



美国大陆的第一缕阳光 一个人两辆车的环美之行(二)

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发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 153 只看该作者

There is a famous "hole" near the cliff, and the sea makes a strange sound when it rushes here

发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 152 只看该作者
This road is really beautiful. When you are near the sea or the lake, there is sunshine, mountains, and blue sky, that is the most comfortable time to ride.

Leaving this lake, I drove to the coastline on the other side of the island. Arcadia is a protruding island in Maine

发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 151 只看该作者

This was the best ride in my tour around the United States. After that, the bike was only used as my means of transportation. It missed me and returned to China because it was later stolen in Las Vegas.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 150 只看该作者

发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 149 只看该作者
This lake is not particularly large, I decided to go around

发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 148 只看该作者
The core of this national park is this lake besides Cadillac Mountain, as if a gem was set on the east coast of the American.

The national park system in the United States is perfect, you can always find a trail in the national park that suits you. Hiking or cycling.

What is the origin of "Acadia?"
The term "Acadia" derives from historical descriptions first used by fishermen and traders brought across the Atlantic Ocean to France by explorers in service to Henry IV.

In our own day, many believe that the term is derived from the native Mi'kmaq term akadie or cadie, meaning a piece of land (generally with a positive connotation), which was rendered l'Acadie by the French who explored and settled present-day Maine and Maritime Canada. George B. Dorr's inquiries led him to conclude that "the word Acadia has never had a place in English geographic usage…the French word was Acadie, not Acadia.. [and] that after the treaty of Utrecht in 1713…the name even in the French form creased to apply to any region except historically."

In 1929, NPS Director Stephen T. Mather embraced the historic lineage of the Native American term, emphasizing that in renaming Lafayette National Park the federal government now prioritized a geographic term that was in use "before recorded explorations of the area by either the French or the English."

发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 147 只看该作者
I left the top of the mountain and headed down to Acadia National Park.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 146 只看该作者
This is a real sunrise, a sunrise where the sun rises from the sea level. This is the greatest sunrise I have never meet.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 145 只看该作者

发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 144 只看该作者

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