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发表于 2018-3-24 21:43 101 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.

9/26 搭Siren公車1號從Guadalajara西緣到城市中心
9/27 Guadalajara城鎮中心一日遊

人不用每天活在現實中。Guadalajara直徑約3公里的歷史中心很美,完全不像一個開發中國家的面貌,除了眾多的宏偉建築,現代化的購物中心和餐廳,還有各種博物館,例如歷史藝術,還有另類的諸如museo de incredible(驚奇博物館)和museo de la tortula(殺人犯與刑具博物館)等。我原本計畫是搭乘大眾運輸穿越城市不作停留,但實際卻停留兩天。




9/26 Guadalajara west city limit--city centre
9/27 visit the city

Guadalajara historic city centre is amazing. And I found a budget hotel(300 peso, about17 usd) per night. The nearby area of the hotel is chocked of small business but I didn't feel any security concern to linger around in the daytime. The security and the price of accommodation are the key issues for me to decide whether to stay in a city for one more night.

Back to to city tour. Other than the magnificent architecture, there are many conventional museums, museo de incredible(museum of incredible) and museo de la toutula(museum of torture and murderers) for example. But
the appearance of the city nowadays is more appealing to me.

The young people on the street did some non-technical job to struggle to earn a living, clean the windshield of vehicles stopped for the traffic light, open the door for convenience store customers for example. Just mentioned in the last article, demographic dividend is often accomplished by the higher unemployment young group. That's somewhat a side effect of booming economy in a developing country, and can be reduced but impossible to eliminate.

Maybe the city have more room for improvement in driver's quality. Most drivers not only bully the cyclist, but the pedestrian. The turning drivers are “forced to” yield a group of pedestrians, but seldom stop for a LONE pedestrian. Maybe the reason for this is that a driver to run through a group defines an txxxxxxxx attack, but to run through a sole pedestrian is the fault of the poor guy: he should yield a car to cross the road, and the road is property of drivers.

To cross the roundabout is another problem for me. Maybe to cycle through the city is beyond my tolerance. But at least there is public transport system for cyclist who isn't bold enough.

发表于 2018-3-25 21:18 102 只看该作者
9/28 Guadalajara--Tepatitlan
9/29 Tepatitlan--San Julian
9/30 San Julian--萊昂(Leon)

Please read the English version in the second half of this article.




1. 在人生地不熟的地方搭公車總是很緊張會坐過頭。坐在公車上,公車站牌的站名常難以辨識。Guadalajara的Sitren路線,也就是唯一有車前單車架的公車(請參見上篇貼文照片),每個站名都有對應的圖案,辨識圖案比瞪大眼睛欲看清站名容易多了,請參閱文末第一個網址。

2. 分隔島自行車道,省去另外興建自行車道的麻煩,固定距離還有天橋通往道路兩側。這個自行車道穿越整個萊昂市,綿延大約15公里。請參考文末第二個網址。

I will continue the journey in the next post. In this article, I will discuss the “sushi store” and some innovation.

I found sushi in many places, even the local food stand. Only simple maki-sushi provided, no nigiri-sushi. The numerous “sushi” restaurants, can be found even in remote villages, means “a place provides Japanese cuisine”. These simple Japanese restaurants only provides two cuisine: maki-sushi and teriyaki(deep fried meat with vegetables and rice). The Chinese restaurant in Mexico I found until now, also has lots of deep fried dishes. So…,in Mexico, Japanese cuisine is characterized by DEEP FRIED “teriyaki”, and Chinese dishes are characterized by EVERYTHING DEEP FRIED. What's the difference?

There were two innovation I found along the way.

1. It's difficult to see clear which the bus stop is on the moving bus. Sitren, the only bus system could carry a bicycle with a frontal rack in Guadalajara, has a symbol on every bus stop sign. It's easier to read the symbol than the small letters. Please refer to the first link in the last article.

2. The bicycle lane the the road island. Since there's an island, then no need to build another bicycle lane. Also cross bridges in every certain distance to connect the roadside. This bike lane was stretched about 15 km from rural areas of Leon city to downtown, descripted in the next second link.

发表于 2018-3-26 23:08 103 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.

10/1 里昂(Leon)--瓜納華托
10/2 瓜納華托(Guanajuato)
10/3 Guanajuato--San Miguel de Allende








10/1 Leon--Guanajuato
10/2 Guanajuato
10/3 Guanajuato--San Miguel de Allende

Whether transportation method to usage in the travel, one could always find something interesting after staying for a while.

I will discuss more about foods and accommodation in the future post. Before going on the traffic condition of “everyone is bullying and be bullied”, I would like to share something that caught my eye, the sliced fruit stand.

From the Pacific coastline, I climbed to the central highland in average 1500-2000 meters above sea level. I found pineapple field all over the hill and the valley. It's considered natural to not slice the unwelcoming fruit beforehand to reduce the cost and waste in the sliced fruit stand. Cantaloupe, watermelon, orient melon are most common fruits one can find to be sliced and carried in a plastic cup. The abundant pineapple usually left in the corner of the shelf, un-sliced.

The pizza sliced stand sells cheap pizza slice(15 peso for a big slice) but not delicious to me. The cheese on the cheap pizza is simply tasteless, so do the pineapple dice, which I originally thought the pineapple on the pizza is processed but fresh in fact.

As the birthplace of corn, agriculture in Mexico doesn't seem to have been improved. And it is strong possibility that the pineapple is tasteless(even doesn't irritate the oral mucosa) in the food stand in my experience. Cantaloupe, orient melon could be untasteful, but don't worry, the fruit stand has chili sauce and all the common seasoning to deal with this. Well, I didn't see anyone have “chili watermelon”. Instead, the fruit stand sells watermelon when overripe and being sweetened.

Back to my travel from Leon city to Gualajuato. I cycled on the bike pathways on the island on the middle of the road as I did to enter the city. The bike path on the road island is a good idea to fully utilize the limited space in a city, but the bike path has large room for improvement. The path is narrow and with several barriers, such as lampposts, trees, and the metro bus stops. It's still passable to a cyclist without any load, but not me. And the divided bike path narrows down to single lane when bypassing the bus stop. It's still possible for two cyclists to pass on the single lane path, but someone like me has backpack on the racket would have to use the whole lane. But no cyclists willing to wait for me to pass the single lane section of no more than 30 meters. Drivers bully cyclists, clists bully each other, well done.

As mentioned earlier, Guanajuato has streets of three dimensional and several underground tunnels. I spent some time to figure out my exact location after entering the center.
San Miguel de Allende 全景
San Miguel de Allende市區主要道路,許多城鎮都有類似的『健康步道街道』,很難騎單車,更何況Allende的道路很陡峭
令人疑惑的指示牌,San Miguel de Allende直走又往左,哪條才對

发表于 2018-3-27 13:01 104 只看该作者
10/5 San Miguel de Allende--motel JSQ de ojos
10/6 JSQ--San Juan del Rio
10/7 San Juan del Rio--Jilotepec

Please read the English version in the second half of this article.











Miserable yesterday and not so miserable today. The “index of misery” is decided by the terrible things to happen and also the people to meet. I met kind people today so I felt not so bad even the misfortune. The next paragraph will go on the miserable yesterday.(10/7)

Allowing me to skip the boring travel on the toll road. The toll road is getting broader(three lanes and the shoulder of each direction) as being close to the metropolitan of Mexico city. Which indicates the heavier traffic and more road trash. I got a severe flat tyre and lost the self-sealing liquid(to seal the small hole of the puncture to prevent the air pressure loss of the tube) in the tube.

I can't figure out the reason of the mass air loss of the tube with self-sealing liquid inside, and the puncture was small enough for the liquid to function. But I learned three lessons from the misery.

1.The self-sealing liquid is useful and essential to cycle on the shoulder paved with thorns. I found at least FOUR HOLES on the tube and TWO THORNS inside the tyre. I must have been gotten a flat tyre without the liquid.

2.My strategy of “checking the tire and remove the thorns every 10-15 km “ worked well to prevent the thorns to deepen into the tyre and become unnoticeable from the appearance.

3.Don't fix the puncture on the parking space alongside the toll road. I was driven away.

Lesson three made yesterday more miserable. I only occupied one parking lot and was sure that there were plenty of available parking spaces. I eventually gave up the fix the tube riddled with wounds and settled in a new one.

I understood that the flat tyre will occur all over again without proper tyre and tube with self-sealing liquid inside. I spent lots of time and energy for the exact location of the bus station, acted on impulse to jump into the bus to Mexico city. But I shouldn't go to Mexico without knowing where to stay and how to leave the heavily populated city by bicycle after thinking twice. So I left the bus at the town closest to Tula.

Unfortunately, the small town has only one decent hotel and the hotel was full. The hotel guard not only didn't answer my question of the location of another hotel nearby but acted like I was unwelcome there. 620 pesos(about 37USD) for a single room was expensive but I could still afford it once in awhile.

I ended up in a coffee shop with wifi hotspot, figured out Jilotepec, another town 10 km from the decent hotel, has lots of budget hotels. I arrived a hotel in Jilotepec more than 6 pm. Paid the room fee (350pesos, about 20 USD) without routinely checking the room before paying. An exhausted day, how about tomorrow?
爆胎,白色液體是有內胎流出的補胎液 (會填補小洞避免漏氣爆胎),不知為何之前運作良好卻在沒有破大洞的狀況下失效造成爆胎並由內胎流出

发表于 2018-3-28 14:28 105 只看该作者
10/8 Jilotepec--Tula
10/9 墨西哥城尋找內外胎一日遊




10/9近正午來到Tula入住了一間廉價旅館後(墨國的廉價旅館多無check in時間限制,之後詳談),確定鎮上的賣場沒有單車零件後,馬上搭公車到距離Tula約40公里的Wal-Mart找內外胎。這是週日,鎮上唯一一間自行車店公休,另外我覺得最好在依賴不知可靠與否的自行車店前,先自己找找看。美國的Wal-Mart有豐富的基本自行車用品,並有Bell廠牌的內含補胎液的內胎與防刺外胎。可惜的是,找了兩間,我幾乎確定墨西哥的Wal-Mart只有成車,沒賣內外胎。




10/8 Jilotepec--Tula
10/9 Mexico city tour, to find out the inner tube with self-sealing liquid and the tire

First I have to thank for the owner Alberto of Citybike, the only bicycle store in Tula. Without his help, I can't easily get inner tube and anti-puncture tire in Mexico city, which is not instinctively to buy it from a bicycle shop.

Tula,locates about 120 km from centre of Mexico city, is a famous archeology site for pre-Aztec culture. But I had something more important than visiting the ancient sculpture.

I got a flat tire mentioned in last post at the same time lost a self-sealing tube, which is equally important as my wholly vigilance and anti-puncture tire to battle the road trash all over the toll road shoulder. I should make all-out effort looking for the tube and the tire. And Tula is the best base for doing that, where a professional bike shop locates and I could even take a bus to Mexico city and nearby Wal-Mart.

After checking in a budget hotel and then understanding the supermarkets in town don't have bicycle accessories, I immediately went to Wal-Mart(about 40 km away) by bus for the tube and the tire(The only bike shop in Tula didn't open on Sunday and I didn't know if it is reliable). But after visiting two Wal-Mart, I realized that Wal-Mart in Mexico is not Wal-Mart in America, where I could always find the basic bike accessories. I found bicycles in Wal-Mart but not any compartment.

I decided to go on my searching in the bicycle shop nearby. The Wal-Mart locates in the highly populated satellite city of Mexico city which has complicated bus system. And almost no information on the bus stop(there is even no bus stop but a group of people waiting for the bus). Luckily a kind mid-aged woman help me with the bus to take and the bus stop to depart. She asked another humble woman on the bus to help me with the exact location of the bike shop after taking off, who stopped a taxi for me and even paid the taxi fee.

It seemed that the bike shop closed permanently. The busy day ending in vain was featured by two generous women, my best efforts, and another sleepless night due to anxiety. After the failure searching in Wal-Mart and a bicycle shop, it seemed fortune didn't like to smile at me.

发表于 2018-3-29 21:13 106 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.

10/9 由Tula搭公車前往墨西哥城找防刺外胎


與我預期不同,在墨西哥找單車零件的最佳去處非單車店,而是單車零件專賣店。單車零件一條街位於捷運站Pino Suárez與Merced之間,位置明確,不用像昨天的大媽幫忙就能找到。雖然這裡有數十家單車零件專賣店,可是像路上眾多的小吃攤,零件甚至廠牌大同小異,幾乎只有一般外胎,無防刺外胎。我一家一家的造訪,總算在bicitodo找到防刺外胎。

1.墨西哥單車店多有替內胎灌補胎液的服務,而單車零件一條街少數店家也有賣內含補胎液的內胎(說camara con liquido多數店家都懂),一條約120peso。


3.在單車零件一條街可能是唯一賣防刺外胎(llanta con kelvar或llanta anti pincharo)的店家為bicitodo,在這條街上有兩間分店,我購買的分店地址如下:

Av. San Pablo No. 46-D, COL. Centro C.P. 06090 México D.F.


Av. San Pablo No. 10, COL. Centro C.P. 06090 México D.F.

10/9 Went to Mexico city for the tube and the tire

As mentioned earlier, after the flat tire happened on 10/7, I should find out the self-sealing tube and anti-puncture tire in Tula, a ancient town with an archeological site. I rushed to the only bike shop on 10/9 as soon as it was open. There was no tube and tire I needed in the shop, but the owner, Alberto was very helpful and took me to the bicycle spares shop for the tube and then filled the tube with self-sealing liquid in the shop. And he told me where I could find out the anti-puncture tire in Mexico city, which isn't sold in Tula.

Not exactly the same as I expected, the best place for the bicycle spares are the speciality store, not a bicycle shop. In Mexico city, there is about 300 meters of “ street of bicycle spares speciality stores” between the metro station of
Pino Suárez and Merced, not difficult to locate. Just like the numerous food stands on the street, these speciality stores have completed spares but lack of diversity in brands from store to store. Most of the stores only sold common tires, not a tire equipped with an anti puncture layer, Kelvar for example. I eventually found one in Bicitodo after almost visiting every store.

The next was what I learned from the searching process.

1.The self-sealing liquid for the inner tube is not scarce in Mexico. I can usually ask a bicycle shop to fill the liquid into the tube. And there is a shop to sell the self-sealing tube for about 120 pesos, which itself has the liquid inside.

2. The bike shop has bicycles and accessories for the cyclist but often lacks of completed spares. The speciality stores are the better option for the spares.

3.I could only find out the anti-puncture tire in Bicitodo store on the “street of bicycle spares speciality stores”, which the address is:

Av. San Pablo No. 46-D, COL. Centro C.P. 06090 México D.F.

And the next address is the branch store of Benotto where I found out the self-sealing tube:
Av. San Pablo No. 10, COL. Centro C.P. 06090 México D.F.
我購得的防刺外胎Bontrager hard case lite與中國廠牌CST含補胎液的內胎

发表于 2018-3-30 17:53 107 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.

10/9 由Tula搭公車前往墨西哥城找防刺外胎


與我預期不同,在墨西哥找單車零件的最佳去處非單車店,而是單車零件專賣店。單車零件一條街位於捷運站Pino Suárez與Merced之間,位置明確,不用像昨天的大媽幫忙就能找到。雖然這裡有數十家單車零件專賣店,可是像路上眾多的小吃攤,零件甚至廠牌大同小異,幾乎只有一般外胎,無防刺外胎。我一家一家的造訪,總算在bicitodo找到防刺外胎。

1.墨西哥單車店多有替內胎灌補胎液的服務,而單車零件一條街少數店家也有賣內含補胎液的內胎(說camara con liquido多數店家都懂),一條約120peso。


3.在單車零件一條街可能是唯一賣防刺外胎(llanta con kelvar或llanta anti pincharo)的店家為bicitodo,在這條街上有兩間分店,我購買的分店地址如下:

Av. San Pablo No. 46-D, COL. Centro C.P. 06090 México D.F.


Av. San Pablo No. 10, COL. Centro C.P. 06090 México D.F.

10/9 Went to Mexico city for the tube and the tire

As mentioned earlier, after the flat tire happened on 10/7, I should find out the self-sealing tube and anti-puncture tire in Tula, a ancient town with an archeological site. I rushed to the only bike shop on 10/9 as soon as it was open. There was no tube and tire I needed in the shop, but the owner, Alberto was very helpful and took me to the bicycle spares shop for the tube and then filled the tube with self-sealing liquid in the shop. And he told me where I could find out the anti-puncture tire in Mexico city, which isn't sold in Tula.

Not exactly the same as I expected, the best place for the bicycle spares are the speciality store, not a bicycle shop. In Mexico city, there is about 300 meters of “ street of bicycle spares speciality stores” between the metro station of
Pino Suárez and Merced, not difficult to locate. Just like the numerous food stands on the street, these speciality stores have completed spares but lack of diversity in brands from store to store. Most of the stores only sold common tires, not a tire equipped with an anti puncture layer, Kelvar for example. I eventually found one in Bicitodo after almost visiting every store.

The next was what I learned from the searching process.

1.The self-sealing liquid for the inner tube is not scarce in Mexico. I can usually ask a bicycle shop to fill the liquid into the tube. And there is a shop to sell the self-sealing tube for about 120 pesos, which itself has the liquid inside.

2. The bike shop has bicycles and accessories for the cyclist but often lacks of completed spares. The speciality stores are the better option for the spares.

3.I could only find out the anti-puncture tire in Bicitodo store on the “street of bicycle spares speciality stores”, which the address is:

Av. San Pablo No. 46-D, COL. Centro C.P. 06090 México D.F.

And the next address is the branch store of Benotto where I found out the self-sealing tube:
Av. San Pablo No. 10, COL. Centro C.P. 06090 México D.F.
我購得的防刺外胎Bontrager hard case lite與中國廠牌CST含補胎液的內胎

发表于 2018-3-31 23:00 108 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.

10/12 Tula--鄉間小路亂鑽--Tecamac









10/12 Tula--through toll way and backup roads--Tecamac

Before going on, I could like to balance the story by a driver's statement.

It seems that the street dominated by the bicycle rather than the motorized vehicle is the signature of underdeveloped countries but developed countries. Lots of concerned authorities of populated cities in Mexico are making efforts to promote bicycles as the means of transportation, some of the streets in the center of Mexico city even closed to motorized vehicles on Sundays. But I read a report about a car commuter spending much more time on road than before because he has to dodge more and more cyclists who tend to weave in and out the lanes.

I still don't have the chance to Mexico city and I reserve my comments. From my observation, the most resource of chaos street is colectivo, or the private van bus, not the bicycle. And in Tula, I saw something interesting and even “touching”.

I stayed in Tula for 4 nights, and I had many chances to go through busy intersections. Sometimes a police directs the traffic but most of time the pedestrian has to cross the road on the own.

Not every turing motorist doesn't yield, but I can't know if the motorist stops for pedestrian crossing on the windshield. So the pedestrian simply run across the street. And pedestrians don't only cross on the crosswalk but everywhere. So I could find that everyone was running like a hell on every corner of the street, for the safety and own life. The scenery of running for the life is not only in Tula and could almost be found everywhere.

Back to my journey, there are many shortcomings of cycling on the toll road, the sharp wire is only one of them. The toll road is more straightforward but also hilly. And the truck usually emissions noxious exhaust. I equipped my bicycle with better tire at the same time to nurse myself in Tula for not being poisoned to some other places.

There are many backup roads to Tecamac, but lacking of the direction signpost. I asked around for the correct way to go in three village along the road and also judged the direction by the sun and the tire mark. It was interesting and I was lucky to not get lost.

I wil visit the prestigious sun and moon pyramid(Teotihuacan) for the next.


发表于 2018-4-1 22:32 109 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article..

10/13 Tecamac--Teotihuancan,參觀亡靈大道日月金字塔

Teotihuacan文明起始於西元前200年左右,早於之前提到的Tula文明。最盛時期的人口可高達20萬人,如今遺留的古蹟只剩城鎮中心。因為西班牙人誤以為這些龐大成群的金字塔為陵墓,而有亡靈大道(calle de los Muertos)之稱,但實際上多為祭祀使用。金字塔裡有一些曆法相關的意義,太陽金字塔稍微偏向4月29日與8月12日的日落水平點西北邊,而8月12日代表馬雅曆法的起始,也有許多天文方面的觀測資訊是從這邊得知的。



10/13 Tecamac--Teotihuacan, visit boulevard of death and pyramids

Teotihuacan is an Mesoamerican city originated from about 200 AD, earlier than Tula, another ancient civilization near Mexico city. It is believed that there was about 200 thousand populations in the period of prosperity. But only the center buildings are left. Spans mistakenly thought the pyramids were built to tombs. So the pyramid, which was built mainly for religious ceremonies, is well-known as the name of boulevard of death(Calle de los Muetos). The pyramids were also built in reference to the science calendar. Please refer to the Wikipedia for detailed information.

The pyramid of the sun is the third largest pyramid in the world, with the base of 225 meters in width and 64 meters in height. The altar on the top no longer exists. The recovery constructing in the early 20 centre was proved a disaster and lots of strengthened work is still in process, so the pyramids are different from the original type.

Some “hypothesis of aliens” arises around the magnificent building. Of course we can't totally deny the possibility, but there's usually a scientific explanation for the mystery.
The tall stairs was more possible built as the result of the steeping pyramid, not for a long-feet aliens. To pile the stones to a pyramid doesn't seem to need a superb technique, although it's highly labor-densed without machinery. So the more appropriate question here is “ how to mobilize thousands of people to dedicate the constitution” instead of “ how to build the pyramid”. We could never know the exact answer to the question. But other than subtling, one of the best ways to consolidate the leadership in monopoly or to be elected to high position in the governorship in democracy is to tell the people “there's an enemy(opposing or real in existence) and I am the only one to lead anyone to fight against the foe”. And to dismay intruders is much important than the decision of the leadership in this case. There are many examples in modern politics. The enemy could be a group of unwelcoming people, a kind of industry, or some people mistakenly labeled as big bad guys.
Teotehuacan的templo (神廟)de Quetzalcóatl

发表于 2018-4-2 21:10 110 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.

10/14 Teotihuacan--Texcoco de Mora,參觀Texcotzingo遺址


由Texcoco中心出發,搭乘往Tlaminca的colectivo(廂型公車),在Tlaminca村落詢問zona archeological(古蹟地區)下車後,我開始與入口玩綠野先蹤,所有村民都表示遺址在山丘上,可是我實在找不到上山丘的路徑,費時近超過半小時才在巷弄間找到入口。這不是有名的景點,雜草叢生的入口讓我懷疑是否應攜帶開山刀和鐵鏟。由此到連結遺址的路徑約20分鐘路程。相對而言,連結數個遺址的路徑十分清晰寬敞。而這個遺址在被列入保護前受到許多破壞,包含現代化的塗鴉藝術,且並非所有遺址都以挖掘出土。

10/14 Teotihuacan--Texcoco de Mora, visit Texcotzingo historic site

Texcotzinco locates in the suburbs of Texcoco, which was an important city in Aztec era and about 30 km from Mexico city. Texcotzinco, built by Nezahualcoyotl, a ruler of the area before the Hispanic colonization, was an imperial garden and the sacred place. The whole construction was built according to the Aztec myth, and the most important remains are the waterways and connecting pools.

Started off from Texcoco centre, I took the colective(the private van bus) to village Tlaminca, and departed in the “zona archeological”. The entrance was near where I departed but very difficult to locate. I spent more than half hour to look for the entrance, which is choked with weeds. The historic remains are about 20 mins away, near the top of the hill. And compared to the trail from the entrance to the connection trail, the trail connects the historic remains was well maintained and cleared up. The remains are sabotaged before it was enlisted in sites of protection. I could find the graffiti on the sculpture garden and the walls of the pools. There are still large part of the remains underground and wait for discovery.
Texcotzingo的儲水槽El bano de la Reina(Reina的洗澡池)和塗鴉
Texcotzingo的儲水槽El bano del Rey(Rey的洗澡池)

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