



大江东去 -River Of No Return 海外漂流 (图片版) 皮划艇的生活

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发表于 2019-1-29 10:56 1 只看该作者 | 倒序浏览 | 只看本帖大图
本帖最后由 yampa 于 2019-1-29 10:57 编辑

The River of No Return
Marilyn Monroe

If you listen,you can hear it call:Wailare
There is a river called the river of no return
Sometimes it's peaceful and sometimes wild and free

Love is a traveller, on the river of no return
Swept on Forever, to be lost in the stormy sea

Wailare, I can hear the river call
No return, no return
no return, no return
Wailare, I can hear my lover call
come to me
no return, no return,

I lost my love on the river
And forever my heart will yearn
Gone, gone forever Down the river of no return

Wailare, Wailare,
you’ll never return to me.

威勒利 有一条河叫做不归河
她再也不会回到我身边了。大江东去 -River Of No Return 海外漂流 (图片版) 皮划艇的生活

大江东去 -River Of No Return 海外漂流 (图片版) 皮划艇的生活
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发表于 2019-1-29 10:58 2 只看该作者
在爱达荷的Salmon River, 别名是River Of No Return, 2013年抽到许可证的我,领着17位兄弟姐妹在这条河上第一次演绎了中国人的探险故事。


电影的故事, 从WIKI 抄录:

Set in the Northwestern United States in 1875, the film focuses on taciturn widower Matt Calder (Robert Mitchum), who recently has been released from prison after serving time for killing a man while defending another one. He arrives in a tent city in search of his ten-year-old son Mark (Tommy Rettig), who was left in the care of dance hall singer Kay (Marilyn Monroe) during his absence. Matt promises Mark, a virtual stranger to him, the two will enjoy a life of hunting, fishing and farming on their homestead.
Kay's fiance, gambler Harry Weston (Rory Calhoun), tells her they must go to Council City to file the deed on a gold mine he won in a poker game. They head downriver on their flimsy log raft, and when they encounter trouble in the rapids near the Calder farm, Matt and Mark rescue them. Harry offers to buy Matt's rifle and horse so as to reach Council City by land, and when Matt refuses, Harry knocks Matt unconscious and steals both. Kay chooses to stay behind to take care of Matt and Mark, and the three are stranded in the wilderness.
When hostile Indians threaten the farm, the three are forced to escape down the river on Harry's raft. That night they set up camp by the river, and Matt and Kay argue about the wisdom of pursuing Harry. Matt questions why she would choose to marry a man who had endangered a child, and she reminds him Harry never killed a man like he did. Mark overhears their discussion, and Matt is forced to reveal the truth about his past to his son, who is unable to comprehend why his father acted as he did.
As the three continue their journey, Kay comes to appreciate Matt's bravery and the tender way he cares for both her and Mark. As time passes, they are forced to deal with a series of trials and tribulations, including a mountain lion
attack; prospectors Sam Benson and Dave Colby, who are pursuing Harry for stealing their gold claim; and another group of Indians.
大江东去 -River Of No Return 海外漂流 (图片版) 皮划艇的生活 大江东去 -River Of No Return 海外漂流 (图片版) 皮划艇的生活

大江东去 -River Of No Return 海外漂流 (图片版) 皮划艇的生活

发表于 2019-1-29 11:00 3 只看该作者
大江东去 -River Of No Return 海外漂流 (图片版) 皮划艇的生活

大江东去 -River Of No Return 海外漂流 (图片版) 皮划艇的生活

发表于 2019-1-29 11:05 4 只看该作者
我们漂流的这段总体是平均III 级难度,当时水量(偏小)级别大概有 2个IV- , 10个III, 40个II 级 激流组成。


Rapid Name
Recommended Flow Kitchen Creek Rapid
This is a newer rapid that formed in the early 2000's.  
Scout from the road on river right
Minimum: 4000.0
Maximum: 35000.0

Proctor Creek Rapid
A straight forward rapid.
Read and run
Minimum: 4000.0
Maximum: 35000.0

Unnamed Rapid

Read and run
Minimum: 4000.0
Maximum: 35000.0

Killum Rapid
Run right or follow the main V tongue.
Read and run
Minimum: 4000.0
Maximum: 35000.0
发表于 2019-1-30 00:29 5 只看该作者
不归河是美国非阿拉斯加本土名河里, 全程没有水坝唯一一个。 发源于4千多米的雪山,奔腾几百公里后,汇入蛇河,再入哥伦比亚大河,最后汇人太平洋。

不归河漂流主要区段, 130公里,基本属于荒无人烟的国家森林保护区。短短的130公里, 下水点到上水点, 要开500多公里(单程)。 还好有当地服务公司把你的车,开到预定的上水点,花些钱(合理收费),省了很多麻烦事。


大江东去 -River Of No Return 海外漂流 (图片版) 皮划艇的生活

发表于 2019-1-31 01:11 6 只看该作者

不过主打还是租用的俩只橹筏,一只排桨筏。充气船随我们上飞机,大筏来自当地的漂流公司。多付一些钱,合理地收费,漂流公司把船运到下水点,给你打好气。租用器材里包括了各种烧烤架子和气罐,厕所,三只大冰箱,几个大不锈钢干盒, 收费都很合理。

有无数配件和零碎东西,我俩次叮嘱管租用器材的大宋同学,必须保证主要配件不能出错,17人 5夜六天在无人的河上度过,有些东西是不能疏忽地。结果漂流公司一样东西都没错没少,真得老美户外很敬业。

发表于 2019-1-31 01:12 7 只看该作者

大江东去 -River Of No Return 海外漂流 (图片版) 皮划艇的生活

大江东去 -River Of No Return 海外漂流 (图片版) 皮划艇的生活

发表于 2019-2-17 05:19 8 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yampa 于 2019-2-17 05:20 编辑


大江东去 -River Of No Return 海外漂流 (图片版) 皮划艇的生活

发表于 2019-3-5 11:25 9 只看该作者
发表于 2019-3-5 12:24 10 只看该作者
这是公园值班人公布水量信息,其实当天20公里外另一条更出名的middle fork 标准四级河,出了大事,商业漂流某个顾客被倒下的树,PIN 死,我们当时不知道。实力吗,我们的确绰绰有余,但多难,我们心里没底。

大江东去 -River Of No Return 海外漂流 (图片版) 皮划艇的生活

大江东去 -River Of No Return 海外漂流 (图片版) 皮划艇的生活

大江东去 -River Of No Return 海外漂流 (图片版) 皮划艇的生活

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