户外带不带雨伞,很多人有不同的看法 在我看来,携带一把超轻的雨伞,其实有很多的用途,遮阳遮阳,临时庇护,半夜出帐篷方便,营地做饭挡风等等,所以在可以忍受的重量和方便收纳携带的情况下,我是不介意多带一把雨伞的 之前使用的是gossamer贴牌的的欧洲风暴雨,相信很多人也用过,不多说,今天偶然发现雪峰的超轻伞,仅重133g,瞬间被这个重量吸引住,觉得很有必要弄一把玩玩,当然很多人会说,这雨伞这么轻,能不能抗风,能不能防暴雨,为什么不用冲锋衣,为啥不直接弄个雨披等等,关于这些言论,我只想说,户外不是只有一种玩法,适合自己就好。 收集了一些国外的评论,我分享下,半吊子英文不好,关键的一些稍微翻译下吧 https://hikelighter.com/2013/03/06/snow-peak-ultra-light-umbrella/ Snow Peak Ultra-light Umbrella MARCH 6, 2013 ~ JOHN B. ABELA (HIKELIGHTER.COM) Greetings Adventurers, Ok, I feel kind of funny writing a review about an umbrella… just gotta say. Over the years I have hiked with very few other hikers, probably less than 25 all put together, but the one constant piece of gear that every single hiker that I have hiked with has, is a good hiking umbrella. My true love is, and probably always will be, the “GoLite Chrome Dome TREKking Umbrella”. It is one awesome all weather umbrella! It is the leader of the pack and by far the most used umbrella on most of the long distance trails here in the USA. But, it is also a heavy umbrella, at 230 grams (8.11 ounces). As my readers well know, I spend a whole lot of money in order to save an ounce here and an ounce there as much as I can. So there are times when the necessity of the GoLite Chrome are just not warranted, and thus I am able to go out with a lighter weight umbrella. During the summer and shoulder season I have been fully committed to the GoLLite Chrome, but when I do not need the weight of that umbrella, when it is not hot and sunny outside, it offers me the ability to take the significantly lighter weight Snow Peak Ultra-Lite Umbrella. Here are the specs: 133.243 grams (4.7 ounces) 8.6″ in length when not in use 21.5″ in height when fully extended. 37.5″ in width when fully opened 133.243克(4.7盎司) 不使用时长度为8.6英寸 完全伸展时高度为21.5英寸。 完全打开时宽度为37.5英寸 Snow Peak Ultralight Vs GoLite Chrome: Two very important differences between the Snow Peak Ultra-Light and the GoLite Chrome: Snow Peak UltaLight GoLite Chrome Height: 8.6″ 25″ Weight: 4.7 oz 8.11 oz
Compactness: The biggest difference between the two, is the height of the two umbrellas. Check out this photograph below to see just how big of a difference there is! UV Protection: Below is a comparison photo of the inside of each of these two great umbrellas. The GoLite is coated in black to help reduce light reflection in very bright conditions, and it has a reflective coating on the top. 防紫外线: 两把遮阳伞的内部比较照片。 GoLite涂有黑色,有助于在非常明亮的条件下减少光反射,同时顶部有反光涂层 Inner Workings: Here are the internal working of each of the umbrellas: One of the important features of a hiking umbrella is how deep they are, here is a way I measured that: 这是雪峰伞的深度 这是golite伞的深度 Snow Peak Ultra-light Umbrella: A Folding Umbrella One of the more unique parts of the Snow Peak Ultra-light Umbrella is how it is a folding umbrella. It does this in order to reduce the overall height, a good thing when bulk/volume space is limited, and at first I thought it was a bit cumbersome and a potential break-point. However the folding mechanisms have held up very well and I have not had any failures, and I have not found myself annoyed at having to take the extra time to fold up the extra part each time I stop using it. 这段话的意思就是折叠伞的收纳实际并没有那么麻烦,大家都用过日常的折叠伞,类似的道理吧 Thru-Hiker Worthy Umbrella? Perhaps. It all has to do with the lack of UV reflective coating. That is so vital for thru-hikers in desert areas. Outside of the sun intense areas, yeah, make the switch to the Snow Peak Ultra-Lite Umbrella away from the Chrome and save yourself 50% of umbrella weight. Heavy Rain Friendly? Yes. In regards to dealing with a heavy downpour I would put this almost as good as the GoLite Chrome. It can handle a beating. 碰到大雨的时候,和golit的伞表现几乎一样好 Message Friendly? Nope. I have no idea who took this photograph, nor who the hikers are, but this is one of the best photographs of hikers using an umbrella I have ever seen! 548497_10151090307134389_385531990_n PCT Hikers – What an awesome idea!!! Final Thoughts: I love the Snow Peak Ultra-Lite Umbrella! It provides me a much smaller umbrella for the summer time when I am using a much smaller backpack. It provides me a great around-town and on-the-trail umbrella. It is one of the lightest compact umbrellas I have found. It is fairly priced. It gets the job done that I ask it to do! 这是我发现的最轻的伞,合理的价格,做到了我希望它做到的。 Thanks, +John Abela |
本帖最后由 忘带草纸的狗熊 于 2019-3-24 13:36 编辑 收集一下国外购物网站的有价值的评论 I am a big fan of Snow Peak products and this umbrella did not disappoint. It easily lives up to it's Ultralight name. Opening the umbrella is the same as any other manual but fully closing does take a little bit more work. That said, there is nothing that says you have to fully collapse and store each time. The umbrella can still be quickly closed just like any other medium sized umbrella which is what I do until it dries and I have a chance to fully pack later. Great buy. campsaver的用户评价,轻,收纳麻烦 The product is lightweight and slightly durable. I say slightly because while it doesn't break it does flip in side out in even 7-10 mph wind. I like it but also it doesn't stop rain. You still get wet through this thing in anything over a moderate rain. As an emergency umbrella it's great. It just rains a lot here I guess. 这是amazon.com的用户评价,关键词,中雨的时候仍然会湿身 This umbrella is crazy lightweight. I used it to protect myself from sun on a desert backpacking trip, and it worked well. Folding it up again so that it's as small as the original shipped size is a pain - you have to individually fold back each spoke. I just skipped that, and stored it without completely compacting it - it ends up being 16 inches long when you do that. 来自amazon.com的用户评价,关键词,轻、防晒效果好,收纳麻烦 |
我也会带一把超轻伞,不知道什么牌子,107克,但是只有6根骨,坑风肯定是差的,不过大风天伞也没什么用。 带伞主要是因为长时间雨天爬山,如果单一只靠雨披、冲锋衣、雨伞,任何一种,都会湿身。雨披冲锋衣是被闷湿的,天气好冲锋衣穿一整天不会闷湿,但是雨天多种原因导致冲锋衣透气直线下降,就会湿。 单独带这种伞,更会被雨淋透,因为超轻伞展开宽度一般都比较小,别说腿部,中大雨连腹部位置都挡不了。 所以虽然挺麻烦,但也只有带雨伞+冲锋衣开口透气才能保持长时间淋雨行进不湿了。 |