本帖最后由 e-bike-sam 于 2020-8-25 11:41 编辑 很多人都关心这个车在路上会不会被交警拦下。在昨天的骑行中,遇到两次交警拦下的情况。一次是刚骑出淀山湖时,一次是离开苏州骑向无锡时。乔治向交警解释了自己要从上海沿着新丝绸之路骑回欧洲的计划,交警听了乔治的解释,都放行了。希望好运气一路陪伴乔治。 这就是乔治的宏伟计划,在COVID-19仍然肆虐的时候,面对着漫漫旅途上的无数不确定,勇敢地去挑战不可能。 |
Wed 8/26/2020 LWH - DAY6 Zhenjiang - Nanjing, 88km (433km total) After having done yesterday about 130km in the afternoon (after visiting my Wuxi colleagues, thanks to Shuwei, Wei and Thomas! It was so nice having those discussions with the colleagues about the bike, the panels & sustainability and enjoying the great canteen of this plant!), facing heavy rain and thunderstorm on the last 20km that let me drive my batteries empty, I started with a weak support of my trailer into today's riding.... But luckily the weather was getting better and I could reach Bosch's Nanjing Plant 1 after a 45km ride with a similar voltage I was starting with. But therefore of course pushing hard my pedals... Thanks to Frank Meyer and Maggie for this very nice welcome with nice talks about CO2-neutrality and of course tasty noodles in the canteen! After I finally found my hotel just finished the day with a walk in the park along the lake! Really nice here! Tomorrow I will stay here in Nanjing, to do maintenance on the trailer and some optimizations. And to reduce my luggage and tools bag, to reduce weight. And optimize my folding panels... And then send my car back home to Shanghai. This was - in a not sustainable way - following me until now, since I was fearing getting much more trouble with the velomobile or the trailer due to the fact, that I had no chance for reliability testing during develompent in Shanghai... Luckily up to now I had no quality problems, even I had this heavy rain yesterday! 镇江至南京,88公里(共433公里) 昨天下午走了大约130公里(拜访无锡同事后,感谢Shuwei, Wei和Thomas!),真是太好了那些与同事们讨论了自行车,太阳能板和可持续性和享受工厂的大食堂!),面对暴雨和雷暴在最后20公里,电池基本用完了,我开始用很小的电驱动来帮助骑行……但幸运的是,天气越来越好,太阳又出来了,我又骑行了45公里,电压的电压也没有再下降,到达了博世(Bosch)的南京1号工厂。当然,我人力使劲地骑…… 感谢Frank Meyer和Maggie的热情欢迎和关于低碳环保的精彩演讲,当然还有食堂里美味的面条! 我终于找到了我的旅馆,就在湖边的公园里散步,结束了一天的工作!真的很不错! 明天我将留在南京,对拖车进行维护和优化。减少我的行李和工具袋,减轻重量。优化我的折叠太阳能板… 然后让司机把后勤车开回上海。后勤车从上海一直跟随,这是一种不可持续的方式,因为我害怕velomobile或拖车上遇到更多的麻烦,因为在上海开发期间我没有机会进行可靠性测试……幸运的是,虽然昨天下了这么大的雨,但到目前为止我没有质量问题! 在南京博世南京工厂受到热烈欢迎。 晚上住酒店,车停在大堂门口外。 |
信阳-南阳,200公里南阳-商南,200公里 连续两天200公里,晴天,大太阳,两天太阳能板共充了3度电。 早上充电。 |