



美国大陆的第一缕阳光 一个人两辆车的环美之行(二)

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发表于 2024-4-28 13:39 1 只看该作者 | 正序浏览

这篇游记,首次完稿与2020年3月31日深夜,赶在时间点前完成,是有特殊的意义的,因为在我的四月生活计划的清单中,完成环美行北上段落(第一章)的两篇游记,包括这篇游记是我必须完成的任务,我 成功 了。

这篇文章之所以用英文写的原因,说来有些可笑和无奈,我的英文写作水平也不好,全文没有语法可言,词汇也用的不得体,请各位看官切莫笑话,只是因为一来最近要用英语,练手复习英文单词;二来,写完后,我才发现,用英文写是个“聪明”的选择,因为这篇游记中所经历的地方,是我环美行中所遇见最美的海岸线风景: 科德角 ,瓦尔登湖, 波特兰 的公园,凯迪拉 克山 的日出, 阿卡 迪亚,Quoddy 灯塔 ......这里还有我遇见的最美的艺术品,哈佛艺术博物馆、麻省理工艺术博物馆、 波士顿 艺术博物馆.....而这些所见,我的文学功底也太差,我拼命的想写出像《红楼梦》中曹雪芹描写大观园的那些“一山一石,一花一木,莫不着意观览”的“穿花度柳,抚石依泉”,然而我面对它们,却无力修辞这些美丽景象,用些英文的幼稚词汇,倒是遮盖了我的词穷。



D18 科德角 ( 梭罗 写下:一个人在站这里,可以把整个 美国 放在身后的地方)
D20 哈佛和MIT的艺术博物馆
D21 瓦尔登湖
D22 波特兰 (这里有 美国 等最美海边 灯塔 )
D23 阿卡 迪亚国家公园( 美国东海岸 线的最高峰和最美日出~凯迪拉 克山 )

Previously on

I set off from Williamsburg, Virginia, where I worked and studied, and then I made my journey, heading north, all the way to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, and the Appalachach Trail on foot. In Washington I entered the White House and the Pentagon, and in Philadelphia I enjoyed the Eagles concert. In New York I sUCCessfully sold my goods in Chinatown. Next, I continued to go north until I arrived in the United States. Northeast corner, then into Canada.

D18 Rhode & Island Providence

In the morning, I woke up from a car by the sea ,and I didn't dare to get up too late because I was looking forward to seeing the sunrise on Cape ***.

This is a 2KM long road leading to Cape Cod, where there is a lighthouse.

I have been very nervous on this road, as if it were some kind of belief, I told myself: I must reach this lighthouse before sunrise。

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发表于 2024-4-28 16:22 162 只看该作者
发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 161 只看该作者

第一段的 美国 北上之旅至此结束了,而这段路仅是我环美之行的四分之一。接下来,我将进入 加拿大 ,直到 魁北克 ,再往西南方向沿着圣劳伦斯河经过 加拿大 的法语区,再次回到 美国 的尼加拉瓜大瀑布,而后穿越五 大湖 区,从 芝加哥 为旅程中点,往66号公路南下到加州,再沿着 美国 的南部直到 佛罗里达 州后北上返回弗吉尼亚,在蓝领公路结束旅程,而这短短23天的旅程,我从2019年的6月开始写,拖拖拉拉已写了快一年,而剩余的四分之三,我若要为自己坚持而写,又何时能写出了?这对我而言已经是一个自己都不知道的答案。深夜的星空群星璀璨,也容易迷失方向,好在 灯塔 总是用稳定的频率处闪烁而成为夜空中最亮的星。

最后,摘录卡罗琳·佛雪的《 灯塔 》,结束这篇游记




















发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 160 只看该作者

Finally, use a poem by CAROLYN FORCH? as the end of the day.
“A night without ships. Foghorns called into walled cloud, and you
still alive, drawn to the light as if it were a fire kept by monks,
darkness once crusted with stars, but now death-dark as you sail inward.
Through wild gorse and sea wrack, through heather and torn wool
you ran, pulling me by the hand, so I might see this for once in my life:
the spin and spin of light, the whirring of it, light in search of the lost,
there since the era of fire, era of candles and hollow-wick lamps,
whale oil and solid wick, colza and lard, kerosene and carbide,
the signal fires lighted on this perilous coast in the Tower of Hook.
You say to me stay awake, be like the lensmaker who died with his
lungs full of glass, be the yew in blossom when bees swarm, be
their amber cathedral and even the ghosts of Cistercians will be kind to you.
In a certain light as after rain, in pearled clouds or the water beyond,
seen or sensed water, sea or lake, you would stop still and gaze out
for a long time. Also when fireflies opened and closed in the pines,
and a star appeared, our only heaven. You taught me to live like this.
That after death it would be as it was before we were born. Nothing
to be afraid. Nothing but happiness as unbearable as the dread

from which it comes. Go toward the light always, be without ships.”


The sun is setting, the sky is starry, and there is a lighthouse in the distance. It flashes and illuminates the time I ran by the sea. The best wishes are on my way to the north.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 159 只看该作者

I'm really touched, this place will be so quiet, facing the sea, say goodbye to the sun set in the easternmost part of the United States, and tomorrow morning, I will welcome it again, the sun will rise as usual!

发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 158 只看该作者

Finally, I came here. This is the end of one of my journeys. The lighthouses that I seem to be pursuing these days, these lighthouses seem to be pointing me.

There are no staff, no tourist facilities, only a few travelers, and a small animal that welcomes me.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 157 只看该作者
Found a Trump supporter and posted so many LOGO on his truck, this is true love.O(∩_∩)O

On the way to the lighthouse, the sun is going down

发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 156 只看该作者

I finally arrived at the northernmost town on the east coast of the United States, Lubec. Tomorrow I will start from here to Canada. Today, I will go to the easternmost lighthouse in the United States, Quoddy Lighthouse.

Maybe it's too remote, this small town is very quiet, without tourists

发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 155 只看该作者

May this postcard bring the breeze of the Atlantic Ocean back to my hometown.

The day was fleeting, and I continued north until the border between the United States and Canada. Before I left Arcadia, I passed a small lake. Here I drove my car into the water. It was very interesting.

发表于 2024-4-28 13:55 154 只看该作者
At the last stop, I drove to the southernmost point of Arcadia. There is also a lighthouse here, and here is the pattern on the postcard I bought at the Park Visitor Center. This lighthouse is not magnificent, but it is intoxicating.

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