



Northern Wilderness, Solo Traverse of the Great Chang Tang

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发表于 2010-10-22 18:39 1 只看该作者 | 倒序浏览 | 只看本帖大图
本帖最后由 TREKer 于 2010-11-24 18:51 编辑

Northern Wilderness, Solo Traverse of the Great Chang Tang

Mr YANG Liusong, a Chinese who just finished the first solo traverse over Chang Tang by cycling from west to east in recorded human history, shared his stunning Expedition with all of us through the forum 8264 https://bbs.8264.com/thread-512349-1-1.html
. In order to share his legendary journey with those who cannot read Chinese, I translate his story to English here, which has been approved by Mr YANG Liusong. Hope you guys enjoy it.  


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发表于 2010-10-22 18:42 2 只看该作者
本帖最后由 treker 于 2010-11-24 11:25 编辑

Northern Wilderness, Solo Traverse of the Great Chang Tang
By Yang Liusong

It has been three months since I traversed the unpopulated region in the Great Chang Tang. There are many like-minded asking me about it. I now present this thread to briefly tell everybody about my journey.

The starting point of this traverse was from the highest peak of the western part of the Tibetan plateau, Jieshan Daban, and the day was April 20, 2010.  I was heading eastward passing Bungdag Co, Yanghu Co, Rola Co, and Kangzhagri Mountain, which crossed over the desolate region from west to east. The journey continued northward to enter the unpopulated area of Altun Mountains, through Hoh Xil Mountains, Kunlun Mountains, Whale lake, ..., finally met some people by the Aqqikkol Hu and then arrived in Huatugou by vehicle three days later and that day was July 5. It had been 77 days in total. I had been all alone 74 days after leaving Jieshan Daban until arriving in  Aqqikkol Hu, which was about 1400km and about four months.

[The Great Chang Tang] In Tibetan, "Chang Tang" means northern empty wilderness while narrowly, means unpopulated region in northern part of Tibet. However, it actually indicates all of the no man's land in northern. The great Chang Tang includes desolate places in Northern Tibet, Hoh Xil, Alun Mountains, and Kunlun Mountains, which are interconnected to form the unique and super empty wilderness in the world. Only because Hoh Xil is the most known name, most people just think this vast land is equivalent to Hoh Xil. In reality, Hoh Xil is only a small piece of the Great Chang Tang both administratively and geologically.

The Great Chang Tang, the last land to chase your freedom and dream.

The route that I traversed:
Northern Wilderness, Solo Traverse of the Great Chang Tang
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  • 衡阳飞鹰户外
  • supereagle
  • 花褂子
  • 无诤
  • 史瑞克
发表于 2010-10-22 18:47 3 只看该作者
本帖最后由 treker 于 2010-11-1 21:49 编辑


I arrived in Tibet in the early March, a couple of troubles bothered me. The brand new plug got its positive and negative wrongly connected; the rivets of my rucksack easily got broken from now and again; and a multi-functional charger got damaged and so on. Riding my bike to Ngari for warming up of this journey, lost my rucksack but later got it back; lost my camera bag and got it back later again, and finally lost a big bicycle pannier in the street of Gyangze town under the eyes of police, including clothes, solar panel and so on.

Without much choice, I returned to Lhasa to adjust all the stuff I would need in the wilderness. Then I begged some luck by going to Nyingchi to enjoy the blossoms of peach trees and to take a hot spring bath. I even had the privilege to enjoy time with ten girls in the hot spring. I felt my bad luck had all gone and then returned to Lhasa again to prepare going to Ngari. I did not expect that I was cheated on by some hustler and lost some money and delayed my schedule for a week. I had to find a car myself quickly to Nagri. However, I lost the tool for fast-parting my rear wheel on my way to Nagri, where was a remote area in Tibet and nowhere to buy the tool. Even if there was one in Lhasa it would take at least ten days for a special delivery service. I was lucky that my mate Duola asked a driver to bring the tool for me from Lhasa. I thought there should be no more nightmare like this but the nozzle of my brand new multi-fuel stove was broken. The next day I tried everywhere to weld them back together. The first three shops could not do the welding for copper. The fourth one said they could do it but could not guarantee a success. The engineer said it would be ten Chinese yuans if it was a success. I agreed. Just in seconds, my nozzle became crap in a flash of lightening. I was so upset. Again, Duola helped me by bringing her own MSR oil stove and Dingding's sleeping bag to Nagri. That was already April 16 and I did not have much time to waste. The following day I found a vehicle heading to Jieshan Daban.

Northern Wilderness, Solo Traverse of the Great Chang Tang
The sand storm over Yarlung Zangbo River

Northern Wilderness, Solo Traverse of the Great Chang Tang
A lonely peach tree blossoming in Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon

Northern Wilderness, Solo Traverse of the Great Chang Tang
Natural hot spring in wild, me singing and drinking (photo by a friend of mine)
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发表于 2010-10-22 18:51 4 只看该作者
发表于 2010-10-22 18:52 5 只看该作者
1# treker

发表于 2010-10-22 18:55 6 只看该作者
1# treker

发表于 2010-10-22 18:56 7 只看该作者
发表于 2010-10-22 19:08 8 只看该作者
发表于 2010-10-22 19:32 9 只看该作者
发表于 2010-10-22 19:38 10 只看该作者
1# treker 羌塘的“羌”应为qiang梦中闲人 发表于 2010-10-22 18:55

谢谢指出,英文里羌塘是 Chang Tang.
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