
驳谬论---某TB 关于羽绒的胡扯概念--我服了--亲,忽悠就不能专业点

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发表于 2011-9-30 10:22 91 只看该作者
发表于 2011-9-30 10:46 92 只看该作者
伟大的猪猪 发表于 2011-9-6 20:17 你要注意P棉的研发时间.P棉与羽绒相比.

发表于 2011-9-30 11:49 93 只看该作者
kopmine 发表于 2011-9-30 10:46 最好的P棉最多也就是到600蓬的保暖能力,而羽绒从600蓬往上,保暖能力急剧上升 ...


发表于 2011-9-30 22:15 94 只看该作者
本帖最后由 阿拉斯加生存狂 于 2011-9-30 22:24 编辑

梧桐啊 我是个马甲 本不想在这种菜市场论坛打你脸的
1 谷底冷是常识 冷空气聚集 且正处风口
2 如果你看看徒步的人写的书就知道了
ray jardine的书 andrew skurka的新书都一致认为不要在谷底扎营
再说说 个人水汽丧失的问题
自己看看wiki补课吧 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehydration
A person's body, during an average day in a temperate climate such as the United Kingdom, loses approximately 2.5 litres of water.[citation needed] This can be through the lungs as water vapor (about 350ml), through the skin by perspiration (100ml) and by diffusion through the skin (350ml), or through the kidneys as urine (1000-2000ml, about 900ml of which is obligatory water excretion that gets rid of solutes). Some water (about 150-200ml, in the absence of diarrhea) is also lost through the bowels.[16] In warm or humid weather or during heavy exertion, however, the water loss can increase by an order of magnitude or more[citation needed] through perspiration; all of which must be promptly replaced. In extreme cases, the losses may be great enough to exceed the body's ability to absorb water from the gastrointestinal tract; in these cases, it is not possible to drink enough water to stay hydrated, and the only way to avoid dehydration is to either pre-hydrate[13] or find ways to reduce perspiration (through rest, a move to a cooler environment, etc.)

发表于 2011-9-30 22:22 95 只看该作者
It’s reported that you lose up to four pounds of water each night thru evaporation of “insensible sweat”, when sleeping in a porous “breathable” sleeping bag. Weighing of such bags in the morning shows 2 to 4 lbs. increase, confirming that statement, and also showing that sweat and vapor don’t make it out of those bags: sweat wicks in, and vapor condenses in the insulation, leaving the bag wet. The 4320 BTU of heat stolen from you to evaporate 4 lbs. of sweat is lost at outer surface of your bag, as that sweat condensed to soak your insulation. It takes 144 BTU to melt one pound of ice. Thus the heat to evaporate four pounds of sweat is enough to melt 30 pounds of ice! (4 x 1080/144 = 30). Would you take 30 pounds of ICE to bed with you? That’s the effect you get by not using vapor barrier interior in your sleeping bag.
warmlite的数据可信度比较低 你看完图个意思就行
发表于 2011-9-30 22:33 96 只看该作者
发表于 2011-9-30 22:39 97 只看该作者
kopmine 发表于 2011-9-30 10:46 最好的P棉最多也就是到600蓬的保暖能力,而羽绒从600蓬往上,保暖能力急剧上升 ...

发表于 2011-10-1 09:14 98 只看该作者
发表于 2011-10-2 01:46 99 只看该作者
阿拉斯加生存狂 发表于 2011-9-30 22:15 梧桐啊 我是个马甲 本不想在这种菜市场论坛打你脸的1 谷底冷是常识 冷空气聚集 且正处风口2 如果你看看 ... ...




发表于 2011-10-2 01:54 100 只看该作者
阿拉斯加生存狂 发表于 2011-9-30 22:15 梧桐啊 我是个马甲 本不想在这种菜市场论坛打你脸的1 谷底冷是常识 冷空气聚集 且正处风口2 如果你看看 ... ...
A person's body, during an average day in a temperate climate such as the United Kingdom, loses approximately 2.5 litres of water.[citation needed] This can be through the lungs as water vapor (about 350ml), through the skin by perspiration (100ml) and by diffusion through the skin (350ml), or through the kidneys as urine (1000-2000ml, about 900ml of which is obligatory water excretion that gets rid of solutes). Some water (about 150-200ml, in the absence of diarrhea) is also lost through the bowels.[16] In warm or humid weather or during heavy exertion, however, the water loss can increase by an order of magnitude or more[citation needed] through perspiration; all of which must be promptly replaced. In extreme cases, the losses may be great enough to exceed the body's ability to absorb water from the gastrointestinal tract; in these cases, it is not possible to drink enough water to stay hydrated, and the only way to avoid dehydration is to either pre-hydrate[13] or find ways to reduce perspiration (through rest, a move to a cooler environment, etc.)

文中有说,温带气候。你标黑的地点也说,300毫升呼吸 100毫升皮肤出汗。这一点数据不同,但是观点没问题,呼吸大于出汗。

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