吸波、磁滞复合材料制成的表面平整的一次成型的有特定倾斜角度的中空正四角锥体。倾斜角度为50°~54°之间,优选51.5°,这正是所有原子的载波频率的能量向量角度。只要倾斜角度确定了,正四角锥体的边长和高的比值也就定了;金字塔模型就随用途不同、内部所放样品的大小而确定多大了。  金字塔是地球上最稳固的结构,也是接收最高宇宙能量的地方,金字塔以52度51分的角度形成这个角度让金字塔接收到最高的宇宙能量。




     金字塔各地不同的叫法: 金字塔帐篷 金字塔能量发生器  金字塔的秘密  金字塔的原理 金字塔的能量 金字塔的制作 金字塔的摆件 打坐帐篷 打坐蚊帐  打坐棚  禅修帐篷 禅修蚊帐 禅修棚 佛家 佛教 印第安 三角 纱帐 本产品设计目标是专为禅修人士设计,空间开阔舒畅,出行携带方便,居家野外均可使用。金字塔以52度51分的角度形成,这个角度让金字塔接收到最高的宇宙能量;在金字塔里静坐,我们能快速达到无念的状态,可以提升自身的能量,防止打坐禅修时候的掉举(杂念纷飞)和昏沉(瞌睡连连); 我们的能量发生器外罩可以解决夏季打坐蚊虫滋扰的问题,让打坐者更容易进入冥想状态,提供静谧的禅修环境优势。





     善意提示:管用和有能量才是最重要的,金字塔能量发生器一般都是有铜铝等金属管件制成的,在能够有效吸引宇宙磁场正能量的同时,在野外使用时也会吸引到雷电之类的磁场负电荷能量,本公司特此善意提示请勿在野外使用不带避雷装置的金字塔能量发生器,以免造成对你身体的伤害!!!!! 宇宙之能品牌是市场上唯一带避雷装置的金字塔能量发生器。


     Lightning protection device ofPyramid energy generator




     手机:13341036750   13699269438




Details display of advantage  

Advantage 1.The universe can be the only brand on the market with lightning protection device for pyramid energy generator  

Generous attention: Usage and energy is the most important, the pyramidenergy generator are generally made of copper and aluminum, it can  effectively attract the energy of the universe magnetic field, meanwhile attract magnetic field of negative charge energy such as lightning, we hereby suggestthat no use of pyramid generator without lighting protection device, which might cause harm to your body!

Advantage 2:Simpleassembly,Unarmed assembly.Easy to carry(bottom bar/slash can be folded into 40cm lengt

Advantage 3: the pyramid with an angle of51.5°  

Pyramid experts: in the monograph "to enjoy the pyramidenergy: pyraimidand human health" (China Materials Publishing House, January 2007),Xujin Sheng introduced that:in order to form the pyramid energy effectively,the pyramid modelneeds to be built with structural andmaterial optimization. According to the pyramid energygenerating principle, the effective pyramid model for pyramid generator is a hollow quadrangular pyramid with a specific inclination angle formed by a smooth, absorbing and hysteresis composite material. The tilt angle is between 50 ° and 54 °, preFERAbly 5°, which is the energy vector angle of the carrier frequency of all atoms. As long as the angle of inclination is determined, the side length and the high ratio of the quadrangular pyramid are also determined; the pyramid model is determined by the size of the internal sample. The pyramid is the strongest structure on Earth and the place where the highest cosmic energy is received. The pyramid forms this angle at 52 degrees 51 points to allow the pyramid to receive the highest cosmic energy.

Advantage 4: Set No.2 and No.3 with  night ball and crystal Guanyin playing ball, can also adsorb the energy of the universe, and release the energy of universe, you will understand what it means!“The mountain is not high, there is an immortal name; the water is not deep, there are Long Zeling”.

5. Product introduction:

There are different names for pyramids:  Pyramid tent,Pyramid energy generator,Pyramid's Secret,The principle of the pyramid,Pyramid production,The pendulum of the pyramid,Meditation tent,Meditation nets,Meditation nets,Meditation nets,Meditation nets,Indian triangle.The product is designed for mediation people, spacious and comfortable space, easy to carry for travel, can be used for home and wild space.The pyramid with 51-52° angle sothey can receive the highest cosmic energy. You can quickly reach themeditation state without suffering fromInsect nuisance.

Please contact us:

Design:BeijingSpecial items shop

LoCATion: Room 1506, Jianan Mansion, No.2 Youwai Street, Beijing

Mobile:13341036750   13699269438


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