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发表于 2018-4-3 15:43 111 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.

10/15 由Texcoco搭公車往返墨西哥城


在大城市中則會有一些另類的博物館,例如之前在Guadalajara的museo de incredible(驚奇博物館)和museo de la tortula(殺人犯與刑具博物館)。而在市中心被列為世界文化遺產(UNESCO)的墨西哥城也不落人後,除了必訪的正常的人類學博物館(Museo national de andropologia。內有墨西哥各現代與過去民族文化與各歷史考古遺址的介紹,仔細逛需要至少半天的時間),另類而且必遊的莫屬位於市中心的記憶與寬容博物館(meseo memoria y tolerancia)。

這間博物館以種族清洗的歷史為主軸,除了納粹,也介紹發生在1994年發生在盧安達的圖西人屠殺與較罕為人知發生在1982年的瓜地馬拉Dos Erres massacre等,內容豐富。而在地球的另一邊能看到這些歷史,十分特別。


10/15 Visit Mexico city, took the bus from Texcoco

Mexico is an amazing country to me. The culture and the food, the festival on the weekend, the Turkish drama on the TV, and also the museum. And also seems a country of energy. I found buskers in almost every central park and major road intersections. People, especially teeagers and youngsters, kiss passionately in the park, on the metro, and everywhere. And drivers turn the music out loud when in the traffic jam to distract themselves.

Back to the discussion of the museum, which can be found in almost every towns and cities along with a magnificent church and a hilarious park. Other than the normal type, historic and cultural museum for example, there are many alternative ones in big cities, museum of incredible(museo de incredible) and museum of torture(museo de la tortula) in Guadalajara for instance. In Mexico city, other than the must-see museo national de andropologia, which introduces the cultures of every region and ethics, and archeological findings in Mexico. Museum of memory and tolerance is another must-visit(meseo memoria y tolerancia).

The museum tells us about the history of ethics cleaning. Other than the one happened in the early 20 century in German, there are also about the ethics cleaning happened in 1994 in Rwanda and Dos Erres massacre in 1982 in Guatemala. Very special to learn these history in a third party country.

Everything is fine in these museum except of the lacking of English explanation board. From my observation, these museum promote the tourism and also enhance the unity of the nation. Maybe there will be a economic development museum and even the museum of cross-strait relationship and China modern history in Taiwan, which are appealing to foreigner tourist. But that's only “maybe” because authorities concerns of Taiwan tourism are conservative and inflexible. Welcome to Taiwan, the night market and the modern shopping malls are waiting for you.

墨西哥城藝術宮(Palacio de Bellas Artes)是墨西哥最重要的文化中心,位於墨西哥城歷史中心的西側。

发表于 2018-4-4 10:23 112 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.

10/15 從Texcoco往返墨西哥城
10/16 Texcoco--Chalco de Diaz
10/17 Chalco de Diaz--San Martin Texmelucan


10/15 round trip to Mexico city, stayed in Texcoco
10/16 Texcoco--Chalco de Diaz
10/17 Chalco de Diaz--San Martin Texmelucan

After the travel through satellite cities of Mexico city, I kept my journey to Puebla city. There are at least three major highway to Puebla, and I chose the only toll highway, which has the wide shoulder and has the most elevation change(2200 meters to 3200 meters). The slope is gently(about 3.5% in average) and not so demanding to me, although the road trashes still had large existence. I saw two sporting cyclists on this section and it seemed the locals were like me to try to avoid the shoulderless freeway. I didn't see the smoking volcano of Popocatepetl, but the scenery, the colorful fields and ranches, the village building lays dense on the hill, were still quite rewarding.

But I experience at least two "leaking events" today. I heard the air escape from the tube when removing the wire twice. But luckily the self-sealing liquid worked well today and the leaking events didn't evolve into flat tires. But two small holes in the tube just in one day is quite terrible and worrisome.
路景,Santa Rita Tlahuapan村
路景,寒溪村(Frio Rio)

发表于 2018-4-5 17:02 113 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.

Cholula是墨西哥其中一個最早有人定居的村落,Olmec文明於約公元前1500年至公元400年在此蓬勃發展。而大約在公元前300年,一個供奉羽蛇神Quetzalcoatl的金字塔出現在這裡,之後一代又一代的古印第安人用燒結的陶土塊(這裡缺乏石料)不斷的頂樓加蓋,建成了世界容積最大的金字塔。在公元10 世紀左右,這個金字塔被加建成一個底部達450平方公尺,高約50公尺的復式祭壇結構,於12世紀因未知原因被荒廢。這些極易風化與極適合植物生長的陶土,讓它在西班牙殖民時期成為一座草木茂盛的土丘,逃過破壞的魔掌。西班牙人也在這座土丘上方建造聖堂(Virgin de los Remedios),目的之一是統一當地人的信仰以穩固統治基礎。但因為地震影響,該聖堂目前暫停遊客觀光。

而Cholula是教堂密度相當高的小鎮,這是因為西班牙人經過這裡時,統治阿茲特克的武士在這設下埋伏,但因為Tlaxcala人向西班牙人告密,不但功敗垂成Cholula還被殺了約6000人。而Tlaxcala人告密的獎賞是Cholula隨便你搶。之後西班牙首領Hernán Cortés可能良心不安,發誓每天都要在這裡建一座教堂,共興建一年,現在這裡有39座教堂。


Cholula is one of the most ancient towns in Mexico. Olmec people ruled here from around 1500 BC to 400 AD. The pyramid stood up here in about 300 BC. after further construction with clay blocks(this area was short of rock material) by generations of indigenous people, the pyramid became the largest complex altar pyramid(volume wise) in the world, with about 450 meters in width and 50 meters in height in 10th century. The component of clay blocks which is vulnerable to erosion and highly fertility made the pyramid a greenery hill, and managed to escape the clutches of Spanish. Spanish built sanctuary of Virgin de los Remedios to replace the cult of the ancient god. The sanctuary is closed to tourists temporarily.

Cholula is the town of highly dense with Catholic churches. Spanish army won here by the help of informer of Tlaxcala, who rioted Cholula after Spanish occupation. About 6000 people lost their lives in the battle, and Hernán Cortés, the leader of Spanish corp, ordered to build the church every single day of a year. There are 39 churches in Cholula now.

Cholula is not only a historic site but also serves as a satellite city of Puebla, the 4th large city in Mexico which accommodates about 1.5 million people in the metropolitan area. Puebla locates in the valley surrounded by volcanos. Among the volcanos, Popocatepetl, 5452 meters and the second highest peak in Mexico, came to live in 1999, and we can see the smoking volcanos in many corners of Puebla with a clear sky. Legend says Popocatepetl and another volcano Iztaccihuatl are a couple devoted to each other, so when the mule sent the message of the husband died in the battlefield, the wife were so consolidate and lost her life in the second morning. The two volcanos capped with snow then arose from the horizon, as seemed the couple to guard the valley. The ridge extended from the volcanos also acts the natural barrier of Puebla and Mexico city.
世界容積最大金字塔grand Cholula,祭壇(altar),當時可能有將兒童活祭
世界容積最大金字塔grand Cholula,祭壇(altar),估計有9公尺高,80公尺寬
世界容積最大金字塔grand Cholula,深邃的結構
世界容積最大金字塔grand Cholula和塔頂後來西班牙人興建的聖殿Virgin de is Remedios
世界容積最大金字塔grand Cholula和塔頂後來西班牙人興建的聖殿Virgin de is Remedios
世界容積最大金字塔grand Cholula和塔頂後來西班牙人興建的聖殿Virgin de is Remedios

发表于 2018-4-8 00:13 114 只看该作者

Please read the English version in the second half of this article.





這段起於Cholula旅遊輕軌站(Cholula tourist train station,一天僅3-4班),終於Puebla東南方的Park Centenario Laguna de Chapulco18公里的自行車道類似之前萊昂(Leon)市分隔島自行車道的設計,不同的是這裡的有圍籬,高架設計跨越複雜的交叉路口,甚至還有交流道。這裏是個人認為除了歷史中心之外的必遊景點(這個城市有許多公共單車租借站)。除了複雜的車道設計(至少我還沒在其他國家看過),另外高架路段讓整個城市風光一覽無遺,包含在吐煙的Popocatepetl火山與位於北側的Iztaccihuatl休火山。唯一缺點是這些自行車道缺乏指標,沿路也沒看到半張地圖。我的資訊來源於Cholula的旅遊輕軌站,知道關鍵字後再上網查詢。

A pyramid of largest volume of the world in Cholula. And one of the most amazing bike path I had seen from Cholula to Puebla center, the fourth largest city in Mexico.

Named to ciclovias, the main bike path starts from Cholula tourist train station(the train is targeted to tourists to travel from Puebla historic centre and Cholula pyramid), along with the busy highway 190 which skirts the Puebla south city limit, to Park Centenario Laguna de Chapulco in southeast of Puebla, which is marked in red(the south section) in the following map:


The main path extends several side paths, and one of them leads to the center. The central bike paths(next to “Puebla”) are also marked in red on the map.

There are several designs for the path, the on-road bike lane and off-road separating path for example. The most astonishing one is the main path which alongside the highway 190. This path, also an “island bike path” similar to The bike path in Leon, but has fences and features the high structure to pass the complex intersections which provides the cyclist a wonderful view of the city and the volcanoes surrounded. This path even has interchange to connect to the other bike path. One of the best selling point is the smoking volcano of Popocatepetl and the dormant Iztaccihuatl. It seems to me that the bike path is another must-see other than the historic centre. Although the map and the direction signpost are scarce along the path.

发表于 2018-4-8 09:32 115 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.

10/19 下午搭乘市區導覽旅遊車
10/20 參觀Cuexcomate火山與Amparo博物館
10/21 參觀不干涉博物館(museo de la no intervencion fuete de Loreto),Angelópolis mall

我的市區行程非常鬆散,這得拜城市混亂的公車系統。以私人公車為主的系統完全沒有編號與路線圖,只有在擋風玻璃上的幾個前往地名,我得在公車飛速駛進的瞬間反應過來這些地名連結的路線上是否有我的目的地,根本就是不可能的任務。於是我使用『無窮逼近法』,就是不管三七二十一,隨便選一般公車搭,待其偏離我預期路線後,下車走到朝向我目的地的大馬路,再選一班公車搭……。結果光是從不干涉博物館到約7-8公里遠的Angelópolis mall就花費約1小時,換了3班公車。計程車是最佳解,不過一個人搭並不划算。而騎單車去又有停放問題。

Puebla於1531年建立,是西班牙為了在Veracruz港與墨西哥城(México)之間建立的休息處。殖民時期為重要的銀產地。在起源於墨西哥政府拒絕向債權國支付利息的法國第二次入侵墨西哥,這場長達7年的戰爭(1861-1867),法軍在1862年5月5日首此在此嚐到失敗(雖然之後Puebla仍被佔領),其中戰略地位重要的fort Loreto(Loreto堡壘)已被裝置成不干涉博物館。這場戰役由Ignacio Zaragoza率領以寡敵眾,也是它國對墨西哥的最後一場侵略,因此5月5日為Puebla與附近地區的重要節日,也有以5月5日命名的街道(5 de mayo)。後來Puebla也成為1910年墨西哥革命的起源地。

目前這個城市被列為世界文化遺產(UNESCO),也是墨西哥最富裕的區域之一。這裡除了宏偉的殖民建築,巨大的貧富差距一覽無遺。在主要的購物城Angelópolis mall中有兩條美食街:平價街與高貴街。後者動輒20美金的套餐(平日有折扣)在假日高鵬滿座。相對而言,弱勢族群賺錢的方式千招百出,在餐廳唱歌演奏,在重要路口擦擋風玻璃表演丟籃球,上公車賣花生糖,見怪不怪。



In Puebla
10/19 afternoon, take the city tour bus
10/20 visit vocanol Cuexomate and museum Amparo
10/21 visit museo de la no intervencion fuete de Loreto and Angelópolis mall

Thanks for the disorderly private bus system, I did have a casual schedule in the city. There is almost no numbers and no route maps of the buses, only couples of locations on the windshield where the bus bounds for. I had to connect the locations and to draw a route map in my head to see if my destination was around the route in only few second of the bus coming near. It was nearly impossible to me. So I used the “successive approximation” to take the bus to my destination. That is, took a bus no matter where the bus bounded to and departed when deviating. Then walked to the main road which bounded to my location. Then taking another bus…. It was wasting time and it took me almost an hour for the 8 km travel from museo de la no intervencion fuete de Loreto to Angelópolis mall with three different routes of buses. But I didn't have other visible option. To take the taxi was too expensive and to ride bicycle there was definitely not a good idea because it is usually difficult to find a safe place for my bicycle when I left for looking around.

Built on 1531, Puebla was a rest stop for Spaniards traveling from Veracruz port to Mexico city, and became an important mining town in colonial era. In 5 May,1862 during the second French invasion, French troops was defeated at the first time in the 7-year-long war. Fort Loreto was a major fortress and refurbished to museum of no intervention now. Mexican troops, which was led by Ignacio Zaragoza, and pit the few against many, won an inspiring victory. Until now, Puebla and surrounded area still celebrate the date, cinco de Mayo in Spanish, and named the street as it. Puebla was also where the revolution of 1910 ignited.

Having an UNESCO historic centre, Puebla is fourth largest city in Mexico and one of the richest area. Tourists can find several buildings built in colonial times with English interpretation board, and also the extreme disparity between the poor and the rich. There are two food court in the modern shopping mall of Angelópolis, one of them is gathered several fancy restaurants, packed with people in weekend of my visiting the mall. On the other hand, people tried everything to make money on street, to wash the windshield, to play tricks or music when the vehicles stop for the red light for example. Or sell snacks on the bus.

But sadly, one of the the major reason the amount of money the “street performer” can earn is how much money the audience has. After all, people can hardly understand the actual strength of the performer in a short time. But the fancy restaurant and the modern shopping mall usually forbids the street performers to play the trick inside for many reasons. Rich people drive the private vehicle, to dine in a fancy restaurant, to shop in a modern mall. People have different living domain by different incomes and social status. In this case, could the street performers profit huge by performing the best? I doubt it. Moreover, the underprivileged people often suffered the most in nature disaster. For the reason that they can't afford a strengthened building as the living place for example.

Puebla has the most accessibility for a non Spanish speaker. The famous Amparo museum and the city tour bus all have English autoguide. There's also a tourist information centre in the historic centre.
Charles James Sculthorpe hall,以建築家,作家,與畫家Charles James命名
教堂Catedral Basilica de Puebla
教堂Catedral Basilica de Puebla十六世紀建立時,不知何故有面牆總在隔天坍塌,傳說兩位天使特來守護,使大教堂得以順利完工
演講廳 Auditorio Metropolitano

发表于 2018-4-9 11:02 116 只看该作者

10/22 Puebla--Tecali
10/23 Tecali--Molcaxac

Please read the English version in the second half of this article




除了由廣泛使用的酪梨製成的淺綠色醬料(這裡的漢堡攤也常會加入酪梨),另外綠醬和紅醬等是餐廳與小吃店的必備。這是墨西哥料理,不同於義大利麵的紅綠醬。綠醬(salsa verde),外觀為半透明的墨綠色,口感酸辣,由洋蔥綠蕃茄等製成,其中的chile jalape?o,或簡稱jalape?o,對不嗜辣的我是惡魔,雖然醬料本身沒那麼辣,但是單吃jalape?o本身會非常可怕,有嘴唇發麻的作用,偏偏jalape?o的使用很廣,pizza,漢堡等,陰魂不散。

而紅醬(salsa rojo),或標準的辣醬,在墨西哥當然要加入起源於此的樹椒(chile de árbol)。而樹椒具有曬乾後紅色的不褪的特性,因此也被作為裝飾品。



From Puebla to Oaxaca, I cycle on the freeway instead of toll road which has numerous disturbing sharp wires on the shoulder. Also, the freeway is shorter and it seems that the freeway is not dominated by trucks but tattered and slow-moving pick-ups.

Rugged terrain gives me a wonderful view of hills and volcanoes surrounded. In this article, I will briefly introduce the staple food, the corns

Mexican doesn't only eat the corn itself, but also make it into different dishes as we know. The larger pieces burritos wrapped up with meat and potato chops, the small folded pieces tacos with meat and salsa(sauce) inside, and the plain tortilla. Other than the meat, there's always parsley and lemon on the side, and several authentic sauces.

There are 3 common self-made sauce in the restaurant or the food stand. The light green sauce, which is made of guacamole. Salsa verde, dark green and translucent in appearance, is made of onion, green tomatoes, and chile jalape?o(or jalape?o). Jalape?o is widely used(pizzas, hamburger, etc.) but too spicy for me, although salsa verde itself isn't so spicy. And it makes my lips go to sleep.

The chilly sauce, salsa rojo, or red sauce, is featured in the main foodstuff of tree chiles(chile de árbol), which is originated in Mexico and is used as decorations because it doesn't fade when dry.

The food stand often doesn't have enough seats for diners, so people simply stand eating and finish the food in a very short time. It could be regarded as an evidence that Mexicans are one of the group having longest working hours in the world.

The corn dishes usually go with fragrant meat and seasoning. The aroma in the air isn't only attractive to people, but small animals and flies. It seems that locals don't have any problem for the dining atmosphere. And chilly sauce and seasoning is everywhere, on the tacos, in the entres, etc, sometimes an issue to me, a non spicy fan.
former convention of Tepali,建於1540年,Tepali,意思是石頭屋的所在地,也是歷史悠久的小鎮
路景,與 Popocatepetl火山與位於北側的Iztaccihuatl休火山

发表于 2018-4-10 23:54 117 只看该作者
10/23 Tepexi--Acatlan

Please read the English version in the second half of this article.


對我而言,單車旅行最大的優勢是完全掌握時間與行程,但是因為行程的高度不確定性,加上隨心所欲的嚮往,我基本上不預定任何住宿設施,包含旅館或warmshower或couchsurfing 等互助網站。





It seems to me that Mexican is the one of the ethnicity who understands to enjoy life. Under highly competition, the accommodation, restaurant, and basic needs are not expensive to most tourists and at least the local middle class. I like to stay the night near the town center instead of camping in the wilderness, to enjoy the bustling city and also the live music/singing performance in the restaurant. Petros are in large existence in the centre to maintain orders, and I usually feel safe to linger around myself. Also, I can usually find a hotel for about 15 USD for a night. To enjoy the Life in important to me in a travel, which is inaccessible in my school and working life in the homeland.

The most advantage of cycling travel for me is to have my own time and itinerary. I don't reserve any accommodation, hotels, warmshower, and couchsurfing for example, to have flexible schedule. And I don't want to cause anyone a disturbance because of the highly uncertainty in my itinerary.

There is still hard time on the paddle. But compared to my school life, to paddle is just nothing to mention it. Today, to cut off the 20 km distance, I chose the backup road again. With numerous potholes and even dirt road in the last half of this section, I learned something to tell me the direction, other than to ask the villagers or my unreliable cellphone.

The coletivo, or the private van bus, was a threat to me because of aggressive driving behavior, but the real help in the middle of nowhere. The driver didn't stop when seeing a bicycle that the coletivo can't carry, but I could know where the coletivo to go or to come from by its post on the windshield. To cycle on the dirt road with only few vehicles to pass me was not interesting, and the dirt road even ended weirdly in the alley of a community.

There will be no visible backup roads in my further journey to Oaxaca, but the construction of toll road and the windy freeway(the one I will take) indicates that there is only few trucks other vehicles on the freeway. And I could enjoy the freeway less traveled by motors, in a slower pace to deal with the mountainous terrain.

发表于 2018-4-11 20:02 118 只看该作者
10/25 Acatlan--Huajuapan
10/26 Huajuapan--Tamazulapam
10/27 Tamazulapam--Nochixtlan(Yanhuitan formation)

Please read the English version in the second half of this article.




而這段路有特殊的地質景觀,類似美國Bryce canyon國家公園的hoodoos。10/27上半段路程如往常,是柔美的草坡與農田,越稜之後,突然出現特殊的景觀。Oaxaca有複雜的地貌,更有古老的地質景觀。Yanhuitan結構(Yanhuitan formation)約形成於5千6百萬年前,而沉積結構於古新世與始新世逐漸形成。包含頂端白黃色被當地人用於建材的鈣質結構,與下層的溝狀結構。下層紅色的溝狀結構因為雨水侵蝕形成,為惡地地形不利耕作,且容易造成山崩的災害。請參加照片英文說明。

This section is quite hilly. My duty in these days was to climb the hill with moderate altitude difference but huge total climbing because of so many up and down on the way. But the demanding section wasn't boring at all.

I was stopped for chatting twice and my speaking ability always disappointing the locals who stopped me. I would like to tell them that the aiming for the travel is to find out a most powerful volcano, or mount doom, to smash the ring. I had the similar feeling as a Hobbit to see the village in the valley from the ridge so many times in my journey, and I really needed to destroy the ring.

I ordered the chicken soup, the only food provided in the food stand to stop me. The tortillas should be served with the soup, which was too spicy for me so I ate tortillas with mango juice, not so bad. And I was gave a banana in my second chatting. Maybe I was stopped was due to the ragged dressing and the disturbing stray dogs might hold a bone on the teeth for me instead of chasing the bike wheels.

About nature sight, Yanhuitan formation, formatted about 56 million years ago, is the main attraction on the section. The scenery was grassy hills and fields on the first half section of the journey on 10/27. But amazing Yanhuitan formation shown up beyond the pass. The formation, similar to Bryce canyon in United states, was formed by difference erosion. Please find more information in the description photo.
Yanhuitan結構(Yanhuitan formation)
Yanhuitan結構(Yanhuitan formation)
Yanhuitan結構(Yanhuitan formation)解說
Yanhuitan結構(Yanhuitan formation)與村落
Yanhuitan結構(Yanhuitan formation)與下方道路
Yanhuitan結構(Yanhuitan formation)約形成於5千6百萬年前,包含頂端白黃色被當地人用於建材的鈣質結構,與下層的溝狀結構。下層紅色的溝狀結構因為雨水侵蝕形成,為惡地地形不利耕作,且容易造成山崩的災害

发表于 2018-4-12 16:53 119 只看该作者
Please read the English version in the second half of this article.

10/27 搭公車到Monte Albán遺址與逛博物館,晚上市中心有會海豚音的女歌手免費演唱
10/29 參加Santour的附近景點一日遊
10/30 到市場找『防潑水,口袋有拉鍊的薄外套』



Teotitlán del Valle:以手工織品聞名的村落。特色在於使用當地天然染料。如照片中盛產與中美洲的nopal仙人掌肥厚葉片上的白色斑點,為寄生害蟲胭脂蟲,其抵抗外敵分泌的胭脂紅酸(carminic acid)是天然紅色染料,該染料遇酸顏色變淡,遇鹼則變深。這個技術早在阿茲提客與馬雅時期被廣泛使用。

El árbol del Tule:品種為Montezuma cypress(墨西哥落羽杉)的兩千年以上神木,高度約42公尺,直徑約14公尺。被列為世界遺產。

Hierve de agua:自然湧泉。最大的特色是兩個位於懸崖旁邊的人工泳池,與碳酸鈣侵蝕與沉積形成的階梯狀與狀似瀑布的景觀。

Monte Albán與Mitla遺址:Zapotec文明遺址,前者為政治中心,後者為宗教中心。在Zapotec語言裡Mitla為Lyobaa,意思為安息之地。被當時居民認為是生死間的橋樑。約西元前900年開始有人定居,在西元750年至西班牙統治達到高峰。Mitla共有四個祭壇,其中三個於殖民時期被摧毀,目的為消滅當地信仰增加統治力,而祭壇的石塊被用於周邊教堂的地基。Mitla最特別也是墨西哥考古遺址僅有的是它的镶嵌細工。

10/28 visited Monte Albán archeological site and cultural museum. There was a free singing concert in the city centre at night

10/29 took the Santour tour of Mitla and nearby sights

10/30 looked for a new jacket which is water repellent and has zippered pockets

The light jacket I brought from homeland was slashed by the thong three s and I tried to find a new one for a while. But the jacket sold in market is usually cotton-made and has zipper-less pockets, which is neither water repellent nor safe for the object in the pocket. I finally found one today with funny background and I wondered if the jacket is free of cost to the vendor. Whatever, it looks like durable by its impressive background. And I can still put on the old tattered jacket if any security concerns on the future journey, to make the bandit run away because of fearing to be robbed by me!

The tour on 10/29 included two local cultural experience, one archeological sites, and two natural sights. Briefly described as the next.

Teotitlán del Valle: A small village famous for its handmade textile. Villagers use natural material to dye. For example, the white spots on the nopal cactus, which is well distributed in central America, are the scale insects, pest to cactus. But they secret carminic acid to defend themselves, which is a good resources of red dye. The red color of carminic acid is deepened in alkaline solution and lighted in acid. The nature dye was used since in era of Aztec and Maya.

El árbol del Tule: A giant Montezuma cypress which is about 2000 years old. Its trunk has a circumference of 42.0 m and equating to a diameter of 14 m.

Hierve de agua: “The water boils” is a set of natural rock formations resemble cascades of water. These formations are created by fresh water springs, whose water is oversaturated with calcium carbonate and other minerals. As the water scurries over the cliffs, the excess minerals were deposited, formed cascada or the Amphitheatre-like scenery. It contains two large artificial pools for swimming and one of the them is very near the edge of the cliff.

Monte Albán and Mitla: Belongs to Zapotec culture while Monte Albán was most important political center, Mitla was the main religious center. The name of Mitla in Zapotec is Lyobaa, which means “place of rest”. What makes Mitla unique among Mesoamerican sites is the elaborate mosaic fretwork and geometric designs. Inhibition of Mitla was perhaps from as early as 900 BC. It was built as a gateway between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Three of four altar in Mitla was destroyed in colonial era to eliminate local believe, and the rocks was used to build a Catholic church on the top of nearby hill.
Hierve de agua:自然湧泉。碳酸鈣侵蝕與沉積形成的階梯狀與狀似瀑布的景觀
Hierve de agua:自然湧泉。位於懸崖旁邊的人工泳池
Hierve de agua:自然湧泉。位於懸崖旁邊的人工泳池
Hierve de agua:自然湧泉。位於懸崖旁邊的人工泳池
Monte Albán遺址,Zapotec文明遺址政治中心
神木 El árbol del Tule
神木 El árbol del Tule旁的小販
以手工織品聞名的村落。特色在於使用當地天然染料。如照片中盛產與中美洲的nopal仙人掌肥厚葉片上的白色斑點,為寄生害蟲胭脂蟲,其抵抗外敵分泌的胭脂紅酸(carminic acid)是天然紅色染料

发表于 2018-4-13 09:46 120 只看该作者
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  • 不羁的驴子 小弟是從阿拉斯加出發後,路過美國,一路南下的,目前已經在bogoda,請問目前是在美國嗎? 2018-4-13 23:18
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