



美国大陆的第一缕阳光 一个人两辆车的环美之行(二)

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发表于 2024-4-28 13:54 123 只看该作者

The next stop is the Longfellow House. Due to my shyness and limited time, although he is famous, I did not enter.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:54 122 只看该作者
I have seen so many famous art museums before, and the exhibits here are certainly not comparable, but many of the paintings here may be the works of some unknown local artists, but they are extremely real, and their works are full of hometown his feelings are pinned on the waves in the sea.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:54 121 只看该作者
Portland is a city of art, and you will feel the charm of the city in the photos, so my first stop is the Art Museum of Portland.Another thing I was surprised is that the ticket-free policy here is actually free for people under the age of 21, which is really a city for young people!

发表于 2024-4-28 13:54 120 只看该作者
D22 Portland, small town by the sea

I continued north, into the quiet coastline of the United States, Maine in the northeast. After leaving Boston, I know that there are no bigger cities on the north coast.

But in my memory, this part of the North American road until entering Canada is my best driving memory. The town here is extremely exquisite.

My first stop was a small city called Portland. It has no high-rise buildings. Each building has a unique style. It is called "the gem of the seaside" here. The famous poet Langfrey in the 18th century luo grew up here.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:54 119 只看该作者
In the evening, I went back to Boston to sell my goods, but I was scammed. The Jewish businessman who promised to buy me still didn't show up. When I called him angrily, he even said that I insulted him ,failed the business.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:54 118 只看该作者

This is the first time I have seen a public bike in the United States except Washington DC.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:54 117 只看该作者
At the last stop, I came to Lexington, the famous Lexington gunfire. This small town is also very beautiful, it is a heroic city, and the monuments and militia statues here silently tell you the history here

发表于 2024-4-28 13:53 116 只看该作者
“这个小镇,闻名于 美国 史上四位作家: 美国 文学之父爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson,1803-1882),代表作是演讲与随笔体的《论文集》; 梭罗 (Henry David Thoreau,1817-1862),代表作《瓦尔登湖》;霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne,1804-1864),代表作《红字》、以及路易莎·梅·奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott,1832-1888),代表作《小妇人》。这4人不仅是同乡,也是同时代人。 梭罗 一度住在爱默生家中,晚晚高谈阔论,而小妇人的作者路易莎的家离爱默生家很近,曾在心中默默地爱过这位父辈的学者。爱默生时代 康科德 全镇只有5000余人,现在也不过17000余人,比 中国 的一个镇要小得多。看上去极其安静文雅。
爱默生认为 美国 文学应该脱离 英国 文学而有自己独立的风格,告诫 美国 学者不要让学究习气蔓延,不要盲目地追随传统,不要进行纯粹的摹仿。爱默生的影响还在于他的超验主义哲学思想,那时,他的家被称之为超验主义的实验室或俱乐部,常常与 梭罗 、奥尔科特、霍桑等在一起讨论超验的哲学命题。

发表于 2024-4-28 13:53 115 只看该作者

I went back to town. Here is another famous poet who is also Solo ’s teacher. Emerson ’s former residence. Thoreau used to live here. They are the teacher-student relationship and the opponent.

It's a pity that I came too late. It's closed here. I went in and looked around.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:53 114 只看该作者
Next, I came to "Concord North Bridge"
“ 康科德 北桥是“枪声响彻世界的地方”。这是一处修复得非常漂亮的19世纪纪念景观,以丹尼尔· 切斯特 ·弗伦奇(Daniel Chester French,又译丹尼尔· 切斯特 ·法兰奇)创作的著名的“一分钟人”雕像为特色。”

At the top and the end of the road, there is an old house. This house is very large and has a large garden overlooking the "road of battle" that has just come. It shows the history of battles.

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